Stopped by to check on the ladies before lights out as I worked a swing shift on this side of town last night so I figured I would pop in to get and idea of what to expect tonight…

Maybe I’m showing my age here but has anyone seen the SpongeBob episode where they went into Sandy’s tree dome with no water?
That was the state of our plants this morning 🤣


I opened the tent and it stinks! I mean bad!
And they are all wilted!
Safe to say from 10 days between watered to dry, to now only needing 6 to get to that same point and maybe even a little past it.


They are drinking no doubt about it!
Even the CC2.
Actually ESPECIALLY the CC2.
She hasn’t had water since her transplant.
I’d have to go back to do the math as to how long ago that was now but it’s for sure time to water everything!

I went ahead and mixed up a gallon of cal/mag and today I let the ph go a little higher than normal on purpose.

I had another job so I had to water them quicker than I would have liked normally.
My plan was to spread 2 gal across the garden where needed.
I had to go after only getting 1 gal in and planned to come back afterward to mix up and finish the second gallon but it wasn’t needed.

Tho I didn’t get any runoff at all from what I observed at least.
Lifting the pots they were full.
Both the CC in the 3 gal pots could have used a little more water I’m sure, they felt more too heavy than anything.

They looked to be more than happy when I got back so I just zipped them up and told them goodnight




We are VERY close to the flip. I am sticking to the original plan I laid out in my last update.
When they dry out in about 5 days maybe sooner. Considering they are drinking so much more and they didn’t get watered to run off, they may use this but I have them and be dry sooner.

In whatever situation they will be uppot from 2 gal to 3 gal pots and watered in with a feeding.
Whether this feeding will be a final “grow” feeding or an initial “flower” feed is yet to be determined.
Tho I’m leaning toward giving them their first bloom feeding at the transplant then flipping to flower 3 days later.

If the pieces continue to fall In place as they have that would put us about 7 weeks from seed.

I would like to do an in depth review of each strain as we go into flower so look out for that so we can compare our results to breeders descriptions.
I always find most of them are filled with so much fluff that no matter who grows it would never be able to accomplish such lofty descriptions but we’ll see.
So far Greenpoint has been on point so who knows.

I do have clones of everything but the cookie crisps. (Waiting on roots for everything but the PBK1)
But I’m thinking that I may drop some new seeds as we go into flower.
This way we can continue to add variety to our shelf as we find what strains stay and what strains are rotated out as the cookie crisps is.

I have clones and yes clones are great if I truly love a specific cut but I don’t want to have 200 bucks worth of seeds in the fridge for years.
The cost of a seed is minimal in comparison to the price of buying the amount of herb that seed will grow.
It makes more sense to keep a steady harvest of the strains I come to love while adding new flavors to keep things interesting and sharpen our grow skills outside of the same pheno over and over.

With the strain breakdown I am going to do I will post a list of strains that we have and maybe we can take a vote? 🤷🏽‍♂️

All there is to do now is wait to see how they respond to the lollipop defoil and now water.
I’m hoping they bush out a bit more as I fight the urge to top them one more time before we go into flower.
Also training hasn’t happened much as I love their shapes as they are.
This is probably my desire to let them go as we watch their traits next grow will be a Scrog net through veg with the strain I feel will be best for it.

As bad as she was she recovered. Tho she’s still not much to speak of she does look healthy.
I love the deep green the leaves have with this LUSH soil. Every plant that is in it looks so healthy.
It’s my new soil from here out for sure!

I cleaned her up and cut those big fans that were blocking just about everything 😂 I was using them to monitor her health they haven’t worsened as she recovered.
She’s pretty thin but she has time to beef up.

I’ve always wanted to dedicated an entire plant to making butter or hash.
I have the bubble bags and she might be the perfect candidate as I don’t expect her to yield much.
Tho I can top her and shape her now that she’s healthy who knows we may be able to work a decent yield out of her.

I have to say I’m proud of the garden and I thank every single contribution here and elsewhere in our conversations throughout 420!

I should get some sleep so I can’t work on those strain updates in the morning. 😉

Thank you for your time and thank you for stopping by!
Hey Lootz!

I clumsily fell behind in your journey and had to play catch-up this morning.

