Keffka's Recycling, KOS Blue Thai, Herbies Seeds Apple Betty, Runtz Punch

Right, and I’m saying, try it in the cup during that two week period where they’ve rooted but you’re deciding which is best.

I would just keep an eye out. In a closed system, eventually the P will run out. You’ll want to refresh/amend the soil before that happens. It will likely take a while to happen but the supplies aren’t infinite
Only a third of my mix is old soil, with another third being organics like worm castings and compost and to those I add flowers and such so a fresh source comes in each round.
@SmokingWings also has covered this in other posts somewhat. If you see a deficiency in flower, you’re already way behind and won’t be able to make up for it. You’ll be able to hold it in place with a lot of effort but you’ll never overcome it because you’ve missed the accumulation points.
Thanks for the notice on this msg. My hand is so screwed up I can't type, just hunt and peck with a couple of fingers on the other. Anyway, I will post a couple of quick notes and hope to get back with something else on the same topic very soon.

If the deficiency starts to show in flower, especially in 'pre' or early flower, let's say within the first 1 to 2 weeks after the change in light schedule, then it is pretty much over. If it shows when there are just enough stigma/pistils showing to call it a flower bud it is over. The same issue shows up in auto-flower plants even though light schedule changes are controlled by the plant and not the gardener so those growers have to be reading their plants to stay ahead.

The idea is to stay ahead of the plant and not planning to play catch-up later if the problem shows.

Only a third of my mix is old soil, with another third being organics like worm castings and compost and to those I add flowers and such so a fresh source comes in each round.

You’re all over it. You should be more than fine, especially since I imagine the system is designed to sustain you instead of extracting maximum profit from the environment.

Thanks for the notice on this msg. My hand is so screwed up I can't type, just hunt and peck with a couple of fingers on the other. Anyway, I will post a couple of quick notes and hope to get back with something else on the same topic very soon.

Oof.. hunting and pecking is the worst. That’s frustrating enough for me to figure out talk to text. Appreciate the quick notes. I’m not going anywhere so take your time on the rest, hopefully you have a quick recovery
Thanks for the notice on this msg. My hand is so screwed up I can't type, just hunt and peck with a couple of fingers on the other. Anyway, I will post a couple of quick notes and hope to get back with something else on the same topic very soon.

If the deficiency starts to show in flower, especially in 'pre' or early flower, let's say within the first 1 to 2 weeks after the change in light schedule, then it is pretty much over. If it shows when there are just enough stigma/pistils showing to call it a flower bud it is over. The same issue shows up in auto-flower plants even though light schedule changes are controlled by the plant and not the gardener so those growers have to be reading their plants to stay ahead.

The idea is to stay ahead of the plant and not planning to play catch-up later if the problem shows.
I find the exact same thing. Every once in awhile a plant, for whatever reason, will develop a P problem. It doesn't happen often in organics, but it happens. As soon as it does I cull it. The only real way out is to switch to synthetics, and thats not for me, but hey.... worms gotta eat too😎.

A 1" layer of flower soil in the bottom of your veg pots will get you ahead on P before you hit stretch. I also spike my veg pots with 2 flower spikes. What they don't use in veg will go with them at uppotting.

It needs to be available in the soil. Every day the plant needs a little bit more than the day before. It actually doesn't need much P, so don't dump a bunch of extra in as that will mess myco up. Just make sure it's always available so the plant can access it as needed. Rock dusts, rock phosphates, glacial dusts, they all have it. Myco is the key.
It actually doesn't need much P, so don't dump a bunch of extra in as that will mess myco up

This is a part that is not covered enough. You’ll see relentless posts, ads, blogs, etc. about P in cannabis and needing to use more because cannabis uses so much. I’ve seen bonkers products with stuff like 0-50-50. Going back to the farmers, they pour so much P on their fields that goes unused it poisons the gulf with runoff every year. There’s huge screams about dwindling P supplies. Wars have and are being fought over access. It’s all such a devastating racket.

