InTheShed Grows Inside & Out: Jump In Any Time

Highya ITS,

Gorgeous Grandpa's Moonshine specimen! You're getting sun out there too!! Yay! All plants are responding well to the second day of sun. Love that GM look. Happy Smokin'
Crazy days at work this week so :sorry: for not being here. I did want to drop a quick day 51 update to show what Grandpa's Moonshine looked like this morning after top watering yesterday:

Pretty much the same, and the top of the soil is damp even without the cardboard (which I'll put on tomorrow). I'll let the res run down to the bottom and see if that makes the slightest difference. :hmmmm:

Stay well, and happy first day of summer! Remember all you folks flowering by the sun: tomorrow the days begin getting shorter and your plants will notice.


Thanks Carcass! It doesn't appear to be suffering and the 5KC is getting flipped first anyway, so I have some time to right the HMS Grandpa. 🚢

Ignored, neglected, potato, potahto. ;)

I think we can see that!

Not one you'd want in your backyard though. :thumb:

Thank you Otter. :)
Crazy days at work this week so :sorry: for not being here. I did want to drop a quick day 51 update to show what Grandpa's Moonshine looked like this morning after top watering yesterday:

Pretty much the same, and the top of the soil is damp even without the cardboard (which I'll put on tomorrow). I'll let the res run down to the bottom and see if that makes the slightest difference. :hmmmm:

Stay well, and happy first day of summer! Remember all you folks flowering by the sun: tomorrow the days begin getting shorter and your plants will notice.


Thanks Carcass! It doesn't appear to be suffering and the 5KC is getting flipped first anyway, so I have some time to right the HMS Grandpa. 🚢

Ignored, neglected, potato, potahto. ;)

I think we can see that!

Not one you'd want in your backyard though. :thumb:

Thank you Otter. :)
That's some really nice tree! :welldone:

I must learn how to do this. Hope your day is good... Happy Friday! :passitleft:
That's some really nice tree! :welldone:

I must learn how to do this. Hope your day is good... Happy Friday! :passitleft:
Hey Shed - nice - I’m wondering if you feel you can present an early opinion on this method as compared to your usual method?
Here are a couple of the fans that came off GM:
Is there is a specific reason behind snipping the fans at the base and leaving the petiole? Just curious.
You think maybe that because it came from a top-watered pot into the SIP that this is part of the roots' transition to being sub-irrigated? The upcan was three weeks ago. :hmmmm:
My plant was top watered for the first 45 days before going into the SIP. I never saw any drooping along the way. Now at 20 days in the SIP. (Just a data point for your reference).
I'm in FFHF with lots of added perlite.
I'm in FFOF with added perlite and peat moss.
Hi Shed, it's been a couple of days. I'm wondering how the Grandpa's Moonshine is coming along! I hope you are having a good weekend so far. I am trying to recall, are Sunday updates a thing or they a little more random than that? Where ya at? :ciao:
Hey gang, what a week it's been here work-wise. Even had to work from home today (Saturday), not to mention two hours of cleaning huge globs of tar from three pairs of sneakers this afternoon (oof on the burn on the back of my neck)!

Anyway, I am way behind on the site and working to catch up over the next few days, but I did want to at least stop by with an update of stuff that isn't the Summer grow. Those pics I'll drop here tomorrow. I can tell you that the 5 Killer Cookies is still doing well and drinking a gallon a day, but the Grandpa's Moonshine isn't happy in its new home and I'm even thinking of pulling it from the SIP and putting it in a 7 gallon bag. Moron that Sunday.

In the meantime, here are the Amnesia Lemon Kush perlite cuttings I took back on May 26th from the ALK mother I was keeping:

I tossed the one without roots and planted the other four:

I put three in one cup and one in the other for my son's best friend (who's living in our garage all summer!) in case his college roommate gets a 2x2 tent like he mentioned. Why not start him off right?

