Aurora Indica Feminized - LED - Soil - 4x4 - Grow I

Hey there, Your ladies look great. A little Late but Im subbed in on this grow to see the final stages/weight, Im currently growing Aurora Indica as well, only 1 plant Trained with what i call "Modified Mainline" Here are pics of mine,

Day 14 Flower -

Day 17 of Flower -

Day 21 of Flower -
Hey there, Your ladies look great. A little Late but Im subbed in on this grow to see the final stages/weight, Im currently growing Aurora Indica as well, only 1 plant Trained with what i call "Modified Mainline" Here are pics of mine

It looks like you and I are very close in flowering times. I chose not to do a crazy defol, just a little here and there so it's nice to see someone did and to see the different results. If I remember right your AI plant broke or something? Looks like she recovered very well.

How tall is your AI from soil to top? Mine are between 21"-25" tall. Pretty short but I've read they stay short!
It looks like you and I are very close in flowering times. I chose not to do a crazy defol, just a little here and there so it's nice to see someone did and to see the different results. If I remember right your AI plant broke or something? Looks like she recovered very well.

How tall is your AI from soil to top? Mine are between 21"-25" tall. Pretty short but I've read they stay short!
i honestly couldnt tell you the vertical height now as i bent her over after the two week stretch so she is much wider than tall and yes unfortunately she did suffer two very bad falls in veg causing me to basically give up on the plant because as i stated in my journal, out of all my plants it was always the runt and after two bad falls and several broken branches i gave up on the plant and planned on chopping until a buddy of mine wouldnt let me kill the plant ; he said " you cant kill that plant its like me." and in hindset im glad because i believe every failure has a lesson to teach. This experience showed me to never give up on someone or something , you get out what you put in. Regardless of my final weight My Aurora reminds me alot of the sports stories you hear about superstars that were physically/mentally abused in there childhood and everyone counted them out and said they would never make it but it makes them work even harder because of all the pain and suffering endured and they become the best because they have something no one else has.

06/28 - flowering began on 07/07


day 1 flower

07/ 07

Day 13 flower - before branches bent on day 14 , slightly taller than NL, I will measure NL when lights come on later but definitely shorter than the AK48 im growing
Very nice hopefully they'll be nice to smoke as well

As I stated in the beginning I am a cook and a beer maker so the quality is very important to me. The yield is also important but i'd take less yield for better quality. A great yield and crappy stuff would be really be a disappointment. I always say that smell is a great indicator of taste as the two senses work hand in hand to create synergy in your body. If my taste is anything like the smell than these are going to be so good.

My other two friends that have smelled it agreed it was about the best smell ever and we've all been around ganja for around 15 years. So far it's just been this deep dark potent fruit smell but last night they had an end finishing smell that smelt like a candy shop!

Just got to cross my fingers for potency. I will admit that's it's hard not to be excited at this point. I've waiting this whole time for things to go wrong and the light at the end of the tunnel is visible now!
i honestly couldnt tell you the vertical height now as i bent her over after the two week stretch so she is much wider than tall and yes unfortunately she did suffer two very bad falls in veg causing me to basically give up on the plant because as i stated in my journal, out of all my plants it was always the runt and after two bad falls and several broken branches i gave up on the plant and planned on chopping until a buddy of mine wouldnt let me kill the plant ; he said " you cant kill that plant its like me." and in hindset im glad because i believe every failure has a lesson to teach. This experience showed me to never give up on someone or something , you get out what you put in. Regardless of my final weight My Aurora reminds me alot of the sports stories you hear about superstars that were physically/mentally abused in there childhood and everyone counted them out and said they would never make it but it makes them work even harder because of all the pain and suffering endured and they become the best because they have something no one else has.

Some of the best plants I've come across started off as a runt or had to battle some sort of adversity. Yours looks great, especially for all its been through. I've learned these things will almost bounce back from anything. It's just how much time you want to take getting them back. I'd have a hard time giving up on any of them until the last nail was in the coffin.
Some people find it boring but yours are at the stage i find most exciting things change so rapidly from here.
Look great to man, so many tops oerking out :)

Yeah! They've stopped stretching now so time to get fat! I hope. That's what will make me excited.
Some of the best plants I've come across started off as a runt or had to battle some sort of adversity. Yours looks great, especially for all its been through. I've learned these things will almost bounce back from anything. It's just how much time you want to take getting them back. I'd have a hard time giving up on any of them until the last nail was in the coffin.

Ditto! :high-five: My White Widow plant #2 was a runt among runts for a long time. But then when they others started to get tall and leggy she was compact and branching well. Now she is fuller and almost the tallest. Patience (sometimes) pays off big!

To that end, I'm starting a contest of my own while we wait for Asesino's results: Guess the age of the ultimate runt. Contest will be posted on both my journals later tonight and will close next Sunday night (one week). Hope you don't mind my hijacking your journal. It just seemed related to recent posts.:Namaste:
Day 25 Flower - I thought I was going to water today but I stuck my finger in the soil and the center still was kind of moist. Along with wanting to keep the humidity down I am willing to go an extra night without watering. I decided since I will be watering and feeding tomorrow that I would do a pretty heft defol today and it would likely be my last in a while. I got rid of all the droopy fan leaves at the bottom of each plant that were not looking so good. I also got rid of a couple more branches that just weren't going to make it. There were about 10 I left on that I thought had a 50/50 chance of getting to canopy. About 6 didn't make it but thats ok. I don't think the plant wasted too much time or extra energy with these and 4 did pan out so thats a win in my books.

I wanted to get the humidity down to also combat the gnats. There is just a few left but I would really like to see none left. It might not be possible. Luckily the weather is supposed to be sun for the next week so humidity should be able to stay low. Right now it was 45% in the tent. For the most part its been around 53-55% until today. Also with as much lower stuff that came off I bet that will help lower RH as well. Less vegetation less humidity. The canopy is still really thick and there is a lower section that is pretty thick as well so I felt comfortable taking some of this stuff off at this point. I have a habit of doing defols the day before feeding or watering. I think it is good for the plant to go through stress and then get a reward the next day to keep them happy. There is a lot more room for air to circulate through too which I think will really help.

I'm thinking the mini dehumidifier is not going to work so well in the winter. I may either have to just fork up the $$$ and get more oil (oil furnace) and run it hotter than I normally do or fork up and get a good dehumidifier. For lowering it 5-10% it's alright but I will need better in the winter here. It rains for weeks if not months.

I will also note that I have to be careful when reaching for dead leaves. I swiped a branch with my arm and it was so sticky I had to wash it off with soap. Have I mentioned the smell? Oh yeah like every post...

The "scraggly plant" with the highest stretch

Day 26 Flower - I fed and watered these gals today. I only gave them each 3/4 of a gallon of water. I probably should have been doing this all along. They gulped up the runoff water within about two hours. To keep the humidity down I am going to water more often but not as much. Next grow I do I will go to 3/4 a gallon before I go to one gallon. I don't think it really effected too much in my grow except maybe the humidity which never got to bad levels, just not ideal.

I also might hang some blankets to close off the room that my tent is in. That way I don't feel like I have to dehumidify my whole basement and I will have a more locked off area. Either way I am very happy with the way these things look currently.

Colas Forming

Haircut! I have completed this over the 24 hours. There was a lot of stuff not getting light and was going to be crap. I debated about doing this or not but I wanted this feeding to go straight to the stuff that was going to matter and there was only one way to do that. Plus the decrease in vegetation material will decrease my humidity.

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