Looks like you got things dialed in to your liking!

I'm confused by why you go so long between waterings but you know your plants best. Maybe it's due to the fact that you use plastic pots and I am more used to watering fabric pots.

Regarding this:

Apparently, this LUSH soil is rich enough to feed the plants for a full 8 weeks with just water?!

I use Lush soil a lot and love it to death but it won't take you 8 weeks with just water. I estimate that 6 weeks is about the limit and I start lightly feeding my Lush plants at around 5 weeks just to be on the safe side.

Happy Growing! :Rasta:
Hey Lootz!

I clumsily fell behind in your journey and had to play catch-up this morning.

Looks like you got things dialed in to your liking!

I'm confused by why you go so long between waterings but you know your plants best. Maybe it's due to the fact that you use plastic pots and I am more used to watering fabric pots.
Thank you and thank you for the question.
So yes it is partially to ensure the plastic pots dry all the way.
If you remember I had started to overwater until @Keffka pointed it out.

I gave them more than enough water and my goal was to let them dry out completely and count how many days that actually took.
From wet to dry and light pots.
Originally that was 10 days.
Since their last watering they only lasted about 5 or 6.
It was really for me to ensure we were establishing proper wet and dry cycles.
I may be letting them go “too” long before watering and I think I was starting to notice that on my own. But I would rather have more days in between watering to be safe than sorry.

Regarding this:


I use Lush soil a lot and love it to death but it won't take you 8 weeks with just water. I estimate that 6 weeks is about the limit and I start lightly feeding my Lush plants at around 5 weeks just to be on the safe side.

Happy Growing! :Rasta:
Yes thats what I thought. I was skeptical of their being that much food in there especially without burning them but thank you for clarifying that for us.
I won’t be going longer than 6 weeks with it!
Garden looking very very nice Lootz! Hope you’re having a good day
Thank you Him. From looking at the garden to the reaction it gets from others when I share it, it’s such a good feeling

Yesterday was looooong for me so I am just starting my day. I need to take off the covers and go start a cup of coffee 😂
Looking great.. You seem to be falling right into the groove of the watering cycle.. I assume you can already feel the rhythm of it.. Once you’ve realized what a light pot actually feels like you quickly realize they weren’t as light as you thought in the beginning lol.

Also that stink is their way of saying “water us”. Once you learn it (I perceive it as almost a swampy scent) you can even pickup on it when they’re little seedlings. It’s very useful and it will have you watering at the perfect time.
Looking great.. You seem to be falling right into the groove of the watering cycle.. I assume you can already feel the rhythm of it.. Once you’ve realized what a light pot actually feels like you quickly realize they weren’t as light as you thought in the beginning lol.

Also that stink is their way of saying “water us”. Once you learn it (I perceive it as almost a swampy scent) you can even pickup on it when they’re little seedlings. It’s very useful and it will have you watering at the perfect time.
ABSOLUTELY! It seems to be working for me thank you again @Keffka
You stopped this grow from spiraling out of control and at the perfect time too!
Your a grow angel 👼 😂

I used everything you said to guide us through this problem even their scent picking up just like you said.
All of your advice was spot on!

I do have a question tho in regard to watering.

Should I be going to runoff?
Yesterday I didn’t but the pots seem heavy enough as if a runoff is too much?
And also as of now we know them to be dry in 5 days completely.
Do I always have to wait that extra day?
Could I give them less water say on day 4 in anticipation of them needing water tomorrow?
Does that make any sense at all? 😂
Looking great.. You seem to be falling right into the groove of the watering cycle.. I assume you can already feel the rhythm of it.. Once you’ve realized what a light pot actually feels like you quickly realize they weren’t as light as you thought in the beginning lol.

Also that stink is their way of saying “water us”. Once you learn it (I perceive it as almost a swampy scent) you can even pickup on it when they’re little seedlings. It’s very useful and it will have you watering at the perfect time.
Well said @Keffka .
ABSOLUTELY! It seems to be working for me thank you again @Keffka
You stopped this grow from spiraling out of control and at the perfect time too!
Your a grow angel 👼 😂

I used everything you said to guide us through this problem even their scent picking up just like you said.
All of your advice was spot on!

