Mmmmick 288W LED Development SCROG White Widow

Thanks for the help Mmmmick....

Looks like that sprout is gonna be a
WTH! how did I miss this journal? lol "I got stoned and I missed it":smokin:

BRO, I just scanned through every page and I didn't see any posts by me.. I don't know what to say.

You have it in your sig. and everyone is here.. but sisco is playing music and picking his nose.

Well looks like there is no problem and that is what we like, how is the FIM doing? I may have missed that post.

Great strains once again and plus rep and 420 stars for the journal.
Hey sisco, no problem, sometimes the obvious just slides right by me as well, heheh. But you made it eventually, better late than never I say. :welcome:
I hit a little better than 50% on the fims, lets call it half topped, half fimmed, lol. Lights out right now, I'm trying to nudge them to preflower soon as possible because those 6 inch pots are gonna have to do until I can sex them. I've got nowhere to keep 18 x 2 gallon pots.
I'll get a pic or two of the fim results posted later tonight.
Thanks for the rep and stars.:cool:
lol you and me both OMM, half inch will fit in my bowl. But this may be the first time I smoked an entire plant in one session.:smokin:
Ok, so I started to use RO water because my PH has been all over the map and my PH meter is a dud.
Buying 5 gallon jugs of RO, filled in-store. The first couple of jugs PH was 7.1 per my meter and verified with a reagent /color chart kit. With a 50% nutes solution added, PH was at 6.6 . SO I figured I had a simple straight forward solution to my PH issues. Went through 2 x 5 gallon jugs and things seemd to be improving on the yellowing situation.
I stopped testing ph because it was always 6.6 after nutes added. A couple of days into the third 5 gallon jug, I noticed leaves near the top of a couple of plants were getting a sideways bend and some lower leaves were showing PH spotting as well as fading. Measured PH of the remainder of the jug and it was 6!!!! With nutes it was 5.6. So it's obvious the store doesn't replace their RO filters in their dispensing machine until they are well past due. And my reliance on what I thought was now a stable, trouble free water source caused more damage to the plants.

I switched to RO water bottled at a bottling plant and should be fine now but I will continue to verify PH before using any new jug from this new source.

Day 35
On the bright side, I removed some of the fried lower leaves on the worst looking plant and all the new lower branching is looking green and happy and growing vigorously, shown in the pic of a single plant. A little on the light green side yet.

I changed the lights to 20/4 to try to induce preflowering a few days ago, going to 16/8 this weekend. I can't put all 18 of these plants in bigger pots until they show sex, just don't have the room for them all but they'll be rootbound soon so somethings gotta give. I suppose I could put them into flower until they show then go back to vegging.

They all look a little droopy (overwatered) due to the heavy flush they've undergone to correct PH but they're recovering and should look fine in a day or so. As you can see by the top of the single plant, half of my fimm's were topped not fimmed.



I finally hung the mylar in the cabinet. Definitely helps with the plants near the walls.
Mmmmick Hello my friend:)

I recently stopped using RO water because of the cost out here. It was costing me $60 bucks a month. 50 cents a gallon!. I decided to use hose water after it had set of a couple of days to get rid the bad chemicals. As luck would have it that very day my pH meter quit working. The plants were drooping and needed water, so I gave them the hose water. Talk about yellow leaves it looked like fall. Luckily I only did that once before I got my new pH meter. The hose water was 8.0!!!!! I pH'd the water and flushed them like crazy and watered with a few nutes added and they are Ok now. I am buying an extra pH meter now. Geez!:smokin: Must have done something to them tho, because all of a sudden they are showing some amber trichs. In fact I will chop one tomorrow.

What fun we have growing! :)

Sounds and looks like yours are doing much better now. ;)
Those look like some strong babies and am sure they will bounce back with a vengeance. Very nice job, looks like you have it all under control as usual.. Good luck... Not that you will need it.....
Just remember if you use tap water, beware of the other chemicals and additives that do not evaporate. These can buildup in the soil and throw your ph off and hurt your plant. I have always used distilled water and have had wonderful results with it. It is always a neutral ph of 7.

