InTheShed Grows Inside & Out: Jump In Any Time

Hey, happy to help wherever I can ;)
Oh, well then disregard everything I just said. I have no clue.

That was an excellent description of how to determine the readiness of a DDA. :hug:

I personally started taking mine about the time they start to go cloudy to get a more energetic buzz, desiring mostly clear. I’ve been doing that with more than DDA, and I’m satisfied with the choice.

DDAs have the red oil in the trichomes stalks. That can make it tricky to catch amber at the right time. I’m not looking for anything that slows you down anyway.

Professor, that’s a lovely shot. :thumb:
Okay, finally caught up around here! Time for the Friday update :).

Everyone is outside today because the sun is mostly out and there's a good breeze blowing. But tonight is supposed to be chilly and last night the temp at soil level was 55º, so the big three will smooshed again. At least stretch is over :thumb:.

I got some pics of the Candidas this morning (day 100). They need a trim since they're not going to get flipped until at least two of the three in flower come down, which means it could be late April. I'l do a good leaf inspection tomorrow.

Candida CDWT:

Candida CDNT:

And the Bedroom Cookies 2.2 day 88:

And since the heat mat is about to get really crowded, here is what's happening on the desk @Amy Gardner...

Three really old cups of cuttings in water...these will probably get tossed. Sour G, AK, and PC:

Three cups of monstercrop cuttings from the trimming. I will probably do at least one cup each with two of each type. AK, PC, Sour G:

And last, the heat mat with 7 Peyote Critical clones. These will be moved somewhere else to make room for the planting this weekend:

I can get about seven cups on there, so with two stems in each that's 14 cuttings getting planted this weekend. Most will be Candida as gifts.

I hope you all have great weekends planned. I'll be thinning and to follow. Enjoy the evening!
Saturday night update! I'm sure most of you are fast asleep except for those of you early risers across the pond, and @Amy Gardner, who is in the middle of Sunday dinner :).

The sun was out most of the day and so were the plants. I did a bit of cleaning of the big three, just taking off lower buds that would definitely be larf, and a few leaves. Separate bags, into the freezer.

The Candidas got a major cleanup, I topped nearly every branch, and I took loads of cuttings and leaves, with still more to do. Around 4pm the clouds rolled in and the air temps suddenly dropped 10º so everything went inside. Big three = smoosh and the Candidas are in the shed under the warm Samsung strips.

First, let's take a look at the yellowing leaves from the Candida CDNT:

I'm going with deficiency, which I hope has been handled by the increase in nutes.

Next up, the pretty purple on the underside of the Peyote Critical leaves:

How about some dead bugs on a Candida leaf? They got a round of neem today:

I went to plant cuttings and found roots on three of four AK-47 cuttings that had been sitting in a cup of tap water since Jan. 27th. Let's call these easy to clone! Two of them went into soil:

I did not have room for anywhere near everything I took off the Candida...this is what was left:

And finally, here is a peek at my cloning desk, which got just a wee-bit more crowded today:

That empty cup on the heat mat on bottom right has the temperature sensor in it (in case anyone is wondering!).

More rain coming over night so it will be an indoor day tomorrow, but if there's a break I'm sure the PC and the Candidas can use watering.

I hope your weekends are going well. Enjoy Sunday! :)
Saturday night update! I'm sure most of you are fast asleep except for those of you early risers across the pond, and @Amy Gardner, who is in the middle of Sunday dinner :).

The sun was out most of the day and so were the plants. I did a bit of cleaning of the big three, just taking off lower buds that would definitely be larf, and a few leaves. Separate bags, into the freezer.

The Candidas got a major cleanup, I topped nearly every branch, and I took loads of cuttings and leaves, with still more to do. Around 4pm the clouds rolled in and the air temps suddenly dropped 10º so everything went inside. Big three = smoosh and the Candidas are in the shed under the warm Samsung strips.

First, let's take a look at the yellowing leaves from the Candida CDNT:

I'm going with deficiency, which I hope has been handled by the increase in nutes.

Next up, the pretty purple on the underside of the Peyote Critical leaves:

How about some dead bugs on a Candida leaf? They got a round of neem today:

I went to plant cuttings and found roots on three of four AK-47 cuttings that had been sitting in a cup of tap water since Jan. 27th. Let's call these easy to clone! Two of them went into soil:

I did not have room for anywhere near everything I took off the Candida...this is what was left:

And finally, here is a peek at my cloning desk, which got just a wee-bit more crowded today:

That empty cup on the heat mat on bottom right has the temperature sensor in it (in case anyone is wondering!).

More rain coming over night so it will be an indoor day tomorrow, but if there's a break I'm sure the PC and the Candidas can use watering.

I hope your weekends are going well. Enjoy Sunday! :)
Kill them all buddy kill them
Damn, that cloning desk is looking awesome
So healthy!

