Graytail's 4th Perpetual: 4x4 Samsung Panels

What's that thing on the doona :rofl: first pic, I was wondering if it was in the photo by accident lol but looks to be a stuffed toy?
Plants looking good...
That's Stan the Snail. :cheesygrinsmiley: The odd thing with the plaid body?

We've had him for a long time. For some reason, the dog has never touched him. He lays on the back of the couch and leans against Stan, but he's never disturbed him.
:rofl::rofl: i see it.. what I thought was a doona is it's shell . I won't say what else I thought I saw, well maybe to my therapist :passitleft:
:rofl::rofl: I won't say what else I thought I saw, well maybe to my therapist :passitleft:

;) And Ima grateful that I'm not your therapist, nor anyone else's for that matter.:cough::cheesygrinsmiley:
Back in the 70's we kept a frisbee
It was only the heavy black one for me.

I was an frisbee addict. I liked to clean on the master tournament black gold one, it had an indentation circle in the middle, seemed to catch seeds better, it was 150 grams. I had another one I like to play with was just a touch lighter. I would spray the bottom with silicone spray so I could spin it on my finger tip.
Honestly any new one I get never seems as good as those 2 were. Perfect weight and size. And perfect de seeder platform.
what seeds in a frisbee might look like.........sorry for the hijack GT, but frisbees are my fun zone and I get all worked up.

Now back to the regular programing.....
the master tournament black gold one ... Honestly any new one I get never seems as good as those 2 were. Perfect weight and size.

Good frisbees are hard to find these days

That was my baby, yep! The master tournament. It held up to abuse a lot better, too.

I've tossed a few over the years, and occasionally looked over the selection for sale somewhere, and yeah ... how is it remotely possible that we had better frisbees in the 60s? Is there some professional line that you can't get in normal stores? :cheesygrinsmiley:

... This century is SO confusing ...

pure Acapulco Gold that came with them. I watched a lot of that seed project on Instagram ... These looked like wild sativas, maybe he'll send enough I can get you some to try.

Oof! I looked, and the photo I saw was a wild one. Although it didn't look like he had a lot of light on it. See, that looked like a Mexican Gold, all leggy and sparse. Kinda reminded me of our Colombians under 10 watts/sqft of MH. As you might imagine, they were sparse. We'd get 2-3 ounces out of 5 foot plants in 5 gallon buckets. :cheesygrinsmiley::laughtwo:
Hey Gray! Nice job on your Acapulco Gold! Looks like it's going to be a fine smoke :rollit:
Frisbees are good fun, did you guys ever play around with a boomerang when blazed with your mates? Now that's serious fun and one hell of a laugh :rofl:
I used to argue that cuts will be 100% copies of the mother donor.

There's some new science out that says there are certain bacteria that populate the cuttings that can actually change the RNA in the cuttings.

Ever see a cutting with some slime on the cut end? That's some bacterial thing going on in the cut.

I did a sort of experiment with a mutant plant I had. Took cuts off the mutant which was pretty worthless - tiny plant but it flowered SUPER fast and matured fast too.

Took cuts - a few the cuts reverted a regular growth pattern but retained the super high metabolism = finish flower @ >40 days. Good weed too. The other 1/2 of the clones were the normal mutant. Tiny plant with small flowers but still fast metabolism.

Epigenetics play a roll in expression as well. Any change in the environment from one run to another will change expressed traits in cuttings.

Both are accurate statements. The genetics (meaning genetic potential) passed from the mom to the cutting are 100% identical at that time.

Now that is where Penny's statement is also 100% accurate. Think of people as an example. We have been products of our epigenetics over thousands of years. Look at our diets and how they change or affect us. We can look different, feel different, act different and have a drastically different degree of health when our diet or environments change.

Our plants look and act differently when they are do we. Any drastic changes to anything in your plants growth environment (medium, nutrients, temps, RH, lighting, etc) can and will likely cause it to change in expressions. Are the changes we see just different levels of possible genetic expressions based on potential, or are they really epigenetics? (i.e. is the growing finding a sweeter, or more sour spot for that plants genetic potential with their soil or nutrient regiment, or does a 5% change to RH and 10 degree change to temp hurt or improve the plants genetic potential?) Hell if I know....but I do know they do have an effect.