I do have a question tho in regard to watering.

Should I be going to runoff?
Yesterday I didn’t but the pots seem heavy enough as if a runoff is too much?
And also as of now we know them to be dry in 5 days completely.
Do I always have to wait that extra day?
Could I give them less water say on day 4 in anticipation of them needing water tomorrow?
Does that make any sense at all? 😂

No worries, that’s what we’re here for! If someone is willing to ask for help, it usually means they’re willing to listen.

Yes, I always water to runoff. With a properly aerated medium it’s almost impossible to give them too much water in one day. The plant and medium will take in whatever it can and drain whatever it cannot. Overwatering happens over the course of multiple waterings.

Depending on how you approach the watering you can do it one of two ways. You can take Emilyas route of slowly and methodically watering your plant, ensuring there is soil exchange in the root ball. This is a lengthy slow process that you do very purposefully. If you notice she waters right to runoff then finishes off with another quart of water. She has very effective exchange taking place and it’s best to water in pots in this way if you can.

If you find this just doesn’t work for you, you can water until you see just the slightest bit of runoff then stop. Wait an hour or so, and come back and water it again to just slight runoff. You want no more than 10-20% runoff max. I try to get it right to where water begins forming at the outlets and only drips a little. This takes practice.

The reason for watering in these ways is to ensure the entire medium is saturated. The roots and microlife will create little grooves and passageways in the medium. If you’re watering just once and walking away, often what happens is the water follows those grooves and passageways. This will create areas in your medium that will not get any moisture. We don’t want that. It makes nutrients difficult to access, the roots don’t head that direction since there’s nothing there for them, and salts can build up in these dry areas.

When you’re in hard sided pots and still building roots you don’t want to anticipate. You want to water when they’re ready for it. In fabric pots you could probably anticipate a little but, I’d just stick to thinking of your watering in phases instead of pots.

Seedling. Veg/Flower. Post stretch.

Regardless of the pot you’re going to water the same way depending on the phase, the pot just determines the length of time between waterings.

In flower after stretch you don’t want the medium to dry out. Roots are done building and now can use almost everything you throw at them.
Glad I'm on this journal! I've learnt alot of little but important things Google didn't tell me 🤣 👊🏽❤️
No worries, that’s what we’re here for! If someone is willing to ask for help, it usually means they’re willing to listen.
Absolutely, I'm a huge believer in I can always learn more! Pride can be a dangerous thing.
Yes, I always water to runoff. With a properly aerated medium it’s almost impossible to give them too much water in one day. The plant and medium will take in whatever it can and drain whatever it cannot. Overwatering happens over the course of multiple waterings.
This bit made it click thank you.
Depending on how you approach the watering you can do it one of two ways. You can take Emilyas route of slowly and methodically watering your plant, ensuring there is soil exchange in the root ball. This is a lengthy slow process that you do very purposefully. If you notice she waters right to runoff then finishes off with another quart of water. She has very effective exchange taking place and it’s best to water in pots in this way if you can.
This is the process I try to follow. Yesterday was an exception to how I did it in terms of watering to run off.
It felt like if I watered more, it would have produced runoff fairly quickly. So I will remain steadfast in how I apply the water.
If you find this just doesn’t work for you, you can water until you see just the slightest bit of runoff then stop. Wait an hour or so, and come back and water it again to just slight runoff. You want no more than 10-20% runoff max. I try to get it right to where water begins forming at the outlets and only drips a little. This takes practice.

The reason for watering in these ways is to ensure the entire medium is saturated. The roots and microlife will create little grooves and passageways in the medium. If you’re watering just once and walking away, often what happens is the water follows those grooves and passageways. This will create areas in your medium that will not get any moisture. We don’t want that. It makes nutrients difficult to access, the roots don’t head that direction since there’s nothing there for them, and salts can build up in these dry areas.
This bit I was aware of, but it helps with understanding the whole picture you've painted here.
When you’re in hard sided pots and still building roots you don’t want to anticipate. You want to water when they’re ready for it. In fabric pots you could probably anticipate a little but, I’d just stick to thinking of your watering in phases instead of pots.

Seedling. Veg/Flower. Post stretch.

