Boomer444's Indoor and Outdoor Experiments

Re: Hozona's Indoor and Outdoor Experiments

Small update...LST Clone is starting to bud and I am still working on the clone veg area. I have 1 successful clone in aeroveg that is throwing down roots through the bottom of the 3" net pot, 7 clones in aerocloner. I have included the update shot and close-up of the bud development.


Re: Hozona's Indoor and Outdoor Experiments

dem iz um sexy azz wookin be hotches!!! werd to da homiez!! lol i dont know im a freak sometimes, but the grow is looking splendid brother hoze:thumb:
Thanks brother Doode, I was reading your entrys about high brix....interesting KNOW how I love to experiment:high-five: I did a hotrod show early this AM..kinda small and boring, so I came home early.:snooze: Checked the girls, took a couple pics, will be adding more when there is a little more growth. I really wish it was spring so that I could put a new bunch in the ground along with herbs and flowers that attract friendly predators. Thanks to James the Green:adore: for that heads-up...I think that whatever that groundcover was in the garden that I weeded out, actually helped with that last year...didn't have a pest problem last year. The 5th gen clone is in its 75th day, approx 25 days into flower cycle. Since I have some stash now, I think I am going to be VERY PATIENT with this lady and push her hard towards her potential.:tokin:
Re: Hozona's Indoor and Outdoor Experiments

high brix is the future of all growing,it may take time for everyone to catch on but its the most powerful way to grow anything to its max genetic potential, as mother earth did it before man thought he could do better lol, i know im close to full high brix, i see it in the plants the resin production is crazy i have plants now at 1/2 way thru flower that have twice the trichs of plants that finished same strain same mother even, that symbyotic relationship of roots and microbes is what it really is all about i dont worry about bugs much anymore cuz truely healthy plants are unattractive to bugs, and i have learned that if you get bugs its because theres something not quite perfect with the plant ,sick plants have a different magnetic frequency that attracts them so they can be removed ,nature prunes and selects automatically so animals like us only get perfect food,this is why 1 plant in a crop will have problems yet the rest dont! this is all backed up with research and solid science. :thumb:
Re: Hozona's Indoor and Outdoor Experiments

high brix is the future of all growing,it may take time for everyone to catch on but its the most powerful way to grow anything to its max genetic potential, as mother earth did it before man thought he could do better lol, i know im close to full high brix, i see it in the plants the resin production is crazy i have plants now at 1/2 way thru flower that have twice the trichs of plants that finished same strain same mother even, that symbyotic relationship of roots and microbes is what it really is all about i dont worry about bugs much anymore cuz truely healthy plants are unattractive to bugs, and i have learned that if you get bugs its because theres something not quite perfect with the plant ,sick plants have a different magnetic frequency that attracts them so they can be removed ,nature prunes and selects automatically so animals like us only get perfect food,this is why 1 plant in a crop will have problems yet the rest dont! this is all backed up with research and solid science.:thumb:
Are you doing this in conjunction with the BPN nutes, or have you switched to the tea? :scratchinghead:
Re: Hozona's Indoor and Outdoor Experiments

im not using any salt based nutes in the brew, but im using bpn 7 part organic farmers pride, and then adding azomite,molasses,soil secrets mycos,bpn seaweed,superthrive(1 drop per gal) worm castings,and i hit them with growth horomones a few times a month(blossom set spray by bonnide) and i mist lightly with a blend i made up (50/50 water,bpn seaweed and a 1/2 tsp blackstrap to get the microbial activity going) yup i do mist in flower! very lightly and focused on the leaves ,im seeing crazy good results, i finally had some of the chemdog off the main/big plant that was allowed to mature and ripen after about 2 weeks cure, and it blew my head off!! i have never had anything like that before 4 small puffs and i was floating in heaven for 4-5 hrs, the feeling was not like any other i have ever had! it was clean,clear and higher than i have ever been! i credit it to the organic growing method that is real close to high brix :thumb:
Re: Hozona's Indoor and Outdoor Experiments

