Derby's Fly By Night Photos

So last night i trimmed up the little girls again and put them in the big tent. I'll leave them on 18/6 light schedule for 2-3 days just to get used to the lights and flip then. I have the halos on them but not hooked up yet to the auto watering system. I might want to pull them for a final touch up and once they get flipped the system will be going. After stretch they'll get pulled fir a final trim job.
I tried a hit of that Rosin last nigh and had 3 caps. I didn't think I was high enough so I smoke a bowl of some of that Cob Man I was toasty last night,
Little girls praying ro the light gods today.
I would like to give a Big Shout out to Derbybud He has been a Big Help. He has given me things I need for my grow. A Nice tote, a nice screen for drying, Let me use his light meter, Sent me home with some much needed care packages. Showed me his set up and given me Great ideas. He has helped in so many ways. Thank You Derby :thanks: :high-five:
So in memory of Kobe, lopin and I just planted 2 Black Mamba's that had really good tails into coco solo cups. Hopefully they are up in a few days.
Other babies are up now and looking good. Up potted the mystery auto into a 3 gallon fabric pot.
Tomorrow will get the watering system up and running as it's flip day in the big tent.
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