Inside The Mini-Tent, 150W LED, Going Coco For Tropicanna Bananna

Oh then in that case you’re probably dead on with 3-4 more! She really looks nice and healthy, good work.

Sorry to hear about your grandfather, I know it’s hard to lose family

I can definitely see why you thought that, though. That's why I've bought the pk boost, I want to add a bit more weight to them if possible. A little late into flowering but better late than never!
I think maybe my mishap with the pH and the late defol slowed her development a little.

Thank you for the kind words about my grandad. It's hard but that's just life, I suppose. Memories won't fade

Hey Shaggy!

Your plants looking the opposite of peely wally!

Green it yaldi!

Well done laddie

;) ;) ;)

Thanks, Tra!

With that phenomenal Scots dialect, one would think you're a local :rofl:
I can definitely see why you thought that, though. That's why I've bought the pk boost, I want to add a bit more weight to them if possible. A little late into flowering but better late than never!
I think maybe my mishap with the pH and the late defol slowed her development a little.

Thank you for the kind words about my grandad. It's hard but that's just life, I suppose. Memories won't fade

Thanks, Tra!

With that phenomenal Scots dialect, one would think you're a local :rofl:

It’s pure dead brilliant :D

It’s pure dead brilliant :D

I'm no gonnae lie, I've heard worse, ken. A few nichts in Alba will have ye havering awa' braw.
Careful o' the weather, mind. It's fair droochit an' cauld at the best o' times
I'm no gonnae lie, I've heard worse, ken. A few nichts in Alba will have ye havering awa' braw.
Careful o' the weather, mind. It's fair droochit an' cauld at the best o' times
Woah, woah, WOAH!

I never said I was fluent!

Woah, woah, WOAH!

I never said I was fluent!


Sorry, lass. Ah didnae mean tae scramble yer heid

I love how Scots write as they talk.... no matter who reads that they’d read it in a Scottish accent. Even if they didn’t know it was written by a Scottie. Ever been on r/scottishpeopletwitter? Priceless.

I haven't, actually! I'll need to have a peep. I love reading it, too. My gran and grandad spoke in old Scots English. So if ye didnae ken, ye didnae ken. Ye ken?
Day 46 of Flower
Just a wee photo update. Things with the pk boost seem to be going well already. Anna's flowers are putting on some weight and are absolutely covered in resinous beauty. The oil I make from my trim will be very potent indeed.
She is also throwing out some new white calyxes

Just to the bottom left of this lovely bud, you can see the tip of the stem where I accidentally broke a top off of my poor wee lass.
These buds on this stem are much fatter than any of the other lower down buds.

I'm sure they will make it into the top quality jar and not be relegated to the lower rankings. But there is not a bud on this plant that doesn't excite my endocannibinoid system and me.

There is also this lil one:

This top didn't quite make the net when I was doing the heavy defol but the stem was definitely big enough to get through the net. So I decided to spare its life and thread it through the net to get some light. I really wish I documented it on here as the growth difference is very impressive in such a short time. Its not going to be an amazing bud, but I now have sentimental reasons for it's future consumption. There shall be an evening of praising its good but belated work, and then we shall give thanks by smoking the shit out of it.

There is also a small cluster of lower buds that have their fair share of light from the LED. They're looking dense and frosty

I dont know what to expect come harvest time. I'm sure there are definitely things that I could have done differently, equipment I should have thought more about, and also not letting the excitement overcome cautious planning.
Are there things I would do differently if I ran this same strain in the Mini-Tent? Most definitely. Do I think I've done a bad job? Most definitely not.
She looks and smells delicious. It's like getting slapped by Snoop Doggs armpit whenever you open that tent.

That's all for now, I hope you and your families are well.

Stay safe and stay high :ganjamon:


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Looking great Burdok! I’m sure she’s gonna reward you with some amazing smoke. I don’t think you’ve done bad at all throughout this grow brother. Can’t wait to watch her finish up!

Thank you, CD! No I'm pleased with how she's turned out so far. And for a first time with a photo, nevermind a sativa dominant in tiny tent, I think I've done not too bad.
First photoperiod plant, first scrog, first time topping, first microgrow, and a couple more first time tries that escape my mind. Not too bad if I dare say so myself!

I have an idea cooking in the ol' noggin for my next round in the Mini-Tent. I want to push the boundaries a little.

Thanks for popping by as always, CD! Always a pleasure :thanks:
Man just look at that frost. Like Tony the Tigers frosty flakes

Cheers, PC!
Hopefully the smoke is strong enough to turn his stripes to zigzags!
Hay Burdok. Thanks for all the info and help getting me starting to grow some mushrooms. My grain bag is starting to colonize so I will be putting it in my Mono tub in two to three weeks.
Hay Burdok. Thanks for all the info and help getting me starting to grow some mushrooms. My grain bag is starting to colonize so I will be putting it in my Mono tub in two to three weeks.

No problem at all!!
I'm super happy to hear that your journey into mycology has gotten to a good start! I've been falling behind all my subs recently again so I'll pop by and have a peep!!
@burdok420 Anna banana is looking juicy now then the last post in my opinion. Hopefully that boost does her well

Cheers, Johnny! I've definitely noticed a difference in the couple days that she's had the pk boost. Whether or not that's the boost or just her fattening up, I don't know. I'm just happy I'll have a decent harvest! :yahoo:
What are people's thoughts on splitting the stem or driving a nail through the base a few days before harvest?
Is there documented proof of this having an effect on density or thc production?
I'm very interested!

Also, I'm wanting to bud wash but don't think I need to go the h2o2 route. I've heard here and there about lemon juice and bicarbonate of soda doing the trick.

Can anyone provide links to either of these things? All I seem to get is a mixed bag of folk saying yay or nay to both
I bud wash. Use three 5 gallon buckets , The first has juice from 1 lemon and a little Baking soda I used close to 1/2 of a box of baking soda not sure if it really needs that much its just what I used. I also squished the juice for the lemon until there was no juice left in the lemon. The other two buckets are for rinsing , You dip the buds in the 1st bucket with the lemon juice and baking soda swish it around but don't bump the sides then you do the same in the two rinse buckets. I hope I explained it well enough and I hope it helps. I also do the Dr ziggys low and slow method

I bud wash. Use three 5 gallon buckets , The first has juice from 1 lemon and a little Baking soda I used close to 1/2 of a box of baking soda not sure if it really needs that much its just what I used. I also squished the juice for the lemon until there was no juice left in the lemon. The other two buckets are for rinsing , You dip the buds in the 1st bucket with the lemon juice and baking soda swish it around but don't bump the sides then you do the same in the two rinse buckets. I hope I explained it well enough and I hope it helps. I also do the Dr ziggys low and slow method

Thanks, PC! The bud wash you do is roughly what I thought I was going to do. Thank you for that!

I'm going to have another look at the drying process you're on about. I'm thinking I won't do it this round however. Both because I want this smoke ASAP and I'd also like a comparison point between the two!
Or maybe I'll split the crop and do both? I'm not too sure
Split it and try both ways. For your smoking cannabis the low and slow method really works and if you bud wash it makes it even better but doing it both ways on the same plant I think you will find it is worth the wait by doing it both ways you will have some to smoke while you are waiting on the stuff in the fridge
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