InTheShed Grows Inside & Out: Jump In Any Time

So you're just adding enough water to keep it wettish rather than getting runoff? Because if you're watering to runoff it doesn't matter why you're doing it, you're still pushing any old nutes and used ions out of the coco with each watering.

Thanks sb! She just landed about 45minutes ago. :yahoo:

Whatever works for you Captain! Dani taught me that. :laugh:

I have neither the patience nor time in the mornings to water my soil slowly and I do okay. I put in half whatever it's getting, do something else for a few minutes, and then dump in the rest close to the areas where the outside of the pot is not wet yet. When I had more plants and they were in 10 gallon pots, I would just dump 2 gallons in and move on!

I stopped watering the outside edges and I found the water would move there within a few minutes.

America is just the best! ;)

You have too many plants and too few hands to hand water your crop.

Amazing that you can go that long without watering in cactus soil, particularly out in the desert heat!

Plant looks great sb! I'm glad it took its time moving into flower for you.

A meditation for retired folks! It was a time suck I didn't have time for. :thumb:

Gotta love that coco that doesn't care how fast or how much! Only your wallet takes the hit.

Even during lockdown I didn't take more time watering. Also, I feel like the faster you water the more oxygen gets sucked down to the roots.
Meh, I like my way better. That way I have a better excuse for getting toasted and it’s now become ritualistic. lol CL🍀. :morenutes: :cheesygrinsmiley:
Monday odds-and-ends update!

First off, let me apologize for wasting everyone's time this morning with my satirical post about plant growth. I really didn't mean for it to be taken seriously (it seemed too absurd to me), but I appreciate those of you that did as it shows the faith you have in me and my posts. I'm sorry if I breached that trust.

The point I was trying to make with it was that correlation does not imply causation. Might have been the crickets, might have been getting used to the new pot, might have been that it liked the heat that comes off the wall long after the sun goes down...

If you like using something (whether it's actually doing what you think or not), I fully support you using it! Just not crickets. :)

In other news, not a single Candida cutting I took on August 13 rooted. Not the ones in perlite nor the ones in the solo cup. I tossed the perlite ones after they all died, and two of the solo cup ones as well, but the remaining solo cup cutting hung around until yesterday:

Amazingly, it stayed green for well over a month without the dome, but still no roots. I did notice the soil had a lot of this growing in it:

I recall LOS growers saying that soil fungus is good so I have no idea if it played a part in the lack of roots, but I think the next cuttings I take I'll use my old ProMix rather than soil. I had better luck with that.

And back on the kief front, I pulled out the two jars of Trainwreck trim I had saved from last October (I swear there's trim under those fans):

I mashed and rolled and smoo-shed it onto my 80 mesh screen and got this kief:

Here is a closeup:

2023_09_15_12_33_13_715 TW trim kief.png

No one has been around to try it out but now that my wife is back I'll let you know if this (or the 5KC kief) gets her high. And for @Jon I will ask if there's a difference in taste between the two, though I doubt I'll get a satisfactory answer. :cheesygrinsmiley:

Grandpa's Moonshine has aphids (in spite of over two weeks of daily SNS209'd nutes (there's another thing folks claim works brilliantly!). I had to spray it with castille soap spray to keep them in check, so it gets that, citric acid for PM, and weekly BT spray for caterpillars. I'll get some pics tomorrow or Wednesday of that.

Thanks for hanging around, and like I said, just the facts ma'am. ✅

When I saw the post I immediately thought for a split second its not April 1st is it
LOL! Nope, not even then now.
Meh, I like my way better. That way I have a better excuse for getting toasted and it’s now become ritualistic. lol CL
Definitely do what makes you happy Captain. :morenutes:
Monday odds-and-ends update!

First off, let me apologize for wasting everyone's time this morning with my satirical post about plant growth. I really didn't mean for it to be taken seriously (it seemed too absurd to me), but I appreciate those of you that did as it shows the faith you have in me and my posts. I'm sorry if I breached that trust.

The point I was trying to make with it was that correlation does not imply causation. Might have been the crickets, might have been getting used to the new pot, might have been that it liked the heat that comes off the wall long after the sun goes down...

If you like using something (whether it's actually doing what you think or not), I fully support you using it! Just not crickets. :)

In other news, not a single Candida cutting I took on August 13 rooted. Not the ones in perlite nor the ones in the solo cup. I tossed the perlite ones after they all died, and two of the solo cup ones as well, but the remaining solo cup cutting hung around until yesterday:

Amazingly, it stayed green for well over a month without the dome, but still no roots. I did notice the soil had a lot of this growing in it:

I recall LOS growers saying that soil fungus is good so I have no idea if it played a part in the lack of roots, but I think the next cuttings I take I'll use my old ProMix rather than soil. I had better luck with that.