Regardless of the pot you’re going to water the same way depending on the phase, the pot just determines the length of time between waterings.
In flower after stretch you don’t want the medium to dry out. Roots are done building and now can use almost everything you throw at them.
Glad I'm on this journal! I've learnt alot of little but important things Google didn't tell me 🤣 👊🏽❤️
This journal has surpassed my expectations!
I knew journals were helpful. This hits a little differently tho when you get such good feedback!
As promised, I wanted to go into a bit of detail on each strain as we inch closer to the flip.

This will serve as a reminder to everyone especially me what to expect as well as give us a reference to look back to at harvest and compare results with expectations.

I also realized its better I document these now as the PBK is no longer in stock or available!
So lucky I got that free pack!
So obviously we are starting with the PBK :laughtwo:


Purple Bubba Kush


Purple Bubba Kush Cannabis Strain

The Purple Bubba Kush strain is a flavorful and potent cross of Pre ’98 Bubba Kush and Purple Punch. This Indica-dominant feminized hybrid, bred by Greenpoint Seeds, breathes new life into the classic Kush strain, offering a sweet-and-savory terpene profile, knockout effects, and eye-catching bag appeal. This powerful cultivar brings out the best of both parent strains.

Aroma and Flavor

The Purple Bubba Kush weed strain unites the earthy, hashy aroma of Matt Berger’s Bubba Kush with the sugary flavor of Purple Punch, creating a unique terpene profile that is exceptionally complex. This cultivar coats the palate with notes of grape and berry, balanced by earthy, savory undertones of coffee and hashish.


Like its parents, this strain offers a potent stone that is relaxing and long-lasting. This strain is perfect for a lazy day spent indoors, where its heavy body stone can be thoroughly enjoyed. Its knockout effects make it an excellent choice for evening use or for those seeking relief from pain and stress. The strain’s potent cerebral high, coupled with its body-numbing stone, make it a hit among recreational and medical cannabis users alike.

Growing Purple Bubba Kush

Like its parents, Purple Bubba Kush is a hardy strain that anyone can grow. When provided with ample lighting and high-quality nutrients, this Indica-dominant hybrid is capable of producing a sizeable yield of dense, frosty, and flavorful buds. Note that some Bubba Kush-dominant phenotypes may produce a smaller yield than Purple Punch-leaning ones; however, nearly every plant will yield connoisseur-grade flowers.

Purple Bubba Kush is the ultimate cultivar for fans of purple cannabis strains. Its sweet, earthy flavor profile and numbing stone are sure to please Indica aficionados. Commercial and hobby growers alike will benefit from its hardy, resilient growth and fast flowering time. This robust hybrid of Pre ’98 Bubba Kush and Purple Punch is sure to become a mainstay in any grow room.


Purple Gorilla Cookies


Purple Gorilla Cookies Cannabis Strain

If you are looking for a funky and sweet Indica-dominant strain, look no further than Purple Gorilla Cookies. This potent cultivar is a cross between Animal Cookies, Purple Punch, and Gorilla Glue #4. With its relaxing and euphoric effects, this strain is perfect for those wanting to unwind after a long day. Cannabis connoisseurs love the sweet, skunky aroma and flavor of Purple Gorilla Cookies, and cultivators appreciate its hardy, vigorous growth.

Purple Gorilla Cookies Strain Review

Purple Gorilla Cookies brings together the density and frost of Animal Cookies, the sweet flavor and striking coloration of Purple Punch, and the skunky aroma and relaxing effects of Gorilla Glue #4. This strain tantalizes the tastebuds with notes of grape, cherry, chocolate, and cookie dough, mixed with hints of skunk and diesel.

Given its potent parentage, this strain delivers deeply calming effects that are perfect for a relaxing evening. Its body-melting stone is ideal for medical cannabis users seeking relief from muscle tension and general discomfort.

Growing Purple Gorilla Cookies

The Purple Gorilla Cookies strain is relatively easy to grow and flowers in just eight weeks. This cultivar is resistant to most pests and diseases and can recover quickly from most minor stressors. The plants are typically bushy with a medium yield, making this strain ideal for indoor and outdoor growers alike.