Plants don’t need absurd amounts of P poured all over them. They need their systems they’ve spent millions of years evolving to be able to access what’s already there. They need us to stop telling them what to do and start listening to what they have to say.
Finally got the bottom of my grinder to unscrew and was greeted with a wonderful present

Every summer the dead zone from nutrient runoff and the filth of humans gets larger and larger, yet we just carry on.


Just got back from the VA.. Blood pressure was 120/80 💪🏻 doc asked if I stopped smoking cigarettes I said no, just started pushing harder and further on my walks with the dog

I’ll be quitting the cigarettes soon though.. I gave myself until I was 40 to enjoy crap like that but I’m already weary of smoking. I don’t enjoy cigarettes like I used to and I can feel them poisoning me. The only bonus about dope addiction is kicking cigarettes will be a breeze compared to benzos and opiates, at least I wont have to learn how to read a clock again
I did a very large dose of shrooms several years ago and I stopped drinking alcohol and smoking cigarettes that same week!! Happy Tuesday!! 😎✌️
I did a very large dose of shrooms several years ago and I stopped drinking alcohol and smoking cigarettes that same week!! Happy Tuesday!! 😎✌️

A trip may not be a bad idea. Typically psychedelics can break me out of negative behaviors with relative ease and I’ve been looking for an excuse to pull the trigger on my shroom setup

Although I still have all the stuff for DMT on hand, and it would be much easier and faster but with shrooms I could setup microdoses for my wife. She’s interested in trying microdosing but doesn’t trust anyone other than me when it comes to drug supplying and I don’t trust buying psychedelics, I prefer to create them myself.
A trip may not be a bad idea. Typically psychedelics can break me out of negative behaviors with relative ease and I’ve been looking for an excuse to pull the trigger on my shroom setup

Although I still have all the stuff for DMT on hand, and it would be much easier and faster but with shrooms I could setup microdoses for my wife. She’s interested in trying microdosing but doesn’t trust anyone other than me when it comes to drug supplying and I don’t trust buying psychedelics, I prefer to create them myself.
I ALWAYS have a trip sitter. Alone can be ok but on big doses things can tend to get quite hazy (& very fuckin colorful might I add) I've been a sitter for a couple people as well. All I know that after those doses it feels like someone went up there in my attic (scary place!!) & cleaned away the cobwebs. I suffer from pretty serious depression/PTSD and it's like it just eased up majorly for almost 8 months.
I ALWAYS have a trip sitter. Alone can be ok but on big doses things can tend to get quite hazy (& very fuckin colorful might I add) I've been a sitter for a couple people as well. All I know that after those doses it feels like someone went up there in my attic (scary place!!) & cleaned away the cobwebs. I suffer from pretty serious depression/PTSD and it's like it just eased up majorly for almost 8 months.

Cleaning away the cobwebs is a good analogy. It definitely helps with PTSD. PTSD causes certain neural pathways in your brain to harden so those feelings, reactions, etc. become a part of who you are, how you receive and how you perceive the world around you.

Its why you find yourself being hyper vigilant in unnecessary situations, or why you find your pulse racing for no reason. It’s also why I don’t take jobs seriously and why the things that other people find intense, scary, important, etc don’t seem to phase you at all. I was working night shift at a job and some dude came in and grab a bunch of crap and ran out. I didn’t even think to call the police. I just laughed that someone would’ve done that and carried on with my day. It didn’t even occur to me that someone just robbed me until my manager in the morning called the cops 🤣

It’s really hard for me to pretend a corporate gig is “mission critical”. It’s even harder for me to be around people that believe their work is the most important thing in the world.

Psychedelics don’t fix those pathways, but they do open up new ones and new connections your brain has never made before. So PTSD and depression both become something you can manage because you’re no longer depending on those hardened pathways and have alternate routes now.
Every summer the dead zone from nutrient runoff and the filth of humans gets larger and larger, yet we just carry on.
They realize it is a problem but they have no idea of what to do about it, especially if it will interfere with or confuse their own life style. Then they mention that the generation of their adult kids will come up with a solution eventually. Let them fix it is a common attitude.

