British Green's 1st 420 Grow Journal

I'm greedy. I would of stuck it out for a month with as much overtime as possible. Jees. Imagine time and a half or double time.

I was like that working on a contract at the first combined oil/coal power plant I the uk. We got bonus for clocking in early daily weekly and monthly. Along with double time and unsociable hours. I basically lived on site. 12 hour shifts or longer. And now I can't get any work......

That's sounds like tough work! Good money but like you said, it's not everything.
I mainly worked in retail my whole life and sold a bit of stuff when I was younger while working in super markets and that.
Started buying things and selling them in eBay before starting a plumbing course snd started working for a company. Was long hours, hard work and shit pay...but I saw the future, I saw the dream...I saw that all these guys own their own house and do well for themselves because they had mastered a trade....I thought I could stick with it...I was wrong, in the end the travelling to the job got me and my eBay sales picked up.
Currently, on a good day (2-3 days a week) I make more than the guy who I was working for while being at home, the work takes up about 2 hours max and only having to pop down to the postbox which takes 30 seconds...think it worked out alright.

Best part is, I got the idea to sell on eBay from a guy who I really didn't didn't get on with who was boasting about how much money he was making from it while at a party, his shop was closed down for poor customer service and mine is going great.

Moral, choosing the money over your health and mind state is not a good choice and you never know if your gonna get a better deal later in life :circle-of-love:
That's sounds like tough work! Good money but like you said, it's not everything.
I mainly worked in retail my whole life and sold a bit of stuff when I was younger while working in super markets and that.
Started buying things and selling them in eBay before starting a plumbing course snd started working for a company. Was long hours, hard work and shit pay...but I saw the future, I saw the dream...I saw that all these guys own their own house and do well for themselves because they had mastered a trade....I thought I could stick with it...I was wrong, in the end the travelling to the job got me and my eBay sales picked up.
Currently, on a good day (2-3 days a week) I make more than the guy who I was working for while being at home, the work takes up about 2 hours max and only having to pop down to the postbox which takes 30 seconds...think it worked out alright.

Best part is, I got the idea to sell on eBay from a guy who I really didn't didn't get on with who was boasting about how much money he was making from it while at a party, his shop was closed down for poor customer service and mine is going great.

Moral, choosing the money over your health and mind state is not a good choice and you never know if your gonna get a better deal later in life :circle-of-love:

I agree bro, money will come and go. But time we will never get back. so do what is the best for you and your loved ones! Good morning every one!
I didn't work on the power plant I was a contractor building the place from the ground up. On 360 excavator dumber trucks rollers whacker plates. Any machinery I was the man. I didn't have family at that time I'm 26 now I was 21. Spending all my money on my car women beer and drugs. Now I have a family I'm chilled out. More spiritual thanks to my 100 days stoned. I followed ancient Chinese scripture that says you will have a premonition/ outer body/ vision if you smoke sensamilia and are constantly stoned for 100 days. It didn't work but I think really deep now. And yes money isn't everything id rather not buy my kids a gift and just gift them my time pass on my knowledge and make them smile.

And I'm a conspiracy nut. So I will not slave myself away to work for another master. I am my own master who has awoken to the world and I love it seing all the sheep scurrying around like good little worker bees.
I didn't work on the power plant I was a contractor building the place from the ground up. On 360 excavator dumber trucks rollers whacker plates. Any machinery I was the man. I didn't have family at that time I'm 26 now I was 21. Spending all my money on my car women beer and drugs. Now I have a family I'm chilled out. More spiritual thanks to my 100 days stoned. I followed ancient Chinese scripture that says you will have a premonition/ outer body/ vision if you smoke sensamilia and are constantly stoned for 100 days. It didn't work but I think really deep now. And yes money isn't everything id rather not buy my kids a gift and just gift them my time pass on my knowledge and make them smile.

And I'm a conspiracy nut. So I will not slave myself away to work for another master. I am my own master who has awoken to the world and I love it seing all the sheep scurrying around like good little worker bees.

Me too :)
Yes gd I actually have to work today and I'm still hard at it . Just having a little smoke then back to it . I'm removing to old roller shutter's 6meters long the old sign and fitting two new shutter's . It's just gone 4pm I've got about 2hours to go :) random my multi tub is just a big tub with 6holes cut though the lid with my net pots hanging on the lid . It's just a Dwc tub I use to start my plant's off until they are ready to go in the flowering room and sometimes I use a small divider to keep the roots separate :) anymore question's just ask :) good day everyone . I'd have health and happiness over wealth any day :)
And very good morning to you skunny my old bean . I got home just before seven last night and started at seven . I did a twelve hour shift :rofl: at this time of year I'm normally in my garden cutting the grass and tidying up around the plant's and stuff . The wife is normally planing her egg hunt for the little one . No such luck this year :) it will be a in house egg hunt and the only garden's basking in full sunshine is our indoor gardens :) so I'll be popping upstairs later on this afternoon when the wife and little girl go to the pictures :)
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