KingJohnC's 400 Watt LA Confidential Seed Cabinet Soil Indoor Grow Journal

Hello KingJohnC. Very Interesting.. Subscribed
Flower Day 84

LA Confidential number 2 was watered with a nutrient solution consisting of 3 millilitres per gallon of Flora Gro, 5 millilitres per gallon of Flora Micro and 11 millilitres per gallon of Flora Bloom.
i never said he did smoke seeded bud, i was just making a comment that a plant left in flower to long wont degrade the high,
The Innocent By- Stander has a question. Is this as fact?
when trichomes mature they change from clear to cloudy to amber, amber trichomes are degraded and will change the high to a more "body stone" sedative effect strain dependent. the longer a plant is flowered for the more the trichomes will have time to degrade but not reducing potency to nothing. even seeded cannabis will not reduce potency to nothing.
when trichomes mature they change from clear to cloudy to amber, amber trichomes are degraded and will change the high to a more "body stone" sedative effect strain dependent. the longer a plant is flowered for the more the trichomes will have time to degrade but not reducing potency to nothing. even seeded cannabis will not reduce potency to nothing.

Since it is a waxy substance it can last a lot longer in proper storage methods too. Also there are 30 year old plants out there kept alive because they do not lose potency. Also as a plant lives on even past maturity it continues to produce new trics and will go through the same phases the old trics went through , as long as it is alive it will keep making potency but to a extent.

Example.... We had a old school drug dealer in my town we called her "Mother Mary" she had some pot that was 20 years old she sold all the time it was pretty bunky but it always worked.... All she does is storage them in basement in garbage bags , she had like 50 garbage bags full... Of buds. I would say her weed was roughly 5% at the most but not bad for a product been stored for over 20 years.... lol

Crystals self preserve if the conditions are right as they are a waxy skinned substance. The trick I spose is to "fossilize" it I spose lol I dunno I shut up now.
Hi king Jc or any one I was hoping to get some advice on a hydro problem.
I am not sure how to send the link but if you go to hydroponic in the grow forum it is under " slow growth and yellowing leafs . It is pretty identical to Alk set up with out the results ha . I'm gonna keep at it until I get it right I must.

Thank you in advance for any and all time spent on here:thumb:
Thanks for the like, I checked out you journals your past plants look great. :p DAM shame with this grow :( I'm a bit of a newbie to the forum and cant seem to find how to subscribe or like pages :>

Has any 1 ever had small black flys growing in their plants top soil ? I had these little buggers in my first grow and simply put up with them, for this grow i thought I could get rid of them by not reusing any soil and keeping my tent supper clean. But these flys just pop up out of no where.....Did some research and found there are some chemicals that kill them in the soil, but i trying to stray as biological as possible.
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Hello KingJohnC. You do a great job when it comes to sharing INFORMATION :thanks: keep it up.. Thats why you earned the PRESTIGIOUS TITLE of Member of the Month - June 2013
yep id have to say king is spot on with the fungus gnat problem, go get a potato and cut a couple in half and remove the skin then place them on top of the soil, give it 12 to 24 hours then check the potato and if its fungus gnats you should see lots of white larvae on the potato as its an easy food source for them, i suffer with fungus gnats all the time but mainly during spring and summer,

the main problem is the soil been to moist so if your soil is to wet for to long then they thrive in these conditions so its best to let the soil dry out properly between waterings, also watering from the bottom also helps but you need to make sure the dish you have the pots sitting in is sort of sealed so the fungus gnats cant get into the trays or dish and get the soil that way, i cant get dunks where i am but ive got some sns products now that ill use when the gnats come back which i know they will do around march time.

they also can lay dormant in the soil during droughts so their a pain to get rid off, fly paper is a good option near the plants but make sure its the bright yellow type strips and not the sticky brown paper that you hang as this is no where near as good as the yellow stick traps, i actually made my own using double sided strong tape and got some flourescent yellow and orange card and covered it in double sided tape then stuck it on the walls in the grow room at the same height as the pots, this caught hundreds of them and finally get them under control, but after harvest i threw the soil out and started again as i just couldnt get rid of them, check any house plants as well. anywhere thats got soil and a food source such as plant roots is where you will find the gnats, breed like crazy. so glad i can hit them with sns now when they come back
Bit late but I see some really good info throughout this thread, gotta get caught up. This is really helping with ideas for a cab as I need a bit more room for flower. My buddies extra 4x4 has helped me out a lot in between rooms, but a bit small for two 600's, 3 fans, and 8-9 flo-n-gro buckets.
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Flower Day 78















This plant reminds me of a Hydrangea but with differnt coloured flowers
thanks for the tips :D i checked out the links and really want to get SNS 203, but Im a little confused with the use. it instructs you to not use in direct light or grow lights so that would mean giving it at night ? and can it be added to water with my nutrients or should be given separately with some time between feeding .? Before though i read about a simple powder mix that can be made at home cloves and cinnamon, turns out cloves are an active ingredient in pretty much all natural insecticides. Going to give this a try on my auto since she seems to have the most hope it works
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