Graytail's 4th Perpetual: 4x4 Samsung Panels

We have lots of words in English with multiple meanings... Seems like there's lots of beyond sensative minorities in educated positions of power or position to stir social change . Which, to make more equal, to be able to live life without intimidation, I'll march for that.. but to pick apart something, in a paranoid state of mind, losses me really quick...
Acapulco Gold is dried and jarred and yielded 46 grams, 1.62 ounces. :cheesygrinsmiley:

The buds are hard and sticky - got 'em all into a quart jar - and so far the buzz is pretty nice. It's quite a bit punchier than I expected, too. As far as whether it has anything to do with Acapulco or the Gold strains is yet to be seen (felt). I've sampled the drying larf, but I haven't honed in on the buzz yet.

I'll let y'all know. It's a great strain to grow! :thumb:

It sure looks nice! What kind of punch? Like an indica punch?

I'm still trying to figure it out. :hmmmm: The post-rush holds harder than you'd expect - it clears ... and you take inventory ... and there's a lingering fogginess leftover - a persistent dreaminess. So I'm thinking "yeah, another one of those". But I wakenbaked with it today and then finished up trimming Y Griega, and I didn't feel any fatigue after a couple hours. It's one of those strains that will make you get lost in what you're doing without wearing you out. :slide: So far.

It may be better than I thought. And with that growth habit, it'll be a joy to run it again. It would do very well in your setup.

:bongrip: ... Actually reminds me a lot of Red Diesel - has a very fuelly topnote ... :bongrip:
I spent a lot of stoned afternoons flingin' the frisbee back and forth. It was only the heavy black one for me. I could do some stuff with it back then. :love:
I was cruising Neptune yesterday and decided to pull the trigger on the Mass Medical reworked Deadly Sativa (now it's called Heavenly Sativa) strictly for the free pack of pure Acapulco Gold that came with them. I watched a lot of that seed project on Instagram. He was gifted the seeds from another breeder and I guess there was a lot of hard feelings when MM tried to sell them so he now gives them away as freebies with certain strains. These looked like wild sativas, maybe he'll send enough I can get you some to try.
I was cruising Neptune yesterday and decided to pull the trigger on the Mass Medical reworked Deadly Sativa (now it's called Heavenly Sativa) strictly for the free pack of pure Acapulco Gold that came with them. I watched a lot of that seed project on Instagram. He was gifted the seeds from another breeder and I guess there was a lot of hard feelings when MM tried to sell them so he now gives them away as freebies with certain strains. These looked like wild sativas, maybe he'll send enough I can get you some to try.

It'd be great to grow some genuine Acapulco Gold. :slide: This stuff I have is actually pretty good weed, but it's starting to smell skunky like a typically worked hybrid. There's nothing that would make anyone think it's Mexican. It's a good clean high with noticeable potency, though.


Deadly Sativa was a winner!
I was cruising Neptune yesterday and decided to pull the trigger on the Mass Medical reworked Deadly Sativa (now it's called Heavenly Sativa) strictly for the free pack of pure Acapulco Gold that came with them. I watched a lot of that seed project on Instagram. He was gifted the seeds from another breeder and I guess there was a lot of hard feelings when MM tried to sell them so he now gives them away as freebies with certain strains. These looked like wild sativas, maybe he'll send enough I can get you some to try.
I was hoping one of you guys would order something that would come with those freebies! I am hoping they are worth all the drama that went along with it lol.
This is the next Destroyer, doing better than the last one, so far. I've been running RH in the 70s and temps in the 80s so she's been pretty happy - still has dry tips, but far more fans than last time in that very dry atmosphere.

Another Carnival. Lookin' great! :slide:

Another YGriega, also lookin great! :cheesygrinsmiley:

Here's another UBHaze x GoldenTiger. She needed water worse than the others.

HashplantHaze x KaliChina. Nice and tame. I'm looking forward to this one - kinda exotic n stuff, yeah?

Another StarPupil. The leaves have the same deficiency that it had last time, too. What is this, guys? :hmmmm: It looks like calcium, but how?

Another GojiPupil, in better shape than its progenitor ...

And here's what I have in veg. The big one in the corner is a Canival that I've been just keeping for a mom. Time to chop her down down to size again. In front of her is a RedDiesel that I'm going to run in a big pot, and the yellow ones to the side are a StarPupil and a RedDiesel that I was keeping in cups - just upcanned them to 1s.

Next to them is a YGriega, Destroyer and AcapulcoGold in the back and LemonPaki, Thai x Panama and PurpleHaze in the front.

A cut of the latest DCF2, another shot of PurpleHaze, BubbaHash and a Destroyer cut.

And that's all, folks! :Namaste::ciao::bongrip:
Top shelf, thanks for sharing !
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