GeeGee Grow Show In 10 Gallons Of Coco Coir

She has dried blueberries, raisins and a daily wetted sponge! I hope the bugs are still gone (whispering)

I think I’ll find her a mate so they can make baby Betty’s and I won’t have to worry about bugs! It’s chilly outside so I told her “your welcome Betty” #bettystropicalvacay

Usually this is the time I find them in the house on my house plants hiding from the cold. I once had one all through winter until Feb and then MIA

You think if there were bugs she’d stay put? Hmmmm never thought of that

Thanks for the compliments:) she was a wicked quad that I trained into a cracked mainline/flux #monstrosity
GeeGee Update

Day 30 of flower

She got her after stretch defoil and is loving it! It was quite overwhelming to start but we made it through one branch at a time. I take anything under 2/3 of the top and also middle fans blocking buds.

I also untied and retied all the restraints to make things even all around. She measure about 3 feet high and 3 feet wide. We spent a couple of hours doing this on Friday.

She got another good drench/spray with 1:10 ISO/water for bug maintenance. I couldn’t find Betty White before I did this so I guess that makes me a lady bug serial killer. :p

This does no damage to her buds so yay I found my new bug treatment for future! I haven’t seen a bug since the start of treatments.

I am giving her 1tspn/gallon of each Protekt and Foilage Pro and she drinks about a gallon a day in that big pot.

Ppm 750
Ph 5.8
Before defoil! And dang she’s a bitch to haul out!!!

Mid way


And 2 days later

Oh and looky who I found today when I got home :eek::D:D
GeeGee update!

Day 34 of flower, I think she’s half way there!

I started giving her an extra hour of darkness to see if that helps speed things up. She gets 1 tsp/gallon of both foilage pro and protekt. I’m leaving for 2 days do I’ll feed her a couple gallons to ride her over until Sunday:)

Here she is...

Lost Betty White for a couple days but I found her trying to escape through a vent! Caught her and threw her back in her box. She’s missing again lol

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