Italian Outdoor Adventures - From Pure Indicas to Pure Sativas

I mix banana skin with water in blender mixer.Then i pour that in flower soil and mix it,leave it in the sun for 2-3 weeks.I am stirring it once a day,keep it in liquid stage till the end of process.The final product need to look like regular flower soil just with banana in it.I put that on top of my soil in pot.I hope that i help a little.and sorry for bad english
How do you guys go about preparing the Banana peels? Even prior to reading this I was thinking that would be a good source of calcium & potassium.

Yeah what he said... LOL
Thx guerillahaze for sharing!

My recipe goes like that, but I picked it up from another 420 grower called Fuzzy Duck to whom I send good karma for it as it's excellent.

Basically, you put banana peel aside for couple of days and then you shove it in the oven at max temp for about 20 min. Then you just use a blender to work it into a fine powder. What you get that way is smelly, greasy and black flour rich in potassium and phosphorus. Enjoy!
Thx guerillahaze for sharing!

My recipe goes like that, but I picked it up from another 420 grower called Fuzzy Duck to whom I send good karma for it as it's excellent.

Basically, you put banana peel aside for couple of days and then you shove it in the oven at max temp for about 20 min. Then you just use a blender to work it into a fine powder. What you get that way is smelly, greasy and black flour rich in potassium and phosphorus. Enjoy!

Please if you can find the time..... Make a new thread about these awesome natural foods like you just mentioned , I will sub the heck out of that!
Please if you can find the time..... Make a new thread about these awesome natural foods like you just mentioned , I will sub the heck out of that!

I think that you'll find everything that you want to know in organic section (link below), and if not, you can always ask.
Thx guerillahaze for sharing!

My recipe goes like that, but I picked it up from another 420 grower called Fuzzy Duck to whom I send good karma for it as it's excellent.

Basically, you put banana peel aside for couple of days and then you shove it in the oven at max temp for about 20 min. Then you just use a blender to work it into a fine powder. What you get that way is smelly, greasy and black flour rich in potassium and phosphorus. Enjoy!

What do you do with the powder after ? :hmmmm:
You mix with your soil to come up with flowering soil mix. I've got 2 plants growing in that kind of mix. Cotton Candy just showed her first preflower. I'll post pics tomorrow!
You mix with your soil to come up with flowering soil mix. I've got 2 plants growing in that kind of mix. Cotton Candy just showed her first preflower. I'll post pics tomorrow!
Oh, so you can't/don't use it for feeding the soil? Just preparing it.
Particles are too light, plus it's hardly soluble. Something like bat guano, but easier to transform by bacteria and the roots. Still, it's not a perfect material for liquid feeding in my opinion, although you can try it, what the hell :bong: The thing is these banana nutrients will be available much quicker than those ones from bat guano or bonemeal, or rock phosphate, or whatever :) It's also high in potassium, which is necessary to absorb phosphorus. These two, plus nitrogen are in constant demand for each other, so best organic nutrients are complementary, they add immobile nutrients as well. That's why compost works so well as the base of healthy organic soil mix. It has everything the plant needs just in small concentration. I treat banana powdered peel more or less like another ingredient of alive compost, which I create over the year in my garden mainly from grass and clover clippings, old roots, leaves, flowers, my cats' litter, vegetable waste, wood ash, biochar, and weeds :bong:
I save my banana peels and put them in the oven for 20 minutes at about 250 degrees/121 Celsius and flip at 10 minutes, then I let them dry out overnight and ground them up in a coffee grinder, then added to soil.

Save your banana peel like it's gold. Get some egg shells too :) This is something of caring to mineralize your soil. With all these nutrients you'll produce great buds :rollit:
I know that N P K fert is necessary for plant grow,it's food for plant.But i think plant need more vitamins and amino acids like any human,so i prepare flower tea.It's not strong fertilizer but you collect vitamins and amino acids from flowers.More different type of flowers,more different amino acids and vitamins which will make your plant strong and happy.I also use nettle for spraying the plants,nettle is realy good insecticide.If anybody want to make tea,just collect flowers soaked them in water for 2 days and give it to plant.You can do it direct in soil or foliar.I perform foliar when i have nettle in that tea.When you pouring tea in bottle use any kind of filter.Don't throw used flowers,you can repeat process.Just pour water again in that bucket and leave it 20-30 days,that way that tea will become as stronger liquid fertilizer stronger in (N).I think that everybody understand what i want to say.:morenutes:
I'm a little bit sceptical as far foliar feeding is concerned, and that's why I never tried it myself. If you have a good healthy soil why bother with feeding them more? Especially if you have all the micronutrients in order. But then what doesn't work for you, might work for someone else.

On the other hand, stinging nettle is an amazing plant with NPK of 4-1-1, and a lot of micronutrients like iron, molibdenum, zinc and magnesium. I use it to prepare liquid fertilizer, which pushes concentration of nutrients even more. I always observed rapid leaf growth after applying it to the plants and it also helps to build healthy rootball. But I never used it as an insecticide.

Use Stinging Nettles To Make A Liquid Fertilizer

I don't feed plants foliary,only direct in soil.I just spray it with flower tea because of nettle in it.Yes it work like insecticide,many people i know use it as insecticide for tomatoes,peppers,cucumbers...I found something that could be usefull to someone on this forum.I hope you would not be mad for uploading it in your journal.How to Make Insect Killer From Nettle | eHow
I'm a little bit sceptical as far foliar feeding is concerned, and that's why I never tried it myself. If you have a good healthy soil why bother with feeding them more? Especially if you have all the micronutrients in order. But then what doesn't work for you, might work for someone else.

On the other hand, stinging nettle is an amazing plant with NPK of 4-1-1, and a lot of micronutrients like iron, molibdenum, zinc and magnesium. I use it to prepare liquid fertilizer, which pushes concentration of nutrients even more. I always observed rapid leaf growth after applying it to the plants and it also helps to build healthy rootball. But I never used it as an insecticide.

Use Stinging Nettles To Make A Liquid Fertilizer

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