OK I had a @Tunkers . Here is a pic of a experiment that went way bad. I dunked the plants upside down in Leaf Wash. You are supposed to spray it on. I know now I will only spray it.

I did the same thing about 3 years ago. They were so damn shiney and i felt so smart for two days....and then they looked like that. Lesson learned!

if you hosed them off thoroughly after the leafwash dunk they might have made it....but spraying is the recommended method!

Been there, done that......:rip:
@Doc Bud No harm no foul. I like playing around, mistakes and all. Is there any of the microherd that can be brewed into a tea?

Hey I may even pop so new beans now... LOL
Grocery had some old Banana's on sale for .29 per lbs. So I now got 10 lbs in a container to ferment. Banana Vinegar is supposed to be real good for plants. Will have to see how that turns out in a couple months. I keep telling myself ..... Must be patient grasshopper.
@dr.h00k I seen this video and thought of you. This all looks interesting. Got any input?

Seed Tea
I watched the video and that's very interesting im going to have to try that I just recently ordered some malted barley seeds for my tea and conrad was talking about sesame seeds soak them for a week and put hot water to them and grind them up for your tea lots of benefits!
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