Emmie's 6 Plant, True Living Organic, LED Grow Journal

Hi Em, just catching up. Looking good in there and I’m loving all your experimenting :D

FWIW - nothing special happens at flip to flower in a grow with Doc Buds High Brix kit. Just is best if it coincides with the Transplant Drench the products that soothes and promotes roots (among other things). The Cationic Drench is applied at budset, which I’ve seen referred to as time a lot later than what you measure it as - it’s after all the budsites have established, so after stretch even. The Cat Drench, all going according to plan, stimulates resin production- sometimes overnight.

There is actually a heap of info around this site on what Doc is doing and my best advice to anyone who is really keen to understand it would be to trawl through his old journals. It’s a great read ;). (I was guided by them in my DIY organic/mineralised soil grow to good success before I took the plunge.) that said, there’s still a lot I don’t understand and some of that is experience - most of it tho is because Doc and some of the other high Brix growers understand the details of soil chemistry and of high Brix farming. So, Doc has actually been very forthcoming about what’s in the kit - just not all in one spot and not over and over again ;). I’ll try to dig up some of the posts I’ve saved over the last few years ...

I like that one. Subtitle it: “Indoor organic cannabis growers guide”

Just had to say, yes the condensation is a good thing :thumb: you want that tote to be able to breathe tho ...

You mean leave the lid loose ?? Or just burp them for a few minutes once per. day. Or do they need a hole in container ?? Thanks Amy ! :surf:
Mine are adjustable. That's a small 5x5 room and buy turning the dials to adjust power and light spectrum I can adjust that room anywhere from 30 total watts to just over 1980w. Heres my homemade control panel for them. Each red knob controls 1 row of the 3000k chips and each blue knob controls 1 row of 5000k chips. Right now the lights are still raised up high and the plants are in the middle of stretch mode so I have em cranked up a bit. Actual wattage for each row is the bottom left number on each meter if it's hard to see. So right now that puts me at 1031 actual watts for 41.2 watts per square foot. May not sound like a bunch but my apogee meter shows average 1100 par at the tops with lights 24-28 inches away. I can go past 80w per sq foot but never needed. As the plants get taller I will turn em down a bit to keep par at the tops at about 1100-1200 as long as bottoms still get 800.
With your 75w per sq ft you will have amazing results with purple panels!
Mine are what they are calling full spectrum, with some added green light in there to even things out. In bloom though it goes definitely to the red side, but definitely didn't get a purple out of them. Some of my best lights were those Agromax t5ho purple grow bulbs though... I am sold on purple and trying to be convinced about full spectrum, complete with IR and UVA.
Mine are what they are calling full spectrum, with some added green light in there to even things out. In bloom though it goes definitely to the red side, but definitely didn't get a purple out of them. Some of my best lights were those Agromax t5ho purple grow bulbs though... I am sold on purple and trying to be convinced about full spectrum, complete with IR and UVA.
I see. So in flower you dont run both switches on? I've always ran the red/blue LEDs with both switches on from start to finish. If you have both switches on it probably looks purple then correct? That's awesome that they have some green in the Spectrum on yours or maybe you added it separately but either way I'm a big fan of a little bit of green. I still use agromax T5 bulbs for the last two weeks of flower. I use 2 of the 48" agromax "Pure UV" bulbs along with my cobs. The last two weeks of flower I set the UV bulbs to come on for 15 minutes several times during every lights on. There is so much UVB radiation from those bulbs any more than that starts to burn plants. Those bulbs were on one day when I was working underneath on my plants and it gave me one of the worst sunburns I've had on my face and ears lol. In only a few minutes I was burned up. Also, spectrum is why I use some of the 3000k cob chips in my light setups as well. The 80CRI 3000k Crees give quite a bit in the 700-730nm range for deep reds.
I see. So in flower you dont run both switches on? I've always ran the red/blue LEDs with both switches on from start to finish. If you have both switches on it probably looks purple then correct? That's awesome that they have some green in the Spectrum on yours or maybe you added it separately but either way I'm a big fan of a little bit of green. I still use agromax T5 bulbs for the last two weeks of flower. I use 2 of the 48" agromax "Pure UV" bulbs along with my cobs. The last two weeks of flower I set the UV bulbs to come on for 15 minutes several times during every lights on. There is so much UVB radiation from those bulbs any more than that starts to burn plants. Those bulbs were on one day when I was working underneath on my plants and it gave me one of the worst sunburns I've had on my face and ears lol. In only a few minutes I was burned up. Also, spectrum is why I use some of the 3000k cob chips in my light setups as well. The 80CRI 3000k Crees give quite a bit in the 700-730nm range for deep reds.
These are set up a little differently than most... in the veg setting they have about 60% of the lamps lit, both red and blue, ir and uva, and about 6 green lights. Visually, it looks to be white light... but the camera still picks it up as red, not purple. When I hit the bloom switch, another 40% of the panel lights up, all red and deep red lights.
These are set up a little differently than most... in the veg setting they have about 60% of the lamps lit, both red and blue, ir and uva, and about 6 green lights. Visually, it looks to be white light... but the camera still picks it up as red, not purple. When I hit the bloom switch, another 40% of the panel lights up, all red and deep red lights.
Okay, yeah, that's how the panels I still have work too. If you are at 75 true watts from the wall per square ft in flower I will say you will certainly have short node spacing on your buds. You must have those lights packed in there lol. That's the way I like that type of light so edges and corners are well lit.
Mine are adjustable. That's a small 5x5 room and buy turning the dials to adjust power and light spectrum I can adjust that room anywhere from 30 total watts to just over 1980w. Heres my homemade control panel for them. Each red knob controls 1 row of the 3000k chips and each blue knob controls 1 row of 5000k chips. Right now the lights are still raised up high and the plants are in the middle of stretch mode so I have em cranked up a bit. Actual wattage for each row is the bottom left number on each meter if it's hard to see. So right now that puts me at 1031 actual watts for 41.2 watts per square foot. May not sound like a bunch but my apogee meter shows average 1100 par at the tops with lights 24-28 inches away. I can go past 80w per sq foot but never needed. As the plants get taller I will turn em down a bit to keep par at the tops at about 1100-1200 as long as bottoms still get 800.