And back on the kief front, I pulled out the two jars of Trainwreck trim I had saved from last October (I swear there's trim under those fans):

I mashed and rolled and smoo-shed it onto my 80 mesh screen and got this kief:

Here is a closeup:

2023_09_15_12_33_13_715 TW trim kief.png

No one has been around to try it out but now that my wife is back I'll let you know if this (or the 5KC kief) gets her high. And for @Jon I will ask if there's a difference in taste between the two, though I doubt I'll get a satisfactory answer. :cheesygrinsmiley:

Grandpa's Moonshine has aphids (in spite of over two weeks of daily SNS209'd nutes (there's another thing folks claim works brilliantly!). I had to spray it with castille soap spray to keep them in check, so it gets that, citric acid for PM, and weekly BT spray for caterpillars. I'll get some pics tomorrow or Wednesday of that.

Thanks for hanging around, and like I said, just the facts ma'am. ✅


LOL! Nope, not even then now.

Definitely do what makes you happy Captain. :morenutes:
I’m sure you Smoo-Shed it perfectly Shedmeister but about your fungus. I have never seen anything like that before with little eggs in it so that might be something bad. But I’m not a fungus expert either. CL🍀
I mashed and rolled and smoo-shed it onto my 80 mesh screen and got this kief:
Have you tried BHO method, im sure you probably have, we had some on our cones and got pretty munted 🤣🤣
Aren't you using the cloneinator anymore?
I really didn't mean for it to be taken seriously (it seemed too absurd to me), but I appreciate those of you that did as it shows the faith you have in me and my posts. I'm sorry if I breached that trust.
This. This is why people don't know when you're joking.

So serious.;)

So.....Whatcha doin for your next grow?
Did I miss the post with that info on it?
I'm a bit behind ☹️
I’m sure you Smoo-Shed it perfectly Shedmeister but about your fungus. I have never seen anything like that before with little eggs in it so that might be something bad. But I’m not a fungus expert either. CL🍀
Thanks Captain, and I'm hoping one of our organic soil growers will tell me it's all fine. :)
Have you tried BHO method, im sure you probably have, we had some on our cones and got pretty munted
I'm not big on solvents or things that can go boom! I did try QWET a couple of years back but still have a bit of PTSD after suffering three days with methanol poisoning. I have the equipment for that sitting in a box in the garage but have trouble even looking at it.
Aren't you using the cloneinator anymore?
Good question! I haven't used it in years since I learned how to clone in solo cups (of ProMix to be honest). I used to have a dedicated water-proof space for it (the bike shed), but that has gotten filled with other stuff over the intervening years. Maybe I could fire it up in there if I can clear a spot for it. Thanks for mentioning it Absorber!
This. This is why people don't know when you're joking. So serious
So.....Whatcha doin for your next grow? Did I miss the post with that info on it?
It's kind of up in the air. I'm not doing winter grows anymore other than small projects in the tent in the house, like another Candida seed run (one that finishes this time), and it's too late to start a fall grow since the Grandpa's Moonshine SIP went sideways and added a month to the grow. I also don't know (again) if I'm going to New York this fall, even though it's looking unlikely (again).

In the spring I plan on running a Cap Junkie I got from an East Coast grower and not sure of the second plant, but it's still a ways off at this point.
I'm a bit behind
I'd rather be a massaged one.
Thanks Captain, and I'm hoping one of our organic soil growers will tell me it's all fine. :)

I'm not big on solvents or things that can go boom! I did try QWET a couple of years back but still have a bit of PTSD after suffering three days with methanol poisoning. I have the equipment for that sitting in a box in the garage but have trouble even looking at it.

Good question! I haven't used it in years since I learned how to clone in solo cups (of ProMix to be honest). I used to have a dedicated water-proof space for it (the bike shed), but that has gotten filled with other stuff over the intervening years. Maybe I could fire it up in there if I can clear a spot for it. Thanks for mentioning it Absorber!


It's kind of up in the air. I'm not doing winter grows anymore other than small projects in the tent in the house, like another Candida seed run (one that finishes this time), and it's too late to start a fall grow since the Grandpa's Moonshine SIP went sideways and added a month to the grow. I also don't know (again) if I'm going to New York this fall, even though it's looking unlikely (again).

In the spring I plan on running a Cap Junkie I got from an East Coast grower and not sure of the second plant, but it's still a ways off at this point.

I'd rather be a massaged one.
I've run 2 lots of 3 cuttings through my bubbler and all haven't taken 🤔 no timer on pump tho !?
Hi Shed, don't forget the Beauveria Bassiana for aphid control. Regarding the 🦗🦗🦗, the BB will kill them too!!!
Thanks Captain, and I'm hoping one of our organic soil growers will tell me it's all fine. :)

I'm not big on solvents or things that can go boom! I did try QWET a couple of years back but still have a bit of PTSD after suffering three days with methanol poisoning. I have the equipment for that sitting in a box in the garage but have trouble even looking at it.