Yes, the nutrient run off from the over fertilizing of farmland and the low level of treatment of human waste is a growing problem but way to many people want to avoid the inconvenience of having to think about it. Not only the Gulf or Mexico problem but look at the nutrient runoff problem building in Lake Erie. If not stopped will affect the food chain for many people when the commercial fishing fleets and the sports fishers are no longer able to use the lake.

These problems have been with us for 100 plus years and it will take decades to bring back the health of our land, air and water. The longer we wait to to start the harder it will be to fix.
It needs to be available in the soil. Every day the plant needs a little bit more than the day before. It actually doesn't need much P, so don't dump a bunch of extra in as that will mess myco up. Just make sure it's always available so the plant can access it as needed. Rock dusts, rock phosphates, glacial dusts, they all have it. Myco is the key.
You’ll see relentless posts, ads, blogs, etc. about P in cannabis and needing to use more because cannabis uses so much. I’ve seen bonkers products with stuff like 0-50-50.
Phosphorous (P) is an interesting one. I played around with Phosphorous a bit several years ago on a couple of plants and noticed an increase with flower size and harvest weight. Then I was distracted by Calcium and Calcium related issues but about 2 months ago I started thinking of P again as a way to build larger harvests without having to go to larger sized pots of soil or plants.

That will involve getting several plants to a certain size and then using various amounts of P to see what happens. First step will be taking cuttings in about 4 weeks, culling and selecting rooted ones, and seeing where it goes. In the meantime the jury in my head keeps thinking that the verdict will end up being a "little bit" goes a lot further than the mega-amounts that are in vogue.

The "stuff like 0-50-50" or the usual 'finishers' have their place for some growers but do not seem to be understood by the new or casual growers who keep buying the small containers which have interesting artwork on the label. Back to the smaller amounts going a long way.
Phosphorous (P) is an interesting one. I played around with Phosphorous a bit several years ago on a couple of plants and noticed an increase with flower size and harvest weight. Then I was distracted by Calcium and Calcium related issues but about 2 months ago I started thinking of P again as a way to build larger harvests without having to go to larger sized pots of soil or plants.

That will involve getting several plants to a certain size and then using various amounts of P to see what happens. First step will be taking cuttings in about 4 weeks, culling and selecting rooted ones, and seeing where it goes. In the meantime the jury in my head keeps thinking that the verdict will end up being a "little bit" goes a lot further than the mega-amounts that are in vogue.

The "stuff like 0-50-50" or the usual 'finishers' have their place for some growers but do not seem to be understood by the new or casual growers who keep buying the small containers which have interesting artwork on the label. Back to the smaller amounts going a long way.

It’s all dependent on how you’re growing. Due to the very very sticky bonds that P almost instantly forms with the medium, you’re left with two choices. One, dump absurd amounts of P into your medium with the hope that you use so much, the plant gets some of it. This is where those finishers and bloom lines come in, and it’s also what synthetic farmers do. You hit the plant with so much P it can’t help but take some of it up, but 99% of it is lost.

Or, if you’re growing organically, you use myco and a very small amount of P, juuuust enough to keep things balanced. For example, I cooked up 48 gallons of soil for this run. In that 48 gallons I only used a 1/4 cup of soft rock phosphate. That comes out to around 1/4 tsp per gallon of soil.

A 1/4 tsp.. my plants collect more than 1/4 tsp worth of dust during the grow lol
These problems have been with us for 100 plus years and it will take decades to bring back the health of our land, air and water. The longer we wait to to start the harder it will be to fix

We live in a capitalist world with humans that have been conditioned to believe that if there is no profit there is no point. As long as consumerism and capitalists continue to brainwash and pervert our species, the can will continue to be kicked down the road.

Sadly there will be no grand meltdown or hard reset to fix this. We will be forced into ever smaller places as more of the planet becomes inhospitable. People will continue to believe they’re just one more 80 hour work week away from wealth while we watch those truly responsible escape from the hellscape they created on dick shaped rockets.
Due to the very very sticky bonds that P almost instantly forms with the medium, you’re left with two choices. One, dump absurd amounts of P into your medium with the hope that you use so much, the plant gets some of it. This is where those finishers and bloom lines come in, and it’s also what synthetic farmers do. You hit the plant with so much P it can’t help but take some of it up, but 99% of it is lost.

