GG7's Indoor/Outdoor Grows!

air pots it is then mate, ill try and pick some up next time i get to a garden center, i have seen a couple of different designs, the ones you have are the original ones but i have seen some with different size holes etc, its something i want to try as it stops the plants getting root bound, which means bigger plants in the same size pots and nice healthy roots
air pots it is then mate, ill try and pick some up next time i get to a garden center, i have seen a couple of different designs, the ones you have are the original ones but i have seen some with different size holes etc, its something i want to try as it stops the plants getting root bound, which means bigger plants in the same size pots and nice healthy roots

Hey Don Paul!

That is one of the best things about them! Out of sheer lazyness I ended up leaving several of the Purple Rhino plants in their original 1.5 gallon Air Pots and they are growing nearly as big as plants in the 3.5 gallon pots! You would never be able to pull that off with conventional pots that small.

Good luck with your purchase and if you do end up getting some, let us know how they work for you! :thumb:

Cheers! :)
ill give you a shout mate when i get hold of some, clearly they solve all the root problems, even plants in bigger pots can have root problems later on in flower, so this would keep the plant growing at its best and the plants would not stress them out as much, it amazes me how much root growth their is even in a smallish plant, but even if the plant is kept at a certain height the roots still keep on growing, and if they got knowhere to go then this causes problems, so these pots solve this issue, the roots can continue to grow as normal, so ill give you a shout when i get some of these pots,
Seed Projects Update
GDP and Purple Rhino in Flower + Closet Seed Grow Update

I am pleased to report that the Purple Rhino male and the GDP female in the bathtub grow space have both entered flower mode! The male plant started to show flower buds a few days ago, but the GDP female sprouted flower buds within the last 24 hours! Virtually overnight! :yahoo:


Purple Rhino Male


GDP Female


Closet Grow Update

Meanwhile... The Harlequin clones in the closet grow space are definitely showing signs of successful fertilization and healthy seed production! It would have been far more unlikely for them not to have been fertilized considering how much pollen that little PR male managed to pump out over the last two weeks! ;)


I'm obviously very familiar with the appearance of unfertilized flower buds, so it was easy to see the difference in these fertilized Harlequin flower buds. Notice the white stripes on the seed bud sites? They are firm to the touch and bulging which indicates to me that there are seeds growing in there. :)


The PR male is about played out at this point, and I am probably going to take that plant out in the next few days. He's done his job for science! ;)


So there ya have the latest news from my current grows! The outdoor grows are going great and I am starting to see some early signs of flowering on some of the PR plants as well as some of the Medicinal Organic Nursery clones. So far, the four Harlequin plants are still in veg as are the GDP.

I will post my next update sometime next week depending on what develops over that stretch of time.

Stay tuned!
Seed Projects Update
GDP and Purple Rhino in Flower + Closet Seed Grow Update

I am pleased to report that the Purple Rhino male and the GDP female in the bathtub grow space have both entered flower mode! The male plant started to show flower buds a few days ago, but the GDP female sprouted flower buds within the last 24 hours! Virtually overnight! :yahoo:


Purple Rhino Male


GDP Female


Closet Grow Update

Meanwhile... The Harlequin clones in the closet grow space are definitely showing signs of successful fertilization and healthy seed production! It would have been far more unlikely for them not to have been fertilized considering how much pollen that little PR male managed to pump out over the last two weeks! ;)


I'm obviously very familiar with the appearance of unfertilized flower buds, so it was easy to see the difference in these fertilized Harlequin flower buds. Notice the white stripes on the seed bud sites? They are firm to the touch and bulging which indicates to me that there are seeds growing in there. :)


The PR male is about played out at this point, and I am probably going to take that plant out in the next few days. He's done his job for science! ;)


So there ya have the latest news from my current grows! The outdoor grows are going great and I am starting to see some early signs of flowering on some of the PR plants as well as some of the Medicinal Organic Nursery clones. So far, the four Harlequin plants are still in veg as are the GDP.

I will post my next update sometime next week depending on what develops over that stretch of time.

Stay tuned!

I'm appalled at your blatant disregard for morality and decency... You're running two hoo'er hooses over there... One male blasting his love all over two very tiny little girls... and in the other room, it's like you're making a movie and they're just now starting to get to foreplay right after showing their, ahem, parts...

For shame...

A veritable den on iniquity...

amazing, can you stop doing updates like that, i know your just rubbing it in cuz i cant grow outdoors, ill just have to enjoy looking at your outdoor grow instead, i still got my guerila out door grow going, 1 plant died due to grass growing 3ft high around the plants, but 1 lived and had got yellow leaves, 2 hours of weeding later and its now in the sun, leaves have turned green and its growing again, i just hope it manages to grow where i am,
you sure have got some amazing looking plants

Yeah man grass is a pain in the ass. It tries to overtake all my flowers n weed. Too bad if I spray poison itll probably kill the grass and my good plants :(
im hoping that its nice again tomorrow then i can check on my out door plant, the weather has not been good but the next few days are suppose to be the hottest of the year so hoping my plant will start finally benefiting from the weather, its not the best weather for growing these plants but in the past we have had a couple of months of hot weather, but id say the last 10 years have been pretty crappy with just a week or 2 of decent summer weather, so if it stays warm and sunny i should be able to get something back, its not a big loss if it dont make it though, but if it works then next year ill start it off earlier in doors and let it get a decent size then put it out, problem is moving a big plant, something i need to think about before i do it
Photo Update
Outdoor Grow in Flower!