Good question! I haven't used it in years since I learned how to clone in solo cups (of ProMix to be honest). I used to have a dedicated water-proof space for it (the bike shed), but that has gotten filled with other stuff over the intervening years. Maybe I could fire it up in there if I can clear a spot for it. Thanks for mentioning it Absorber!


It's kind of up in the air. I'm not doing winter grows anymore other than small projects in the tent in the house, like another Candida seed run (one that finishes this time), and it's too late to start a fall grow since the Grandpa's Moonshine SIP went sideways and added a month to the grow. I also don't know (again) if I'm going to New York this fall, even though it's looking unlikely (again).

In the spring I plan on running a Cap Junkie I got from an East Coast grower and not sure of the second plant, but it's still a ways off at this point.

I'd rather be a massaged one.
Maybe @Gee64 or @Keffka knows what it is. I never seen anything like that. CL🍀
The point I was trying to make with it was that correlation does not imply causation.
Most won’t read a more important thing today.

On kief - I can confirm acapulco gold kief gets you high. I can also confirm that vaping it the night before getting on a budget airline flight is sub optimal 😅
I've run 2 lots of 3 cuttings through my bubbler and all haven't taken no timer on pump tho !?
Interesting. I used a digital timer that would let me do seconds on and minutes off. I can't recall if I had any luck running it 24/7 but I do know it made the water really warm, and I got zero results when the water was warm.

Correlation does not imply causation, so was it the cooler water or the drying time in-between sprays?
Maybe @Gee64 or @Keffka knows what it is. I never seen anything like that. CL🍀
Most won’t read a more important thing today.
Indeed! Maybe even tomorrow.
On kief - I can confirm acapulco gold kief gets you high. I can also confirm that vaping it the night before getting on a budget airline flight is sub optimal
Duly noted. :laugh:
Damn if you got 6" grasshoppers then how big are the Preying Mantis ?// When i was growing outside we had preying mantis like crazy i have seen one here the was 6-7 " it was a little intimating to say the least when you already got ur arm into the plant , hopper around 3" I thought that was weird with the crickets but i have never been to Cail. :bongrip::rofl:
Monday odds-and-ends update!

In other news, not a single Candida cutting I took on August 13 rooted. Not the ones in perlite nor the ones in the solo cup. I tossed the perlite ones after they all died, and two of the solo cup ones as well, but the remaining solo cup cutting hung around until yesterday:

Bust out the cloning bucket. :idea:
Late Thursday update with Wednesday's pics!

Just a little proof of life on Grandpa's Moonshine on flip day 50 yesterday:

I'm getting a bit of purpling on the leaves which is fun:

Color changes on leaves that aren't related to deficiencies are always a treat!

While I was out there getting bitten by those nasty ankle-focused Aedes mosquitoes I figured I'd get a few trichome pics even though it wasn't Friday. The GM seems to be drinking less, but it's also a lot cooler and less sunny these days so that might account for it. Anyway:

That's it! I hope your week is wrapping up well. :surf:

Hi Shed, don't forget the Beauveria Bassiana for aphid control. Regarding the 🦗🦗🦗, the BB will kill them too!!!
Sorry I missed this one earlier. I'll see if I can find it locally in the spring when I head outside again for the next grow. :thanks: for the reminder!
Damn if you got 6" grasshoppers then how big are the Preying Mantis ?// When i was growing outside we had preying mantis like crazy i have seen one here the was 6-7 " it was a little intimating to say the least when you already got ur arm into the plant , hopper around 3" I thought that was weird with the crickets but i have never been to Cail.
I hardly ever see praying mantises here, maybe never! But that was also the biggest grasshopper I have ever seen anywhere. When it jumped off the bush by the house I first thought it was a bird from all the plant movement.
Bust out the cloning bucket.
I'll have to start by clearing room in the bike shed and buying a new timer (the current one shorts out if you move the plug slightly). I'm also waiting for healthy new growth to cut since I did a serious trim when I took the last cuttings, but once there's enough to take, I'll go with a batch in perlite and a batch in the Cloninator®!
Youre an insane talent shed. That 5kc was a big baddie. She really expressed to the fullest. Did you get a final weight?

Your GM is looking awesome too.

Hopefully your crew gets nice and high.
Youre an insane talent shed. That 5kc was a big baddie. She really expressed to the fullest. Did you get a final weight?
Your GM is looking awesome too.
Hopefully your crew gets nice and high.
Thanks Chef and I'm glad you're getting to see your creations in action! No weight yet on the 5KC as it's taking a while to get the RH down. This weekend I'll break out the mini dehuey if it stays damp around here.

:thanks: for the chance to show them off.
Do you remember...
The 21st night of September?
Trying to cheer up
Chasing the clouds away... :love:
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