Or, if you’re growing organically, you use myco and a very small amount of P, juuuust enough to keep things balanced. For example, I cooked up 48 gallons of soil for this run. In that 48 gallons I only used a 1/4 cup of soft rock phosphate. That comes out to around 1/4 tsp per gallon of soil.
Whether I do much experimenting or not will depend on my mood and how/if my hand heals enough I get some of the lost strength back. Jury is still out on that and still weeks away from finding out.

Anyway, I had come across this general article. Not sure of how valid it is but it is better written than most. I figure it is a starting point and will give me something to think about when it comes to how much experimenting I want to do.

Phosphorus: Too Much of a Good Thing
By Elizabeth Black (Mar 29, 2021)
Phosphorus: Too Much of a Good Thing
Whether I do much experimenting or not will depend on my mood and how/if my hand heals enough I get some of the lost strength back. Jury is still out on that and still weeks away from finding out.

Anyway, I had come across this general article. Not sure of how valid it is but it is better written than most. I figure it is a starting point and will give me something to think about when it comes to how much experimenting I want to do.

Phosphorus: Too Much of a Good Thing
By Elizabeth Black (Mar 29, 2021)
Phosphorus: Too Much of a Good Thing

Yep, that article pretty much says what @Gee64 and I have found to be accurate.

P is wildly overused by almost everyone and because most don’t understand how to break it out of its binds it continues to be overused. It’s why I laugh off claims of us having passed Peak Phosphorus. There’s Phosphorus literally everywhere if you’re willing to break out of a NPK mindset
P is wildly overused by almost everyone
Not just for farming and/or gardening, too. The EPA and other similar groups had the soap companies pull it out of cleaning products since it was ending up in lakes and then causing massive algae blooms that were killing the water and the fish living there. Some really big blooms in Lake Erie and even in smaller inland lakes, just about any body of water catching farm field un-off or catching the drain from municipal water cleaning operations. The water was cleaned of human waste and garbage but the Phosphorous remained. Now there is green scum floating on some of my favorite Pike fishing lakes.
Not just for farming and/or gardening, too. The EPA and other similar groups had the soap companies pull it out of cleaning products since it was ending up in lakes and then causing massive algae blooms that were killing the water and the fish living there. Some really big blooms in Lake Erie and even in smaller inland lakes, just about any body of water catching farm field un-off or catching the drain from municipal water cleaning operations. The water was cleaned of human waste and garbage but the Phosphorous remained. Now there is green scum floating on some of my favorite Pike fishing lakes.

I just don’t understand people from the past and how short sighted they were. They were willingly being short sighted too. For example, I don’t know how many times I’ve heard people talk about smoking in hospitals and how they didn’t know any better. My great grandma called bullshit on almost all of that kind of stuff. She wouldn’t let people get away with that excuse. She said they knew better the whole time, they just didn’t care. Doctors knew tobacco was awful but still collected those Lucky Strike paychecks.

I don’t believe anyone from the past didn’t know better about any of this. They did, they didn’t care. This whole talk about how great the country used to be is such horseshit. Every single year I go back in history seems worse and worse filled with worse and worse humans who cared less and less.

My soil test came back so high in P that the College doing the test suggested no P in the next amend. It just doesn't get used in my pots! More Mico I'm thinking!

I’m not surprised. If you’re following along with Revs recipes but aren’t pushing your containers to their absolute limits like he does, you’re eventually going to have too much P. He hints at it in his book a bit about how you have to run your room hot and hard to utilize all of his mix but doesn’t really cover the fact that if you don’t max out your plants, you’re still leftover with whatever wasn’t used.

For you, yes, make sure you’re myco is getting established and is doing its job. You’ll hear me and @Gee64 talk a lot of Hydrolyzed fish ferts. That’s the best way to keep myco happy and balanced while in containers. It also helps to soothe any stress inflicted on the plant.
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