EDIT: I understand the cost of water, but it's totally worth it in the end. ;-)
Mmmmick Hello my friend:)

I recently stopped using RO water because of the cost out here. It was costing me $60 bucks a month. 50 cents a gallon!. I decided to use hose water after it had set of a couple of days to get rid the bad chemicals. As luck would have it that very day my pH meter quit working. The plants were drooping and needed water, so I gave them the hose water. Talk about yellow leaves it looked like fall. Luckily I only did that once before I got my new pH meter. The hose water was 8.0!!!!! I pH'd the water and flushed them like crazy and watered with a few nutes added and they are Ok now. I am buying an extra pH meter now. Geez!:smokin: Must have done something to them tho, because all of a sudden they are showing some amber trichs. In fact I will chop one tomorrow.

What fun we have growing! :)

Sounds and looks like yours are doing much better now. ;)

Hi OMM, my cost is about the same per gallon if I buy the RO filtered in the store. It's a buck a gallon for the bottling plant RO. I currently use about 10 gallons a week but the plants are still relatively small. Even my mothers are cut back. I'm going to have to buy an RO sytem as soon as I can get the cash together, but the taxman just finished raping me last month, so it might be a month or more. heheh
Things sure can go to hell in a hurry. I was on the verge if getting the nutes dialled in then it seemed from one wstering to the next things got nasty.

Should pull through fine but a lot of fan leaves won't be along for the ride.
I keep a reagent/color chart kit on hand for verification of ph readings my meter seems a little vague on. Need a better quality PH meter as well.
You must be excited, those girls of yours are looking sooo tasty. I would be anxious to get them on the rack.:thumb:
Look at all of those lil ones! I want that one and that one and that one over there.
I still have my fingers and eyes crossed for ya';)

heheh hey sisco thanks bro.

Careful now, they haven't been sexed yet. I did push the taller,rangy looking plants to the rear, possible males step to the back please.:grinjoint:
Those look like some strong babies and am sure they will bounce back with a vengeance. Very nice job, looks like you have it all under control as usual.. Good luck... Not that you will need it.....

Hi sonzor, they are probably strong enough to survive what I've thrown at them so far. The new branching is coming in strong, once those yellowed and burnt fan leaves are removed. Thought I'd worked the kinks out of my watering system, but at least I know what caused the damage. Me, lol. I will always check PH rather than assuming. And no plants had to die to reinforce that, so I guess thats a bonus.
Thanks for dropping in my friend.
Just remember if you use tap water, beware of the other chemicals and additives that do not evaporate. These can buildup in the soil and throw your ph off and hurt your plant. I have always used distilled water and have had wonderful results with it. It is always a neutral ph of 7.

EDIT: I understand the cost of water, but it's totally worth it in the end. ;-)

Hi Ms. Fox.:welcome:

Good point. I was just reading a short piece on tapwater a few days ago. Some city water uses chlorinates that don't dissipate through evaporation, and who knows what else may be added. I can live with the extra cost, but I mistakenly trusted my source to be dependable. Won't happen again.
Hunting for a decent RO system with locally available filters, then I won't have to rely on somebody else doing proper maintenance.
Thanks for dropping in, always appreciate your input.
Hi my Friend Mmmmich:ganjamon:
If you do find an RO system that's fairly reasonable let me know. The one's I've seen are the kind that are built into kitchen counter tops. I would like to find a stand alone. My tap water after breathing is always pH 8.0. Easy enough to fix, but like Ms Fox pointed out who knows what else is in there. I don't drink it. I have a filtering system, but just read in Consumer Guide its not a good one and it only filters 3 gallons, which takes forever. Thanks. :peace:
Hello, Mmmmick,

I was thinking about your water issue the other day. Have you looked into Zero Water. Its like 30 bucks at target and comes with a cheap meter. It guarantees you get a zero reading on the meter. With the amount of water you use it seems like that might be a nice solution for you. Was thinking about getting it myself. Just a thought....
Hi OMM, I've found an 8 stage RO system that replaces the calcium, magnesium , zinc etc after treatment for 155 Canadian with free delivery. It is called a PH Alkaline filter because the output water is PH7.4 to 8 which I can easily adjust by adding regular filtered city water and nutes. It is the undercounter type but I'm sure it could be mounted on a piece of plywood and fed from a garden hose.
I checked with Culligan just to get an idea and they start at 650 for a 3 stage system that probably doesn't do all that much.
Haven't seen anything along the lines of a pitcher type system that does RO, but I'm still on the hunt.
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