I'm not going to try and understand this but respect...... I grow outdoors and want to go indoors this winter but holy moly....lol
I promptly ordered some drench and tea to start using in a week or so.
Hey Em - is that DOcBud HBB kit drenches and tea?
You mean leave the lid loose ?? Or just burp them for a few minutes once per. day. Or do they need a hole in container ?? Thanks Amy ! :surf:
Hey puffer - yeah a few breathe holes in the container or the lid, so there’s just a little air exchange. You don’t want things going stagnant in there :Namaste:
If Emilya can hit it out of the park with a couple of 3000 watt chinese leds for a hundred bucks a piece? Paying attention @Smeegol . :ganjamon:

Oh bit I am brother Kismet .....lol
I'm looking at some qb style 100w Chinese make I can get a bulk pack of 12 lights for about $60 so will be 1200w but not sure on actual draw... A mate of mine in the city is busy trialing them on a aluminum frame mounting which he rises and lowers...lol

But if I do got that route it will be purely for vegging purposes, but my birthday is coming up in May so I want to treat myself and get my first tent which I'm hella excited about, I've only glanced at tents so far so don't really have an idea on size wise but I reckon a 1.5m by 2m tent should tickle my buttons nicely brother...lol

If you get a chance and wouldn't mind having a look at a light I'm interested in please check out @growopz.com and have a look at their 320w light fixture as I've been dreaming about it like a kid in a candy store who sees that golden willy wonka choc bar brother...hahah

Have a cracking day brother and once again ms.Emilya I humbly apologise that we are hijacking your thread.....:passitleft:please try some shiva shanti as its my favourite strain of last year which is almost done and if ya finish it I'll glad make another..lol
The 320 looks similar to the qbs here. The rest idk. If you can pick up some Hlgs. Tried and true and may be cheaper.

I'd love some HLG but it's the shipping that's the killer as I've been eyeing out the 4x132qb on Amazan but I believe on the growopz site they using the new samsung diodes from a local grower whose been using them...

He is very far away, so shipping would be humongous to KSA.
Humongous is correct ms.Birdie...lol
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