Blueberry Canuk & Euphoria Royal Queen - Organic Soil - CFL Only - First Grow

Day 61 / 26F.

Did a bit of mini-bud defoliation on Blueberry. I think for her, concentrating on other thing than mini-growth will be a good thing.

I have not removed all small branches with buds yet, but several.


Those are all beautiful green... I thing they suck all the Nitrogen !
Thanks for asking...
I remove 5 yellow leaves from Blueberry. But I counted 7 dying yesterday, so those progressed to their death normally ;-)

I figure in organic soil, the time it takes for the bacteria to do their thing and make the nutes available to the plant, takes some time.

Wanted to water Phoria today (2 days) but she's too wet. Have to wait for tomorrow.
I will do a different recipe for Phoria : 150% grow, 0% Bloom, 0 dol lime. (Blue had 100% Grow 70% Bloom a bit of lime)

At least Blue and Phoria will be trying 2 different approaches, maybe one will do better than the other.

I might add... If I had removed all min-bud growth earlier, maybe plants would be doing better, if they had not allocated high amounts of N to those shoots.
Day 63 / 28F.

Yellow progression not stopping.

I watered Euphoria with plain Grow + Catalyst with augmented dose of Grow wishing to give more Nitrogen, and maybe stop what plants don't like about the Bloom fert.

Runoff PH was around 7.0 witch tells me soil is pretty alkaline. Maybe it has to do with the Mosquito Dunk crumble I gave them a few weeks back. So I wont be PH-Upping my EJ nutes anymore (did it one-shot two days ago on Blueberry, runoff PH was 7.5+). I will throw away the rest of Blue's EJ+Lime mix and try another blend for her tomorrow. Maybe 150% Grow + 150% Bloom. Maybe plants just want more of EVERYTHING.

Anyway... it takes days to see if they're getting better/worse... so it may be a lost cause staying with EJ nutes. I'll give it 2-3 more days.

Oh, some pistils on Phoria are browning. Is this normal in middle of Flowering ???
Oh, some pistils on Phoria are browning. Is this normal in middle of Flowering ???

I'm probably not the one to answer this since we're both having the same problems. I've had browning pistils all along, but the white ones keep growing out at a furious pace. I'd say about 5% of the pistils are brown on upper buds, with some lower buds going as high as maybe 30% brown at this point. Looks normal to me, and I can't really recall how that went on my previous grows.
Watering Euphoria :

She was due (3 days) this morning, but she's still wet. Will check at the end of the day. Possibly less thirsty due to nutrient overfeed (last feed was only Grow (2-1-1), no Bloom). Plants have tip burn and other signs of a bit too much. At least they seem to have taken the Nitrogen. Maybe. They may also have used some PK that was probably abundant in the soil.

For the next feed, I decided that I will not give too much of anything. I'm pretty sure that N was blocked by giving too much Bloom nutes, and Bloom may also have affected my soil ==> High PH (alkaline).

Since my plants were light feeders (been using only75% nutes during grow and it was more than enough), it makes sense that they didn't need 100% Bloom either, but I gave them that several times.

I will continue transitioning with a lighter nutes solution, giving 75% recommended dose of Grow/N and maybe 50% dose of Bloom/PK (in the hope of stabilizing the soil). Next watering after that would be 75% of the recommended doses of grow/bloom, witch could be "back to normal".

I'm still hesitating as to the exact proportions I'll use because all this is hit-n-miss, and slow... but I feel less is more, and it's safer to give less nutes than more. We will see if this turns out to be true.

Anyway... with about 25 and 30 days left for Phoria/Blue respectively, things shouldn't get too disastrous. They're loosing leaves, but not at an alarming rate I guess/hope.
The Guide to Plant Happiness - Marijuana Venture

Mid-Late Flowering and Harvest Conditions :

Cannabinoid synthesis is a pretty complex process that requires a lot of energy and nutrition. And anything that needs to be transported between the roots and the bud sites requires potassium. The more you want to move, the more potassium is needed to transport it all. This is important during flowering, when your plant is growing thick colas and juicy flowers. Cannabinoids can quickly accumulate into heavy compounds and so they require a lot of energy to move. If your potassium levels are low you will likely notice stunted growth and sluggish flower formation. We don’t want that — not after we spent so much time and care on these plants in rooting and veg.

About four to five weeks in, your plants are going to fill their flowers in densely and evenly if all of their nutritional needs have been met. You will see trichomes distributed evenly across flowers that look healthy, colorful and vibrant. You may also see leaves starting to turn yellow. Don’t worry — this is normal. At the end of the cannabis plant’s life, it will pull nutrients from the leaves and deposit them into the flowers. It’s an interesting concept known as nutrient remobilization, and makes sense for a number of reasons — most importantly that your plant is spending more of its resources on flower production than on maintaining canopy health.

Toward the end of their lives, you may also notice your plants drink less water and require fewer nutrients. This is perfectly natural. One common but semi-controversial practice during this period is called “flushing the plant.” For about 10 days before harvest, the plant is fed pure water and possibly a flushing agent. The idea is to prevent nutrients from accumulating inside the plant during this stage and ruining the taste of the final product when it is harvested and dried. There are ongoing debates on the legitimacy of this practice. We are of the opinion that the flavor of your bud is more strongly related to how you treat your plant over its entire lifespan than how you treat it during the final week or two of its growth.
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