GeoFlora Nutrients Discussion Thread

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Something I noticed on the Sweet Candy site is that in the photo of the product it shows the NPK as 0-0-16 but further down in the description is shows the NPK as 0-27-27 do you know for sure which is accurate/correct?

The PK booster I use is from that same company.
Anyone used GeoFlora in Fox Farm Ocean Forest? If so how did it work out for you?
Something I noticed on the Sweet Candy site is that in the photo of the product it shows the NPK as 0-0-16 but further down in the description is shows the NPK as 0-27-27 do you know for sure which is accurate/correct?

The PK booster I use is from that same company.
Hey Beez,
I remember reading some Q&A on Amazon Jungle Shopping Network that they had a whole bunch of old bags, but all the new product is the new higher value 0-27-27.
I won't vouch for that in any way, but I think I remember reading that in the jungle. :reading420magazine:
Something I noticed on the Sweet Candy site is that in the photo of the product it shows the NPK as 0-0-16 but further down in the description is shows the NPK as 0-27-27 do you know for sure which is accurate/correct?

The PK booster I use is from that same company.
yes... the 0-27-27 is the latest formulation. BE is for hydro. SC is for soil, and includes a lot of extra stuff that BE does not.
Without getting up and looking I'm nearly positive my bag of BEsays hydroponic and soil on the front of the bag.
well sure... it can be used in either. When I was curious about the similarity PK wise in the two products from the same company, I dug into it, so to speak, and learned that the SC was intended to have added components just for the soil and the microbes. I still have a bag of BE that I first experimented with to prove that it could be used without the danger the folks online at the time were associating with using it along with the MC.
if people are getting deficiencies, shouldn't the amount used be upped a bit?
GeoFlora did mention that earlier on in this thread:
It really depends on the plant and how hungry it is. We recommend starting with the feed chart directions by pot size, but if the plant shows some deficiencies when it gets bigger, you can always throw more Geoflora on at the two week interval or feed a bit more frequently, since you don't have to worry about nutrient burn with our product. Good rule of thumb is to always listen to what your plant needs first and foremost rather than following feed charts to the letter.
[newer info from Emilya below ↓]
if people are getting deficiencies, shouldn't the amount used be upped a bit?
That was what we tried first, and we tried feeding a little earlier than every 2 weeks. After both experiments, which GeoFlora was carefully watching, it was determined that instead of increasing the dosage, rate or changing the formula, for these plants it was better to supplement. After seeing GeoFlora without supplements for over a year, I was sure that the only deficiencies that were being seen were P and K.
Anyone used GeoFlora in Fox Farm Ocean Forest? If so how did it work out for you?
I do Beez, in my outdoor garden. Works great! I top dress bokashi, frass, and any microbes I think of as time goe on. Here's a Candida from last Oct 12th. I went with the older idea of less time between servings on this one.
Okay, getting close now to investing a lot of time and grow space to Geo Flora Veg and Bloom. I feel pretty comfortable going in and did have one question and one observation. First the question is with regard to PH. Out of the faucet my well water I believe is like 7.4 or thereabouts. Did I read somewhere that as long as the PH is under 7.0 it will work fine with the Geo Flora? I'm lazy with several things with regard to growing cannabis but adjusting the PH for feeding is not one of them so if 6.5 is better then that's what I'll go with. Oh, and one other quick question. I am considering 10 gallon fabric pots. They would require 1 cup of Geo Flora veg or bloom correct?

Observation.......That Sweet Candy is the dustiest nute or amendment I have ever used. I had to break out a dust mask.
Okay, getting close now to investing a lot of time and grow space to Geo Flora Veg and Bloom. I feel pretty comfortable going in and did have one question and one observation. First the question is with regard to PH. Out of the faucet my well water I believe is like 7.4 or thereabouts. Did I read somewhere that as long as the PH is under 7.0 it will work fine with the Geo Flora? I'm lazy with several things with regard to growing cannabis but adjusting the PH for feeding is not one of them so if 6.5 is better then that's what I'll go with. Oh, and one other quick question. I am considering 10 gallon fabric pots. They would require 1 cup of Geo Flora veg or bloom correct?

Observation.......That Sweet Candy is the dustiest nute or amendment I have ever used. I had to break out a dust mask.
Yes, SC is very dusty and I stand back a bit when using the scoop because of it.

Remember that GeoFlora is an organic feeding system, so it doesn't care about the pH, within certain limits of course. Also remember that pH 7.0 is neutral, neither base or acidic. It makes no sense to be advised that only water that is acidic is fine for watering plants... this is the mindset that the synthetic nutrient crowd got us into, because to use their products it was imperative to go down into the acidic side of things, just so we could release their chelated nutes.

Organic grows do not care about the pH as long as it is in the life supporting range, where it is neither too acidic or too base, because each extreme will destroy living tissue. This life supporting range is 8.99-5.00 pH. As long as your well water falls within these limits, it will be perfectly ok to water your plants with.

And yes, 10g requires 1 full cup of GeoFlora every two weeks. This was one of my considerations when I decided to go with 7g containers.
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