Derbybud Does CBD Strains In Coco & More

Well we're back. Just in time for me to go to work. Got home and looks like the big girls weren't fed for a few days. Not good. Flooded them well this morning and they perked up nicely but might not have been fed since Sunday. Wife had a slight malfunction causing timer to stop.
Lopin is defol ing the 2 bigger girls in the veg tent and doing some training for the first time. She's doing pretty good. These have needed some tlc for a few weeks now so I'll take all the help I can get.
Hopefully pictures tomorrow cause I don't see myself doing anything outside tomorrow with a high of 35f after leaving the Florida sunshine.
Welcome back! Hope the trip was great :). I hate when my wife's timer malfunctions. Everything ends up in complete disarray ;).

I'm sure your babies will bounce back with the care and feeding by you and Lopin. And see about sorting out the wife's timer.
I would like to say that I had the pumps timer plugged into a power strip and also had my shop vac plugged into it also. The wife thought she could just flip on the power strip and the vac would start and she could shut it off that way. The vac is hard to get to the switch so when she flipped off the power strip she also turned the pump off on Sunday morning. The look allot better but might have stunted them for a few days.
It is surprising how much abuse or neglect our babies can take, and then Just smile at us after it all

Purty Plants my Friend

which is the Dutch Treat???
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