Mmmmick 288W LED Development SCROG White Widow

Transplanted all 18 plants into 6" pots Sunday and FIMmed/topped them all Monday night. MY previous Fim attempt didn't go deep enough, which is why I say "FIMmed/topped".

They are either/or because I went deep enough this time that they may be topped instead.

Added a little guano and worm castings to all pots. Yellowing and fading color on some of the lower leaves, they've had a few feedings at 20% but appear to need more. Maybe I'm expecting to see improvement too quickly.

I know a lot of my posts are about basic things but I use them for notes so forgive what seems like pretty obvious stuff at times.

Here's the crew. They're beginning to look like my usual starve 'em or burn 'em approach.

Hi wizewizo, thanks. Working on the yellow leaves, but they're generally doing well.

Yeah the 288w seems to have great coverage over the square meter space at 18" (45cm). Not bad at 12" but maybe a little too close for veg. It's not a good comparison to the 126w yet though because I've never grown from seed under the 126w. Seems to be vegging just fine, now that I've pulled the light back up. The growth was pretty compact with the led a little too close. They are getting some vertical growth now.

How do you think you're going to do for yield in your comp grow? Plants look a lot different under the two lights but do they seem to be carrying the same amount of bud?
I cruise by but don't always comment, I know I should at least say howdy.

Looking forward to the next spinner grow, maybe with a mod or two.
Hey Mmmmick!:surf:

Here's the crew. They're beginning to look like my usual starve 'em or burn 'em approach.

At least you are consistent:ganjamon:

They look good to me Buddy. The light sounds good and your learning to dial it in for the best results. I think you will have a great grow on your hands very soon.

Peace has come to MmmmickLand! :thumb:
Looking forward to the next spinner grow, maybe with a mod or two.

Muhahahaha. As am I! Though might be the next next spinner grow for that particular mod to be implemented as the next round is starting probably this weekend. So dont believe that particular mod we are talkin about is gonna make it in here in time. But time flies...
Hey OMM,:welcome:

heheh consistency is the name of the game.

Thanks OMM, it's good to smell fresh plants again. Had to install my air filter today.
It's gonna be much warmer in this room but I'll keep lots of air moving.:thumb:
Muhahahaha. As am I! Though might be the next next spinner grow for that particular mod to be implemented as the next round is starting probably this weekend. So dont believe that particular mod we are talkin about is gonna make it in here in time. But time flies...

Yeah, no point rushing the design. Should be a great combo.
28 days
Upped the nutes to 50% in todays feeding. Still half and half Botanicare Veg and Flower solutions. Yellowing on the lower leaves doesn't seem to be getting any worse.
White Widow left of center, Mango on the right.

The little taproot WW clone is slowly developing. Now 3/4" across and on the 3rd set. She's gonna be massive!!!!


The little taproot WW clone is slowly developing. Now 3/4" across and on the 3rd set. She's gonna be massive!!!!



That tape probably scared the crap out of her! It's so big! :ganjamon:
Does look healthy tho!:thumb: It deserves life after what it's done.:peace:
Very, very nice. All those seeds popped and are looking very nice. Looks like you got yourself some quality seeds. As for the plants looking like they where a little small for the 19 day or whatever it was. I could not disagree more. Those plants look like they are right on track. But take that with a grain of salt. What do I know, just an opinion. Anyway great job and looks like with both you grows, your going to be pretty darn busy. Should be fund to watch for sure.... Great job.....
heheh Hi OMM, she's not afraid.
She might never develope more than single leafsets but she's hangin in there. Should be an amazing cola, lol, maybe a full 1/2 inch if I let her go long enough.
Hi sozor, thank you. Glad you got a chance to pop in for a look, I know you've got a lot going on.

Yep these seeds were so much better than the first batch from DN. I did mess with light distances for the first 8 days or so and growth seemed quite compact until I pulled the led back to 18" but they seem to be sorted out now. Installed some mylar last night and lowered the light to 12", coverage still looks good to the eye, but the plants will make it clear if they like it or not.
I value your opinion, especially given the beautiful plants you've produced. Speaking of which, you've got a very nice looking set of Lemon Bubble Haze going on.
Yeah between two screens and a handful of mums there's more to do for sure. The folks at my local supermarket are probably wondering how I can drink 10 gallons of RO water a week, lol.
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