InTheShed Grows Inside & Out: Jump In Any Time

Agemon if you do not mind me asking what is cactus soil.
They sell it home depot and lowes too. It's a course soil with good aeration and fast draining, it dries out pretty quick. I live in SoCal so easy to find, we got cactus everywhere. I know alotta peeps shy away from miracle gro but they make some, as well as, there is cactus/ succulent mix too, made by different company.
I believe Uni Gro is the company that makes the one I use. I'd post a link but I get my hand slapped when I do that...
You can also look on The Zon.
They sell it home depot and lowes too. It's a course soil with good aeration and fast draining, it dries out pretty quick. I live in SoCal so easy to find, we got cactus everywhere. I know alotta peeps shy away from miracle gro but they make some, as well as, there is cactus/ succulent mix too, made by different company.
I believe Uni Gro is the company that makes the one I use. I'd post a link but I get my hand slapped when I do that...
You can also look on The Zon.
Thank you for the info. I will need to research how that works on a in a pot outdoor grow. I grow outdoors and always looking for another thing I can maybe try. It may drain too fast for outdoors in a 25-gallon pot.
Thank you for the info. I will need to research how that works on a in a pot outdoor grow. I grow outdoors and always looking for another thing I can maybe try. It may drain too fast for outdoors in a 25-gallon pot.
I've got plumeria trees in pots in the exact same mix. I water'em once a week and it stays over a hundred this time year. Of course they are in the shade. I would think you'd be ok, but understand your caution. You could always grab a plant you don't like and see how it does in the 25 mix.

I'm indoor in 15 gallon pots, I feed them every three days, when I grew outside a few summers ago I used the sprinkler system.

Happing Growing
I see it as a meditation that's a cure for poor or inexperienced waterers. That can include myself at any moment.
On my solo grow they have drippers but they blast out at feed time.

Less drip more jet.

Some of them due to blocked drippers or special attention diets get fed out a jug via a 100ml syringe.

That finger feed for then, slow gentle, all around the trunk is 100% a) better for the plant b) personally relaxing/satisfying

Would that I wasn't so lazy I’d do it more!
It didn't generate the conversation I was hoping for so I figured we should just move on. I'll get to the quotes and other news later today.
Too funny!
I thought 'what the heck?'
Well, if Shed says it works, maybe it does.
Looking forward to more of your humor / satire. I'll keep on my toes.
I actually went online and tried to find the science. :laughtwo: Alas, twere no such sciences. :confused:
Well I guess my attempt at satire went over like a lead balloon. 🤷‍♂️

I do not actually recommend putting any leaf-chewing insects on your plants at any time! Carry on with what you were doing... :slide:
🤣🤣 I wasn't going to argue with you 🤣🤣
Thanks Shed! As far as coco, I’m not sure I agree. My experience is that yes, you always water to runoff, but the point is not to wash out old nutes. You water so often in coco they never get “old.” My understanding is that since coco is hydrophobic, you gotta keep it wettish all the time. I’ve experimented some with not doing so, but that’s a different discussion. So when you feed again, it’s more to maintain the hydro level than to wash out nutes you only added a few hours earlier. I bet you could even get away with a nute water nute water cycle and use the remaining nutes in the medium from the previous feed up all the way before the next feed. Haven’t tried that, but I might sometime. So as usual I’m not sure and not saying I’m “right,” just knocking it around with you.
So you're just adding enough water to keep it wettish rather than getting runoff? Because if you're watering to runoff it doesn't matter why you're doing it, you're still pushing any old nutes and used ions out of the coco with each watering.
Happy Happy Happy Anniversary !!
Thanks sb! She just landed about 45minutes ago. :yahoo:
That’s why I always would get super baked on feeding days because I always get distracted and forget what I’m doing. And it makes me feel soooo good . Lmao
Whatever works for you Captain! Dani taught me that. :laugh:
Lmao! I can relate! When I started out I was weighing the Solos and then again after watering and not watering again til the numbers matched. I was fanatical about it - totally buy into E’s thread. And it took forever. I also lost patience. That’s why I love coco so much - things move so damn fast. And you only have to dump the water in however you want. Nothing slow about it. Lol.
I have neither the patience nor time in the mornings to water my soil slowly and I do okay. I put in half whatever it's getting, do something else for a few minutes, and then dump in the rest close to the areas where the outside of the pot is not wet yet. When I had more plants and they were in 10 gallon pots, I would just dump 2 gallons in and move on!
True it does take forever but you got to admit that the watering the outside edges grows some amazing roots. I think someday I might try coco. But I’m just content with soil. CL.
I stopped watering the outside edges and I found the water would move there within a few minutes.
Pie is always good! American Pie too!
America is just the best! ;)
I put drippers in solos rather than hand water! I hear you!
You have too many plants and too few hands to hand water your crop.
I did a few grows in coco, I detest Ph'ing, that's why I switched to the cactus soil, it's fast draining and airy so the roots don't get too wet. And no PH'ing.
Amazing that you can go that long without watering in cactus soil, particularly out in the desert heat!
I am ready for it to be done in my house not good ! Plus i want to try this thing ya'll call Dosidoe ??
Plant looks great sb! I'm glad it took its time moving into flower for you.
I see it as a meditation that's a cure for poor or inexperienced waterers. That can include myself at any moment.
A meditation for retired folks! It was a time suck I didn't have time for. :thumb:
On my solo grow they have drippers but they blast out at feed time.
Less drip more jet.
Gotta love that coco that doesn't care how fast or how much! Only your wallet takes the hit.
That finger feed for then, slow gentle, all around the trunk is 100% a) better for the plant b) personally relaxing/satisfying
Would that I wasn't so lazy I’d do it more!
Even during lockdown I didn't take more time watering. Also, I feel like the faster you water the more oxygen gets sucked down to the roots.
As in little Jiminies?!
As in!
Infantile predator Jiminies huh? Do you see any of them now as adults hanging around? Did you notice if they lived on/under the soil or on the plant? Wonderful bump in growth!
I didn't see the adults hanging around so they have a different parenting style from us, but I did see an enormous grasshopper this morning (the body was close to 6" long) so maybe they were grasshopper babies?
Tease! lol CL🍀
Nah, just misdirected satire.
Too funny! I thought 'what the heck?' Well, if Shed says it works, maybe it does. Looking forward to more of your humor / satire. I'll keep on my toes.
Thanks Grateful, but that was my last attempt. I'll be the SOP Shed from now on unless I tell you up front!
I actually went online and tried to find the science. Alas, twere no such sciences.
Science? Anecdote for the win. :thumb:
I wasn't going to argue with you
Damn, that would have been fun though....
I'm still coming down from some shrooms. It made sense to me at the time...
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