Growers can further increase the yield of this strain by using training techniques such as topping and super cropping. Providing the plants with plenty of light, airflow, and nutrients will also boost their productivity.

If you’re a fan of the Animal Cookies, Purple Punch, and Gorilla Glue #4 strains, you’re in for a real treat with Purple Gorilla Cookies. This Indica-dominant hybrid has a soothing but not overpowering stone, making it an excellent choice for people who want to chill out without being couch-locked.


Coffee Crisps
No wonder she hasn't been cooperating I've been calling her the wrong name!


Coffee Crisps Strain

Coffee Crisps is a bold blend of Pre ’98 Bubba Kush and Animal Cookies—two legendary strains with rich flavors and knockout effects. Coffee Crisps unties the elite qualities of both of its parents, offering the relaxing effects and robust flavor of Matt Berger’s original Bubba Kush, and the sweet-and-sour aroma and outstanding resin production of Animal Cookies.


Coffee Crisps mixes the delectable aromas of both of its parents. This cultivar fills the room with the sweet notes of cookie dough, chocolate, and cherry, which contrast pleasantly with the bitter undertones of coffee, skunk, and petrol. Depending on the phenotype, some plants may lean toward the chocolate-coffee scent of Pre ’98 Bubba Kush, and others may take on the sweet-and-sour bouquet of Animal Cookies.


Coffee Crisps coats the palate with notes of coffee, chocolate, cookie dough, soil, skunk, and hashish. The robust flavor tends to linger on the tongue long after the exhale. Some Bubba Kush-dominant plants may taste more of coffee and hashish, and some Cookies-dominant plants may take on the flavor of cookie dough, cherry, and skunk. Most plants will offer a blend of these flavors.


Coffee Crisps delivers a potent, body-numbing stone that may leave users in need of a strong brew to stay awake. The high starts with a brief rush of euphoria, elevating the mood and reducing stress. Soon, the Indica effects kick in, soothing the body and leaving the user feeling relaxed and ready for bed. Smoking Coffee Crisps is an excellent way to unwind after a long day.


Coffee Crisps is of medium height, with long branches that have moderate internodal spacing. This cultivar forms fat, emerald-green leaves, many of which sport thick rails of resin. Coffee Crisps produces small- to medium-size colas that are caked in resin. The flowers are incredibly dense and feature purple sugar leaves and orange pistils. Like its parents, Coffee Crisps may display hues of violet when exposed to cold temperatures.

Growing Coffee Crisps

Coffee Crisps is easier to grow than most Cookies varieties and is resistant to most pests and diseases. This variety is adaptable and can thrive both indoors and outdoors. However, some Animal Cookies-dominant phenotypes may be more sensitive to.

Some Cookies-dominant phenotypes of Coffee Crisps may stretch in height during the early flowering period. Fortunately, growers can limit the vertical growth and increase the yield of this strain by using a combination of high-stress and low-stress training methods. Coffee Crisps benefits from super cropping, fimming, topping, and other training techniques.

Pest & Disease Control

Many phenotypes of Coffee Crisps are highly resilient to pests and diseases; however, some plants may be susceptible to infections of powdery mildew. Growers can avoid most fungal diseases by providing sufficient lighting and air circulation, keeping the humidity level low.

Some Coffee Crisps plants may be vulnerable to bud rot. However, growers can prevent bud rot by pruning the plants, providing sufficient airflow, and maintaining a humidity level of below 50 percent throughout the flowering stage.

Like most Kush and Cookies strains, Coffee Crisps needs an ample supply of calcium and magnesium. Growers can use a cal-mag supplement or amend the growing medium with dry amendments such as dolomite lime and gypsum. Because some Coffee Crisps plants may be sensitive to pH fluctuations, it is recommended that growers test the pH of their nutrient solutions before feeding the plants.