Here’s my area on the side of my veg tent.
Still not having great luck with cloning yet, but I’m only 2 weeks into the new mat and soil mix with baggies for domes attempt, so I have high hopes and will prevail eventually, also helps it’s not -40C here anymore, and my basement is 1/2 warm now... 5 clones on highest up came from a friend pre cut one was dead this am so put a new cutting in there, 1 has rooted in the cup below, but it came that way I just put in a bigger cup, plus there’s a blue cookie seed in the mix that just came up, had to butcher the leaves as his helmet was stuck on and wouldn’t open up but doing okay today. I want to order some seeds from Barney’s but they are sold out of absolutely everything on the Canadian site that I order through.
So I'll chime in a few time... still 8 pages behind but here we goooo

Uggh IG sounds terrible. Tell her to get back home soon. Glad the Tstetes didn't take her home to their tribe.
Hmm it is and it isnt. We are a tight knit tribe here and stand up for one another IG is ruthless and less honest. People only post the good. Here we embrace the good bad and ugly as it is all gained knowledge on our path to grow great meds.
Been a bit desolate here with out penny and newts and lg2.

Yeah. Well I have talked to lady g and she is doing well and meeting lots of great women in the cannabis community via IG. She was bullied her and I fully supported her decision to part ways with 420. But I totally agree.its not the same without her!!! And pw damn we need him back just like your avatar suggests lol.

What if they just stay on ig and never come back. I
It's way faster to navigate. 420 needs to bring back the app. I'm all about spreading cannabis awareness, but we need members for that. And we had more with an app. Also more members equal more sponsors and more revenue for the mag to keep the awareness coming to a growing group.
Fuck. I blame Arctic Bowl.
Lol poor dave.... yeah I think you mean to blame rooster! That lil shit converted a bunch of ppl....
Him and his fermented beaver tail and Dabs as a neighbor.:dude-knocking:.

Someone say beaver tail :drool:

I'm still here! Just not as much... still love you all!
And then MadDab got a job outside the house and he's hardly ever here as well! We're losing a good percentage of Alaska.
Yeah illz too. Idk what happened to him! Gramma is around still tho no??? Amd I see green thunder lurking from time to time. She is on the 420 fourm as well! Couple Alaskans there too. I tried for a little but I barely have time for my 420 fam!
Probably hunting Bald Eagles and Moose that is just how he rolls.

Think I'm more lost than usually in my little foggy corner.... Why have they migrated to IG from here? Both Newt and PW............. :eek:

Almost everyone has an IG account too. Faster more secure PMs. I haven't seen PW in a while though hes moving I guess? Newty is on IG yes @missnewtygrows she does a lot of videos and the platform there supports her style pretty well. And of course you can go live with friends and cook, smoke water plants, I'll bbq sometimes too lol! But I'll never leave 420! I wouldnt be where I am today without this awesome place

Speaking of lost comrades @FeralA9X where are you?

.....IG lmao! Yeah and so is the other aussie. I forgot his username here but hes buddies with A9X oh mateysmurf!
I’m not a fan of social media just because it feels like everyone is trying to be a rockstar on there or something. Maybe I’m just getting old. :( I’d rather have a small tight knit community that’s here to aid each other in growing the best cannabis, or other plants, to our own abilities.
I’m bitter about social media because unfortunately a large part of my job ( self-employed) requires that I spend an abundant amount of time on social media trying to gain followers and stuff. It’s not what I was built for but it’s one of the better ways to get traction in my market.

I can link ya with my childhood friend. He runs a social media marketing company. Created it for smaller companies and entrepreneurs like yourself.

But yeah that's what I mean by not as honest. People only post their best pics and moments so it's not a real representation of themselves. Here people specifically come to seek advice and help other who are having grow problems. I was on IG a month posting pics of my first grow and some random person I've never met just went apeshit on me trolling and shit. Like it was my first grow and I was proud of my success. But if that happened here we would rally and support the grower. So very different environments
Kill them all buddy kill them
Working on it Joe! Neem for the Candidas (shake shake spray) and Spinosad for the flowering three.
Good morning Shed... looks like you had a little wakeup call with the bugs. Just the Candida's? Any reason why they went to them and not the PC? :hmmmm:
The Candidas and the flowering three never meet. Interestingly, the bugs seem to prefer the AK-47 of those, even though there's plenty of opportunity to spread. Don't think I've seen anything on the PC, though there are some on Sour G. Spring is coming so everything is hatching. I'm expecting more and more so I'm staying on top of it.
soil mix with baggies for domes
No solo cups where you live? Clear inside colored with clear on top is really the way to go if you can. I have done pots with a bag on top and it worked fine, but those were the AK-47 cuttings and they seem to root anywhere!
I want to order some seeds from Barney’s but they are sold out of absolutely everything on the Canadian site that I order through.
Lots of sponsors here carry Barney's if you want to spread the wealth and find the inventory sooner over later :).
Looking good Shed, keep going you going to need bigger shed.
LOL! You know it JM. Hopefully I'm going to bring a lot of these to the meet-up in San Diego in April when SweetSue flies in. I've also got clone boy and another local who use to be on here but now is only on IG. He's killing some Sour G and AKs in flower now! His IG handle is yamba_grows.
Hi :hug: all well, good... Flap... Flap... Bye..
Thank you for flapping through AB! Nice to see you out and about again. :hug:
Yeah illz too. Idk what happened to him! Gramma is around still tho no??? Amd I see green thunder lurking from time to time. She is on the 420 fourm as well! Couple Alaskans there too. I tried for a little but I barely have time for my 420 fam!
I'm on GT's threads but she's lower profile than she used to be, and I do see AKG on occasion, but we don't cross paths often.

Thanks for the visit Them! Check out some posts with pics too ;).

Turned out to be sunny today (silly weather people) so everything is outside. I'll get an update here later today. :surf:
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