GeeGee Grow Show In 10 Gallons Of Coco Coir

GeeGee Day 20 of flower! She’s starting to frost up nice! I did some readjusting of restraints and added a couple new ones. She’s grown about 5 inches this week so I raised the light as far as I can without diy. She should be done stretching soon? Anyone know what’s typical stretch for GG4 I mean Genevieve Glue :)

She’s on full Dyna Gro now and have been giving her 1/2 tsp per gallon of both foilage pro and protekt ppm is about 500 so I think I’ll bump it to 3/4 tsp per gallon each. She’s drinking a gallon a day. Any suggestions @Pennywise for early mid flower? I was keeping it low due to bug treatments but I’ve backed off those to once a week and she’s happy again. I’m still plucking 5-10 leaves everyday and all are looking healthy with no bugs.

Wilma has passed over the rainbow bridge.:rip::rip::rip:

I found her dead body in her food box. Luckily that same night I found her sister (I assume) having a serious stand off with a daddy long legs on one of my giant sunflowers. I quickly shooed the spider and saved the lady bugs life! I then explained the situation to her and that she now owed me her life. She agreed reluctantly and was dropped in GeeGee’s tent. The next day I found her (now named Betty White) exploring the vast landscape of GeeGee. Super!

Fast forward to later that evening, I was sitting in my chair and look over at the germination station and guess who’s chillin under the light?? Betty White, that’s who!!
How’d you get out B?? I scooped her up and threw her back in the tent, she hasn’t been seen since:rolleyes: That was 2 days ago #milkcarton

Here’s the photos! Have a great day:D

She’s starting to chunk up. I think the stretch is done as the buds fatten. She really likes the switch from EH to Dynagro. 3/4 tsp per gallon of both foilage pro and protekt.
I use a touch of ph down with this mix as it’s reading in the high 6’s after mixing.

Bug checks daily and so far nothing. I’m waiting to find Betty White so I can give geegee a maintenance spray without killing my one ladybug. Haha I found her twice outside the tent this week #escapeartist

Ppm 600
Ph 5.8

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