Coffee Crisps is a premium feminized hybrid that brings together the best traits of Pre ’98 Bubba Kush and Animal Cookies. This cultivar dazzles growers with its fast flowering time, hardy growth, and exceptional resin production. Medical and recreational users cherish its deeply relaxing effects and rich, earthy flavor. Coffee Crisps is a top-shelf strain that will please any cannabis connoisseur.
Yes, I always water to runoff. With a properly aerated medium it’s almost impossible to give them too much water in one day. The plant and medium will take in whatever it can and drain whatever it cannot. Overwatering happens over the course of multiple waterings.
And we call it "overwatering " but it really has more to do with oxygen than water. As Keffka said you really can't give a plan too much watering in one go. The problem comes in not letting the soil at the bottom of the pot dry out. In that case, water has saturated that soil and displaced air and with it the oxygen. If it never dries out those lower roots never get a hit of O2 and will start to rot from being constantly wet.

That's what we call overwatering but as you can see it's really about what the water does to the air that's the problem. There are several ways to get those lower roots air. One is by allowing the soil to thoroughly dry, another issue to build the mix with drainage layers like Bill284 does, and another is to introduce air into that zone like we do in SIPS.

But, however you do it, it must be done or root rot is sure to follow.
After seeing the garden in person tonight, I'm GEEKED!
Things are coasting! I believe I have found my rhythm.
We're pulling all the right levers at the right time and things are FULL SPEED AHEAD!
You all have been AWESOME in helping me right the ship and getting to where we are so before I ramble


I thought about spreading another gallon across the plastic pots as they were already feeling very light!
I must not have given them as much as I thought.
Remember I didn't get a runoff to my knowledge last night and I spread 1 gallon across 12 gallons of soil, so they had a tease if anything.

Then I read Azi's comment and back to keffka's...
And we call it "overwatering " but it really has more to do with oxygen than water. As Keffka said you really can't give a plant too much watering in one go. The problem comes in not letting the soil at the bottom of the pot dry out. In that case, water has saturated that soil and displaced air and with it the oxygen. If it never dries out those lower roots never get a hit of O2 and will start to rot from being constantly wet.

That's what we call overwatering but as you can see it's really about what the water does to the air that's the problem. There are several ways to get those lower roots air. One is by allowing the soil to thoroughly dry, another issue to build the mix with drainage layers like Bill284 does, and another is to introduce air into that zone like we do in SIPS.

But, however you do it, it must be done or root rot is sure to follow.

Looked at the garden...

And said nahhhh

What's the rush? If they need water tomorrow, great! If they are dry by Sunday even better!
I plan on going and getting another bag of LUSH. Another 3Gal Pot. And transplanting them into their final containers before we head into flower anyway.
That is right around the corner as I've said. I've even picked out a date so long as they keep hitting the proper benchmarks I'm looking for.
Sunday 1/15/2023 will be the first of 12/12!

It gives them another week and makes keeping track of when we went into flower so much easier :rofl:

Instead of giving them water I gave them Torture 👿
Not too much just enough to bring up that lower stuff and give us more quality bud sites.
I think this was a great opportunity to really see what they are going to do after the flip.


The COFFEE Crisps looks as if it will have the elongated branching with bud sites scattered along the single stems.
Not what you would expect to be a heavy yielder.

The Purple Bubba Kush and Purple Gorilla Cookies on the other hand look like winners!


Tight node spacing and tons of side branching that given the opportunity to spread out and receive even light will excel!
After preemptively managing the canopy and plant sizes I realized I need to take them out and update them each
1 by 1

I wasn't too rough in bending them over, just enough to open it up get the lower stuff to come up and suggest the plant stay low. I won't be so nice in flower if they don't cooperate. I hate to resort to extreme bondage and things of the sort, but I should the need arise.

I expect everything to be standing at attention in the morning.


Tomorrow I am Building a base for the tents, so they are not on the concrete and instead on level wood.
As of now they are on old metal shelving I had.
Bit of DIY I can document for the heck of it.


The clones we took are all looking good. No roots yet tho I think the first accidental PGC 1 will be popping any day I've seen all the signs that its close.


Happy grower at the moment! Fingers crossed or "holding thumbs" as @Carmen Ray says that things continue on this steady trajectory.

Thank you for your time. I appreciate ALL input so please don't hesitate
Thank you for stopping by!

After seeing the garden in person tonight, I'm GEEKED!
Things are coasting! I believe I have found my rhythm.
We're pulling all the right levers at the right time and things are FULL SPEED AHEAD!
You all have been AWESOME in helping me right the ship and getting to where we are so before I ramble


I thought about spreading another gallon across the plastic pots as they were already feeling very light!
I must not have given them as much as I thought.
Remember I didn't get a runoff to my knowledge last night and I spread 1 gallon across 12 gallons of soil, so they had a tease if anything.