Making cannabutter out of my outside LST trim today...21g of ground up small buds and stems...and 2 sticks of butter. I am going to make low fat high output brownies...still 'sperimenting. :tokin: I forgot and got salted butter instead of unsalted, and didn't read the back of the brownies, soooo I am gonna use half of my calls for 1 tbsp of oil. Anyone made it with salted butter before? Fingers are crossed.:loopy:
Re: Hozona's Indoor and Outdoor Experiments

themr som sexxy azz wootz! oh ho ho hooooo me likey!!!, now to just get you in coco or my soil mix, with bpn 7 part and swimming in worm poop tea!! ahh hahaha!!!
Seems like this is the post to update my clone production...The first batch only has 1 survivor and its vegging away in the aerovegger. I ended up taking clones from the mother at about 2 weeks into flower and despite what some have said, It looks as if ALL 7 are starting to throw out roots, some better than others, but I see little "pimple" nodes everywhere. Gonna let them go crazy so I can get my new tent and light all up and working. Monday? Gonna head to Sedona for the week-end. It's a cribbage tourney I have played in for 18 years.:tokin:
Re: Hozona's Indoor and Outdoor Experiments

Tremendous news! Edibles!:high-five:

At one time salted butter was/is referred to as ‘sweet’, opposite of savoury rather than sugary, as a smoker I can’t tell the difference and I eat and make a healthy(?) quantity of Brownies.

I trust you will enjoy the fruits of your labour :thumb:

Re: Hozona's Indoor and Outdoor Experiments

i have made c-butter many times with salted and unsalted, in food i cant tell a difference, on toast unsalted is yukk! as long as its real butter your good, margarine is of the devil dont use that for anything ever ever ever a heart dr told me he would rather see a person eat a lb of butter than a tbps of margarine!! the melt temp is to high and does not break down at body temp smear butter on one hand marg on the other run both under hot water and note which one melts away!
the margarine may require dish soap (degreaser) to come clean! i have not touched veggie based oils in 20 yrs, my cholesterol is perfect despite being morbidly obese
sedona huh? you swinging by my neck o the woods?
i find flowering clones are every bit as good as veggin clones and in some ways better, they bush and branch better and sometimes root faster due to lower N levels in them, i like to take them at the sweet spot of 20-27 days in flower, seen roots as fast as 4 days with an old sativa strain:thumb:
Re: Hozona's Indoor and Outdoor Experiments

i have made c-butter many times with salted and unsalted, in food i cant tell a difference, on toast unsalted is yukk! as long as its real butter your good, margarine is of the devil dont use that for anything ever ever ever a heart dr told me he would rather see a person eat a lb of butter than a tbps of margarine!! the melt temp is to high and does not break down at body temp smear butter on one hand marg on the other run both under hot water and note which one melts away!
the margarine may require dish soap (degreaser) to come clean! i have not touched veggie based oils in 20 yrs, my cholesterol is perfect despite being morbidly obese
sedona huh? you swinging by my neck o the woods?
i find flowering clones are every bit as good as veggin clones and in some ways better, they bush and branch better and sometimes root faster due to lower N levels in them, i like to take them at the sweet spot of 20-27 days in flower, seen roots as fast as 4 days with an old sativa strain:thumb:
I will be only in Sedona tonight, Sat, come home Sun. My little bro and my niece and her family are coming to stay with John until I return. I thought that the clones would be all right. Wish I could get over to see you too, but still planning to some time in Dec. Made cannabutter and brownies yesterday. The brownies are going with me to Sedona ;) Still have a 1/4 pound of cannabutter left. Will update some time Monday evening. Just checked and it looks as if the tent and light should be here by then.:tokin:
Re: Hozona's Indoor and Outdoor Experiments

did ur new gear arrive?
Out for delivery! :thumb:
Looking forward to having all of my growing going on in one place. First I thought you were using CFLs, then I saw 400w hps and now I read something about 1000wMH! ARE YOU EXPERIMENTING??? Me too! :tokin:
Re: Hozona's Indoor and Outdoor Experiments

Out for delivery! :thumb:
Looking forward to having all of my growing going on in one place. First I thought you were using CFLs, then I saw 400w hps and now I read something about 1000wMH! ARE YOU EXPERIMENTING??? Me too! :tokin:
New gear up and tomorrow.. New tent and 400w MH/HPS with digital ballast. Have the HPS bulb and 2 lrg 30K spiral CFLs in the tent:tokin:
Re: Hozona's Indoor and Outdoor Experiments

Re: Hozona's Indoor and Outdoor Experiments

New gear up and tomorrow.. New tent and 400w MH/HPS with digital ballast. Have the HPS bulb and 2 lrg 30K spiral CFLs in the tent:tokin:
Well, here they are...the new improved clone/veg area

And the new flowering tent

I was thinking about closing this journal after harvesting LST clone next month.Maybe not though. :tokin:
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