As I mentioned in my last update, the outdoor plants had just started showing signs of early flowering. Well, over the last few days they have really started going for it! At least enough to warrant a photo update to show everyone how they are coming along.

So without further ado...

GDP #2
I made a point of topping every growing tip on this plant about three weeks back and it appears to have paid off in spades. Look at all those bud sites! :)


GDP #1 (moved to the back hill to help promote flowering)
This one has turned into one of the nicest looking GDP plants I have ever grown! Beautiful symmetry and not too tall as to make harvesting difficult. I topped all the tips on this plant too and the results are much like GDP #3. Tons of bud sites and a nice full, bushy growing pattern. I expect I am going to be getting a lot of quality bud just between this plant and GDP #3!



I was worried that these seed grown plants might take much longer to get into flowering than the clones, but as you can see, I had no cause to worry! We are still over 13 hours of daylight right now, but being on the back hill as these plants are, I think the shady conditions helped to motivate them to flower right on schedule!




The rest of the outdoor grow looks much the same as these examples, but I didn't have enough battery jiuce left in the camera to take any more photos. We ended up with some storm clouds up here in the Sierra today and that even light level helped me finally get some decent exposures of the backhill plants without all that usual high contrast between shade and sun. By the time I got the camera batteries recharged, the sun was out again and I couldn't get any more decent shots of additional flower buds.

So... Thats all I got for now!

The seed project plants are doing well and I expect to start seeing some seed production from the GDP in the bathtun grow area within the next week or two. I will post my next update when everything starts filling out and we start seeing some serious bud production going on both inside and outside.

Until next time!
Photo Update
Outdoor Grow in Flower!

As I mentioned in my last update, the outdoor plants had just started showing signs of early flowering. Well, over the last few days they have really started going for it! At least enough to warrant a photo update to show everyone how they are coming along.

So without further ado...

GDP #2
I made a point of topping every growing tip on this plant about three weeks back and it appears to have paid off in spades. Look at all those bud sites! :)

GDP #1 (moved to the back hill to help promote flowering)
This one has turned into one of the nicest looking GDP plants I have ever grown! Beautiful symmetry and not too tall as to make harvesting difficult. I topped all the tips on this plant too and the results are much like GDP #3. Tons of bud sites and a nice full, bushy growing pattern. I expect I am going to be getting a lot of quality bud just between this plant and GDP #3!


I was worried that these seed grown plants might take much longer to get into flowering than the clones, but as you can see, I had no cause to worry! We are still over 13 hours of daylight right now, but being on the back hill as these plants are, I think the shady conditions helped to motivate them to flower right on schedule!

The rest of the outdoor grow looks much the same as these examples, but I didn't have enough battery jiuce left in the camera to take any more photos. We ended up with some storm clouds up here in the Sierra today and that even light level helped me finally get some decent exposures of the backhill plants without all that usual high contrast between shade and sun. By the time I got the camera batteries recharged, the sun was out again and I couldn't get any more decent shots of additional flower buds.

So... Thats all I got for now!

The seed project plants are doing well and I expect to start seeing some seed production from the GDP in the bathtun grow area within the next week or two. I will post my next update when everything starts filling out and we start seeing some serious bud production going on both inside and outside.

Until next time!

Lookin' good!

Yeah, seeded plants really only require 4-6 weeks to reach maturity before they flower. You planted them early enough that they reached that and had veg time to boot! Awesome looking back hill, can I come sit in the sun with them? LOL! kidding, of course, but.... yeah, nice looking flower start.
Great looking plants.

Pots look mega small for such good sized plants. Its gonna look funny in 2 months just how big the plants are compared to the lil 5 gallon containers :D.
Thanks guys!

I am pleased with the look of everything so far. Those Air Pots really do perform don't they? ;) As you said, the plants get WAY BIGGER than I have seen from conventional 5 gallon pots which is what I used in previous seasons. Obviously, the controlled root growth from those pots produce a much more substantial root ball than normal, and with no circling, there is no wasted space and all the roots are allowed to function at thier peak.

My next task is to give everything a feed of Fox Farm Tiger Bloom which I use when the plants have moved into a solid flower mode. I plan to do that tomorrow. Big job! thats why I have eight 2 gallon watering cans so I can fill them all with the food in one go, and then give each plant 1-2 gallons a piece. :morenutes::morenutes::morenutes:

Thanks as always for checking in! I plan to post my next photo update in a week or two depending on how fast the flowering progresses.