Then I read Azi's comment and back to keffka's...

Looked at the garden...

And said nahhhh

What's the rush? If they need water tomorrow, great! If they are dry by Sunday even better!
I plan on going and getting another bag of LUSH. Another 3Gal Pot. And transplanting them into their final containers before we head into flower anyway.
That is right around the corner as I've said. I've even picked out a date so long as they keep hitting the proper benchmarks I'm looking for.
Sunday 1/15/2023 will be the first of 12/12!

It gives them another week and makes keeping track of when we went into flower so much easier :rofl:

Instead of giving them water I gave them Torture 👿
Not too much just enough to bring up that lower stuff and give us more quality bud sites.
I think this was a great opportunity to really see what they are going to do after the flip.


The COFFEE Crisps looks as if it will have the elongated branching with bud sites scattered along the single stems.
Not what you would expect to be a heavy yielder.

The Purple Bubba Kush and Purple Gorilla Cookies on the other hand look like winners!


Tight node spacing and tons of side branching that given the opportunity to spread out and receive even light will excel!
After preemptively managing the canopy and plant sizes I realized I need to take them out and update them each
1 by 1

I wasn't too rough in bending them over, just enough to open it up get the lower stuff to come up and suggest the plant stay low. I won't be so nice in flower if they don't cooperate. I hate to resort to extreme bondage and things of the sort, but I should the need arise.

I expect everything to be standing at attention in the morning.


Tomorrow I am Building a base for the tents, so they are not on the concrete and instead on level wood.
As of now they are on old metal shelving I had.
Bit of DIY I can document for the heck of it.


The clones we took are all looking good. No roots yet tho I think the first accidental PGC 1 will be popping any day I've seen all the signs that its close.


Happy grower at the moment! Fingers crossed or "holding thumbs" as @Carmen Ray says that things continue on this steady trajectory.

Thank you for your time. I appreciate ALL input so please don't hesitate
Thank you for stopping by!

Excellent supercropping job! Holding thumbs it is all smooth sailing. It looks like you're good to steer them home ;)
@Azimuth always explains overwatering better than I do, I assume it’s his familiarity with the SIPs, I forget to mention the oxygen even though my favorite part of watering is listening to the air lol.

Lootz you’ve got the mindset now.. to paraphrase you: “I was doubting what I did earlier and was thinking about watering and decided nah” beautiful, chefs kiss if you will.

We as humans like to throw our realities and perceptions on other lifeforms (we do it to each other even when we KNOW no one could understand what we’ve been through, yet we think we get what others have been through, it’s odd).

We think “damn I can’t go that long without water, this thing must need some too” Or, “man I get really thirsty when it’s hot and humid, this thing probably would like a drink too” Wrong! That “thing” was around and evolving for millennia before we showed up. It was doing its own thing when we were still rubbing sticks together. When we were running around Africa and Asia it was still putting along doing its thing all on its own. All that time without us, now all of a sudden since we’re watching it, it now needs the tender caress of our love? Nope.

Obviously this is a fairly rough analogy and applies specifically to how we’re growing, but we’re talking about growing plants not landing on an asteroid. Plants got this, we just hand them the tools.

Your happiness and excitement is infectious.. It makes me want to run upstairs and hug my plants 😂 I can’t wait to see how it all turns out for you!

Also.. BRUH!! Your formatting is on point. You make me look like a child with how nice you lay out your information 🤣
Your happiness and excitement is infectious.. It makes me want to run upstairs and hug my plants 😂 I can’t wait to see how it all turns out for you!

Also.. BRUH!! Your formatting is on point. You make me look like a child without how nice you lay out your information 🤣

🤣🤣🤣 SAME! 🤦🏽‍♂️ I'll sort my garden first thing in morning so their set for a couple of days but after a lootz update the tents open again.
Also when I done a update after seeing one of lootz I was like how did he change the font or styles like that or how do you put a table in.. after a smoke aswell I had no hope! This guy 🙄🤣
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