InTheShed Grows Inside & Out: Jump In Any Time

Happy Labor Day, Shed!
Glad there was minimal damage to the JH - it doesn't seem to have bothered her a bit!
That JH looks like she could be a big one..
She sure does, and her new 7 gallon home almost guarantees it!
Happy Labor Day, Shed!
Glad there was minimal damage to the JH - it doesn't seem to have bothered her a bit!
Thanks Carcass, happy Labor Day to you too! I have to say I was shocked when I picked it up off the concrete. I couldn't find any damage at all at the time. And the branch that split didn't miss a beat.

The pot was light because I was letting it dry out before transplant, otherwise the water weight tends to keep them from blowing over!
She sure does, and her new 7 gallon home almost guarantees it!
I know right? I'm thinking of not training the Jack Herer as wide and letting it go more vertical. I can't flip it until at least one of the two Summer plants are harvested, and they're only in their third week post flip. I also wanted to grow out a Candida and flip it to get some new buds for oil, but that one is probably too far behind.

@Virgin Ground and I are going to do a joint grow soon-ish, so I guess I can stall the Candida and eventually flip those two together. :hmmmm:

Damn shite soil messed up my whole schedule! :grrrr:
I was shocked when I picked it up off the concrete.
Oh, I thought it just fell over, but stayed on the roof... she handled kissing that concrete really well!
@Virgin Ground and I are going to do a joint grow soon-ish, so I guess I can stall the Candida and eventually flip those two together.
Is soon-ish October-ish-ish?
Tuesday update!

On Saturday I did a second pollination of the flowering Candida (in an attempt to make S1 seeds), but this time I let the pollen container come to room temperature before applying it. I have no idea if that made any difference but I thought I would do something different this time.

Here are three buds, 4 days later:

Pollinated or expected pistil senescence?

I had to spray the plant with citric acid for some powdery mildew this morning, so who knows if that will mess anything up! We'll see... :hmmmm:

Also, I thought I would get a family portrait since it's been a while since I've done one:

The Sour G and Chiquita Banana are on flip day 16 and will be thinned next weekend.

The Jack Herer (that I transplanted on Saturday) is 53 days above ground.

The Sour G clones are for a seedmaking project, since there are no more seeds available of that cross (GG#4 x THC Bomb x Sour Diesel).

The Red Dragon mother is in case the now-curing Red Dragon is a big hit. If not, I'll toss it or give it away.

Most of the Candidas are self-explanatory, but the vegging one is the one I will eventually flower to help replenish the stock for CBD oil.

I hope you all had a great weekend and are continuing to stay safe! :slide:

Best layed plants..
It's been that kind of year so far. :rolleyes:
Oh, I thought it just fell over, but stayed on the roof... she handled kissing that concrete really well!
The sound woke me up from an outside nap! I was sure there would be entire branches or the top missing. Phewf!
Is soon-ish October-ish-ish?
Yes! I just need to figure out where everything is going to go given the family portrait above. Right now the Sour G and CB are in the shed; the JH, vegging Candida, and Sour G clones are in the tent; the mothers sit on the floor of the office.

You let me know when will work for you and I will find a spot for the new one. I don't want to hold you up!
Thanks Stunger, nice to see you around these parts. Hope all is well on your side of the world!
Cheers Shed, it's my outdoor 'off season' at the moment so I don't have much to offer to the boards on the gardening front. But things are relatively good here, altho we are in lockdown where I am at the moment, which puts a damper on things. But today in a lovely moment of sunshine amidst some wind and rain, the postman made 'stealth' delivery so on that front, today I am feeling rapt, thanks for asking! :ganjamon:
Cheers Shed, it's my outdoor 'off season' at the moment so I don't have much to offer to the boards on the gardening front. But things are relatively good here, altho we are in lockdown where I am at the moment, which puts a damper on things. But today in a lovely moment of sunshine amidst some wind and rain, the postman made 'stealth' delivery so on that front, today I am feeling rapt, thanks for asking!
Other than the damn lockdown that sounds like great news! Almost time to start the summer grow for you. :thumb:
You let me know when will work for you and I will find a spot for the new one. I don't want to hold you up!
My dance card is always open for you, darling. :love:

I can start whenever...
That crooked pistil look looks like a very good sign to me. Of course, some pistils senescence is to be expected.. but usually that looks like straight pistils just going brown. Those are crooked and brown only on the tips. For me that’s a sign of pollination. The only way to be absolutely sure is to see enlarged seed pods though. Great work shed
Highya ITS,

Looks like you have a winner with your Candida pollination project! Good luck with seeds! Happy Smokin'
My dance card is always open for you, darling.
I can start whenever...
Aww... :love:
That crooked pistil look looks like a very good sign to me. Of course, some pistils senescence is to be expected.. but usually that looks like straight pistils just going brown. Those are crooked and brown only on the tips. For me that’s a sign of pollination. The only way to be absolutely sure is to see enlarged seed pods though. Great work shed
Thanks Chef! I'll try to relax now and let the plant do it's thing.
Looks like you have a winner with your Candida pollination project! Good luck with seeds! Happy Smokin'
I sure hope so Bode! Otherwise I have to decide whether to start again or go with the slightly suspect seeds from the reversed one.
That Sour G is a little whopped on one side , No wonder your having Issues getting it through the shed door . But the plants all look really good without problems , I know nothing about making seeds or pollen sept what i have here and i thank You !
Thanks sb! That Sour G is definitely not a shape I would aim for, with the hollow middle and the lanky branches hanging every which way. I'm hoping to be able to whip it into some workable shape this weekend when I do the post-stretch trimming. Maybe I'll completely clear out the middle and pull all the outer branches in to fill in the space. I never did the pre-flip trimming, so it's going to be a bigger job.

On the plus side, not lollipopping either of them before flipping has kept them smaller!
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