I also did a little thinning of some lower growth on the 5KC in anticipation of flipping this week, and I saved three for perlite:

Pretty droopy right off the plant, but here they are 24 hours later:


I hope your week went well and your weekend even better. I miss you all. :ciao:

The Shedmeister is rocking it again. CL
Thanks Captain! One happy one sad is better than two sad. :thumb:
Indeed indeed!
Gorgeous Grandpa's Moonshine specimen! You're getting sun out there too!! Yay! All plants are responding well to the second day of sun. Love that GM look. Happy Smokin'
Thank you Bode! Sun is finally coming out these days and I hope to bring that GM back to a state of happy so I can make Chef proud. :)
That's some really nice tree!
I must learn how to do this. Hope your day is good... Happy Friday!
Why thanks NannyBoo! Your outside plants aren't too shabby I must say.
Hey Shed - nice - I’m wondering if you feel you can present an early opinion on this method as compared to your usual method?
Good question Jon. I can't say anything about the SIP method yet since I haven't figured that out yet, but the perlite SWICK has got 5 stars written all over it as a grow method. Starting it in a SWICK from birth has really set it up for amazing growth. It's kind of similar to your coco-over-hydro method but mine's soil over perlite; both with tons of roots growing into the res.
Is there is a specific reason behind snipping the fans at the base and leaving the petiole? Just curious.
When @newty was taking her cannabis botany classes (on her way to being Head Grower & Director of Cultivation at Stewart Farms up in New Brunswick, Canada), I remember her posting that there is less stress on the plant to heal the wound at the end of the petiole than taking it from the stem.
My plant was top watered for the first 45 days before going into the SIP. I never saw any drooping along the way. Now at 20 days in the SIP. (Just a data point for your reference).
Thanks BL, but mine is nowhere near as happy as yours. Something must not be right about this setup. :(
I'm in FFOF with added perlite and peat moss.
Not sure what is making mine unhappy but I'm close to calling it a day in that setup.
Hi Shed, it's been a couple of days. I'm wondering how the Grandpa's Moonshine is coming along! I hope you are having a good weekend so far. I am trying to recall, are Sunday updates a thing or they a little more random than that? Where ya at?
Thanks for thinking of me Carmen! I don't have planned updates so I guess random would be the word. GM is showing yellowing on the lowers and letting the res run dry isn't helping, but pics and more discussion on Sunday. :slide:
Thanks BL, but mine is nowhere near as happy as yours. Something must not be right about this setup. :(

Not sure what is making mine unhappy but I'm close to calling it a day in that setup.

I'm wondering if maybe you started it off too wet, too early and it never got properly adjusted. When transitioning top watered plants over to SIP, I like to gradually acclimate them over. Rather than keeping the reservoir full all the time, I water normally from the top the first few times, but just enough that some makes its way down into the reservoir.

That transition time for me to a happy (not wilty) plant is usually about 10-14 days, and only when I see strong, healthy top growth will I start watering from the bottom though the fill tube.

If yours is still droopy that suggests the water roots haven't formed yet and the too wet environment makes it look overwatered because it is. If you want to keep the experiment going I'd suggest tilting the pot towards the drain hole and get as much water out as you can (or shop vac it out if that's an option), and just let her catch her breath.

But I'd agree, something seems a bit off.
When @newty was taking her cannabis botany classes (on her way to being Head Grower & Director of Cultivation at Stewart Farms up in New Brunswick, Canada), I remember her posting that there is less stress on the plant to heal the wound at the end of the petiole than taking it from the stem.
Thanks for that tidbit. I had not heard of that before now. :thanks:

Didn't your GM problems begin just after you did the defoliation? Maybe the drooping is associated with that, and not the SIP setup. :hmmmm:
I'm wondering if maybe you started it off too wet, too early and it never got properly adjusted. When transitioning top watered plants over to SIP, I like to gradually acclimate them over. Rather than keeping the reservoir full all the time, I water normally from the top the first few times, but just enough that some makes its way down into the reservoir.

That transition time for me to a happy (not wilty) plant is usually about 10-14 days, and only when I see strong, healthy top growth will I start watering from the bottom though the fill tube.

If yours is still droopy that suggests the water roots haven't formed yet and the too wet environment makes it look overwatered because it is. If you want to keep the experiment going I'd suggest tilting the pot towards the drain hole and get as much water out as you can (or shop vac it out if that's an option), and just let her catch her breath.

But I'd agree, something seems a bit off.
Thanks Azi! I only top watered on transplant so I may very well have messed up the transition. The res was empty yesterday so that saves me having to dump it and I'll get some pics up later. Have to go car shopping with my son...iiiiiiiiiiiit's TIME!

Are you thinking that it will actually look better as it dries out?
Didn't your GM problems begin just after you did the defoliation? Maybe the drooping is associated with that, and not the SIP setup
That was my first instinct but when I get back I'll line up some pics since transplant and see if I just missed it earlier. I do heavy defoliation on all my plants and it's never bothered them before. :hmmmm:
Are you thinking that it will actually look better as it dries out?
No real reason that she wouldn't- it might take till Thursday or Friday, but I think she'll get back to normal once her soil dries out a bit- then, you just have to figure out how to water her after that...