Stay tuned! :thanks:
Seed Project Update

Things are moving along nicely in the tub grow space with the male plant totally in flower now and spewing pollen everywhere! Just tapping the side of one of those stalks releases a huge cloud of pollen into the space, covering the GDP female with pollen dust. I have shaken the male plant several times over the last week to the point that I am pretty sure that every single GDP flower bud has come in contact with at least some pollen grains.

The GDP flower buds are showing signs of seed growth and the plant has not produced the usual large bud sites that the GDP plants out back are already creating. I guess the plant is putting all of its energy into growing the seeds which you can see hints of in the following images. I am planning to take the male plant out in the next day or two since I am pretty sure that the pollentation phase of this project has been completed in spades! ;)

Here are some photos I took this morning...

Purple Rhino Male in Full Flower


GDP Female


Wide Shot of Both Plants in the Tub


So there ya have the latest update!

All the plants on the back deck and back hill are in full flower mode now and putting on nice looking buds on schedule. I ended up spotting two additional PR male plants on the back hill that I cut down before they had a chance to mature. We ended up with two PR females out of the 5 seeds that I planted so we shall see what kind of buds they produce. The PR plants have definitely taken on a lot of the traits of the White Rhino male, which is very Sativa like with very tall stalks and not anywhere as bushy as the GDP plants.

It will be interesting to see what the GDPR cross ends up producing when I get around to planting the seeds from that GDP female down the road.

I will be back this coming weekend with a photo update of the outdoor plants, so stay tuned for that!

Until next time!
Seed Project Update

Things are moving along nicely in the tub grow space with the male plant totally in flower now and spewing pollen everywhere! Just tapping the side of one of those stalks releases a huge cloud of pollen into the space, covering the GDP female with pollen dust. I have shaken the male plant several times over the last week to the point that I am pretty sure that every single GDP flower bud has come in contact with at least some pollen grains.

The GDP flower buds are showing signs of seed growth and the plant has not produced the usual large bud sites that the GDP plants out back are already creating. I guess the plant is putting all of its energy into growing the seeds which you can see hints of in the following images. I am planning to take the male plant out in the next day or two since I am pretty sure that the pollentation phase of this project has been completed in spades! ;)

Here are some photos I took this morning...

Purple Rhino Male in Full Flower

GDP Female


So there ya have the latest update!

All the plants on the back deck and back hill are in full flower mode now and putting on nice looking buds on schedule. I ended up spotting two additional PR male plants on the back hill that I cut down before they had a chance to mature. We ended up with two PR females out of the 5 seeds that I planted so we shall see what kind of buds they produce. The PR plants have definitely taken on a lot of the traits of the White Rhino male, which is very Sativa like with very tall stalks and not anywhere as bushy as the GDP plants.

It will be interesting to see what the GDPR cross ends up producing when I get around to planting the seeds from that GDP female down the road.

I will be back this coming weekend with a photo update of the outdoor plants, so stay tuned for that!

Until next time!
Yeeeeahhhhh... see those swollen calyx and receded pistils? For those that don't know... That is a massively preggers plant.

100-150 seeds total, it looks like.
Yeeeeahhhhh... see those swollen calyx and receded pistils? For those that don't know... That is a massively preggers plant.

100-150 seeds total, it looks like.

Cool! Yep! She's definitely looking very pollinated at this point! :)

I chopped down the PR male plant this morning, so now she has the whole space to herself and I could lower the lights down closer to her highest flower tops. :thumb:
Looking great goose! clones are great but with seeds you can go places (vacation) LOL.
Cant wait for the purple storm. :thumb:
Wow Goose, you have been busy.
Everything looking good and boy that is a lot of pollen :thumb:
Looks like he had a good time in there, lol.
I sure hope it pays off the way you want it too.
Can't wait for the next update buddy.

Wow Goose, you have been busy.
Everything looking good and boy that is a lot of pollen :thumb:
Looks like he had a good time in there, lol.
I sure hope it pays off the way you want it too.
Can't wait for the next update buddy.


Hey MS!

Yeah! It is amazing how much pollen just one male plant can produce! I can see why outdoor grows can easily get pollinated if there is just one male plant sitting out there somewhere spewing clouds of the stuff into the air!

So far it looks like the GDP female is heavily engaged in seed production. The bud growth is far less than the GDP females out back, so I assume that once the plant gets pollenated it stops making more flower tops and changes its focus over to growing out the seeds.

I don't need a lot, but if Jandre is correct in his estimations, I should have more than enough to last me for several seasons, which is what I am trying to accomplish.

I'm pretty confident that this little seed experiment will pay off in the end.

Stay tuned for my weekend outdoor grow update! Everything is flowering like crazy back there now, and I am estimating a couple of pounds worth of finished product from everything out there when all is said and done.

Planning to post my weekend update either tomorrow or Saturday.

Check back then! :)
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