I have been running some strains for a 2 years now and my environment drastically changed from seasonal grow to seasonal grow. Some plants/strains that grew one way in a warmer part of the year with better RH grew much differently than when they grown in winter months with very low RH and cooler temps. Other strains/plants didn't show any expressed difference at all with those same changes to environmental growing conditions. To really figure it out, you would have to be able to grow in very controlled and repeatable growing environment.

I am sure that there people out there that have the ability to do that sort of testing and have done it. Doubt they share that info though LOL.
Why it's advised to run plants through a few cycles before choosing mothers .
I think once you start getting into IBL’s you see much more uniform results across the board. F1 and especially F2’s are going to be genetically all over the place anyway. 10 seeds with 6 different phenos.
Nice little chunky one there Gray. I thought You've run the Red Diesel before? I have Red Diesel seeds that got mixed up with like 4 other strains when I opened the packaging (won't use that seedbank anymore).
Think I know what know what seed bank that was! Same thing happened to me with two strains in that damn wheel thing. I 86'd them from my seedbank list which was too bad because they had a lot of 1 seed options that you can't find elsewhere. Great for when you want to spend 10 bucks to try a strain but you don't want to drop a bill to find out the breeder put out trash.
Our plants look and act differently when they are do we. Any drastic changes to anything in your plants growth environment (medium, nutrients, temps, RH, lighting, etc) can and will likely cause it to change in expressions. Are the changes we see just different levels of possible genetic expressions based on potential, or are they really epigenetics? (i.e. is the growing finding a sweeter, or more sour spot for that plants genetic potential with their soil or nutrient regiment, or does a 5% change to RH and 10 degree change to temp hurt or improve the plants genetic potential?) Hell if I know....but I do know they do have an effect.

If it's an epigenetic effect, clones will keep the trait until the environment changes again - an odd thing to watch.

I had a plant from seed that grew wide leaves until the 5th node or so, when they started to narrow. It was a dramatic difference. The plant kept it up through veg, even stretching more than you'd expect, in bloom. The cut I took from it after it had made the transition, grew with the new habit, and its cut kept it, too. A similar thing has happened with this BubbaHash cut, only more slowly, over a couple generations.

After watching it happen in a single generation, or over just a few ... it's not hard to imagine how the same strain in 2 very different locations on the planet could end up looking completely different, but being genetically identical. :hmmmm:
Mornin to ya Gray and friends. Things are lookin mighty fine here Gray. Especially like the looks of the AG. Also wondering wat Indica has been cut into it. Cheers bud.:high-five:

The Europeans breeders love to throw some Afghani in them to shorten up the flowering times. Thats what I suspect they used in there. Not a bad thing if you backcross a couple times and keep all the desirable traits you want but we know things get lost and picked up in that process.
If it's an epigenetic effect, clones will keep the trait until the environment changes again - an odd thing to watch.

I had a plant from seed that grew wide leaves until the 5th node or so, when they started to narrow. It was a dramatic difference. The plant kept it up through veg, even stretching more than you'd expect, in bloom. The cut I took from it after it had made the transition, grew with the new habit, and its cut kept it, too. A similar thing has happened with this BubbaHash cut, only more slowly, over a couple generations.

After watching it happen in a single generation, or over just a few ... it's not hard to imagine how the same strain in 2 very different locations on the planet could end up looking completely different, but being genetically identical. :hmmmm:

Change your diet to an extreme one way or another for an extended period of time and see how much you change.....ever see Super Size Me? Go the opposite direction, get a nutritionist and a chef and eat a top notch diet for an extended period and see how different you look. Genetic potential generally has a wider spectrum than most of us realize. Throw in some working out or take away physical activity and bam...quite a difference.

Now I am not sure how negative stuff like that Super Size Me changes a person genetically. I know he had some serious health issues from 30 days of that poison and he was having difficulties getting his health back to normal. Was he changed genetically from that experience......who knows. But he sure was a drastically different version of himself.
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