I think I'd be tempted to stick with top watering her...and hope chasing the runoff will eventually get some water roots going in there...
Are you thinking that it will actually look better as it dries out?
I am. I think that, for whatever reason, she didn't convert her roots properly. Like @Carcass said it will likely take a few days to see improvement if that is indeed the issue. Assuming it is, I'd give it just enough water after she perks up to last a day or two, but no more.

After a couple of cycles like that things should be fine.

In my experience, too wet, too early and my plants just don't seem to explode like they should. I grow in small (and short) containers so that just complicates things for me since the perched water table sits higher in my pots percentage wise.
Sunday update, and here is a timeline of the Grandpa's Moonshine from upcan day 34:

Topped day 37:

Day before defol (day 45):

Three days after defol (day 49):

Today, pretty droopy (day 55):

Yellowing lowers:

Wrinkly leaves:

I was thinking, per @BeezLuiz' comment about droopy vs defol, that taking a lot of leaves off a plant lowers the amount of transpiration, making the water in the soil take longer to evaporate and therefore leaving it down by the roots longer. That might explain some of the timing.

No real reason that she wouldn't- it might take till Thursday or Friday, but I think she'll get back to normal once her soil dries out a bit- then, you just have to figure out how to water her after that...
I think I'd be tempted to stick with top watering her...and hope chasing the runoff will eventually get some water roots going in there...
I am. I think that, for whatever reason, she didn't convert her roots properly. Like @Carcass said it will likely take a few days to see improvement if that is indeed the issue. Assuming it is, I'd give it just enough water after she perks up to last a day or two, but no more. After a couple of cycles like that things should be fine.
Thanks Carcass and Azi! You're both on the same page regarding watering after it perks up (assuming it does :) ) so that's what I'll do to see if I can get some water roots growing without drowning it. I'll water until I start to hear it go into the res and stop there and see what happens.
In my experience, too wet, too early and my plants just don't seem to explode like they should. I grow in small (and short) containers so that just complicates things for me since the perched water table sits higher in my pots percentage wise.
Well I guess that's my experience too now! :rolleyes:

Moving on to the 5 Killer Cookies so it doesn't feel left out, here it is on day 55, very close to getting flipped:

It's about 40" square at the top and just about as wide as the Oval of Brightness® (and already much wider than the shed door), so I have to try to rein in the widest bits...I'm thinking of sideways supercrops for those!

That's it from here, and I hope your week ahead (and mine) is smooth as silk! 🐛
Looking great and 5KC is nice and big I know it is wider than you may like but it looks good, you still carrying these in at night if so, that will be a good work out even for your son. I wish I could grow them that nice.
Thanks Keith, but yours are going to be big and beautiful come doubt! I can carry the GM in the SIP but I have my son carry the 5KC in the SWICK. If he's not available I drag it into the shed since it's only about 10 feet from the shed now. Hope the roots and soil don't mind getting bounced around!
Sunday update, and here is a timeline of the Grandpa's Moonshine from upcan day 34:

Topped day 37:

Day before defol (day 45):

Three days after defol (day 49):

Today, pretty droopy (day 55):

Yellowing lowers:

Wrinkly leaves:

I was thinking, per @BeezLuiz' comment about droopy vs defol, that taking a lot of leaves off a plant lowers the amount of transpiration, making the water in the soil take longer to evaporate and therefore leaving it down by the roots longer. That might explain some of the timing.

Thanks Carcass and Azi! You're both on the same page regarding watering after it perks up (assuming it does :) ) so that's what I'll do to see if I can get some water roots growing without drowning it. I'll water until I start to hear it go into the res and stop there and see what happens.

Well I guess that's my experience too now! :rolleyes:

Moving on to the 5 Killer Cookies so it's doesn't feel left out, here it is on day 55, very close to getting flipped:

It's about 40" square at the top and just about as wide as the Oval of Brightness® (and already much wider than the shed door), so I have to try to rein in the widest bits...I'm thinking of sideways supercrops for those!

That's it from here, and I hope your week ahead (and mine) is smooth as silk! 🐛
Hopefully the GM perks up the others look great!
Highya ITS,

Great job. I love the training you have going. They're bushing out real nice, probably a bit too much. The SIP and SWICK are working out great, also. Gorgeous green color. Very healthy. Must be pleasing to stand back to admire occasionally. Happy Smokin'
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