Jungle Joe 2.0 - ViparSpectra XS1500 Pro

Looks super professional :)
Thanks T.
Looks can be deceiving, I'm really just winging it :rofl:
I must admit it does look pretty good, not as 'artsy' as your room though.
Loving the new light at 50% power...


Hi Joe!

Hope your Sunday was full of da good stuff.

Churrrrrrr bro.
My piece of junk car got stolen.
Just as well I hated it :rofl:
Cops caught some young fullas in it getting up to no good.
Did they total it?
Not sure yet, cops rang me yesterday and said they need to do fingerprints etc. Must've used it for something bad. I'll probably get it back in a few days.

I was waiting for my son to take it, (him and the boys are going to thrash it to death at the river lol), that's why I left the keys in it.
我将 4 升水与一些芦荟粉混合,然后用大喷雾器在花盆边缘浇水,同时小心不要把水弄得到处都是,因为带血的花盆颠倒了,哈哈。只有一点点的径流,所以我的钱还不少。她还没有真正喝多少酒,只是蒸发而已。
不管怎样,她看起来很好,很漂亮,很健康,并且像冠军一样成长。这些 Wookie F2 种子非常稳定。给饲养员的道具。

Looks nice and looking forward to see its big buds.
My little Wookie got a bit leggy and started to fall over...
So I topped up the pot with a mix of 1 cup kelp meal, 2 cups worm castings, and 6 cups of soil, then I watered it in with about 3 litres of h2o2 water (7% h2o2, 1ml per 4 ltrs) to get some extra oxygen to the roots.
I also added some mychorzae innoculant to boost the microbiology in the soil.





Never tried one
It's awesome. The taste is clean and smooth, and the buzz is good. My lungs aren't great so I can't smoke like I used to, but this machine puts out dense clouds of vapour that are easy to inhale. I see it as an investment in my future health.
It's awesome. The taste is clean and smooth, and the buzz is good. My lungs aren't great so I can't smoke like I used to, but this machine puts out dense clouds of vapour that are easy to inhale. I see it as an investment in my future health.
I just watched a review seems like a good bit of kit:volcano-smiley:
She looks a bit droopy, I think I may have overwatered her a bit. I'll let the soil dry out a bit more and see how she does.
I'm not used to the new soil and pot, so it'll take a little while to get used to its moisture retention rate.
Hopefully I didn't mess up putting the kelp and worm castings on, we'll see.

I wish to follow this as I am attempting my 1st. auto run with Frosted Skywalker by Rick Mosca. Check out my 3 gals in my "Perpetual" grow in grow diary here. SSgrower
Welcome Ssgrower,
I see you have some lovely plants, your room will be interesting to watch.
I've grown Wookie F2 auto before in different soil and it turned out awesome.
:passitleft: :thumb:
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