Mono's Perpetual Soil

The tent is really starting to fill out now. Auto's are very pleasing to look at, flowering away. Although I still find it strange to look at plants flowering and plants vegging in the same tent lol.

Went and bought some new pots and am now beginning to think I didn't buy ones big enough. As of currently I have only grown, and flowered in 10 litre deep pots. This time I bought 15 litre pots since the plants will be vegged a couple of weeks longer than usual.

Do you guys think 15 litres will be sufficient, or should I change them to 20 litre or possibly 25 litres? Just curious if it will make that much of a difference to overall yield, given the fact that soil costs £13 for a 50 litre bag lol...
Bigger is always better for soil grows, Mono. Get the big pots if you can afford the soil.
Bigger is always better for soil grows, Mono. Get the big pots if you can afford the soil.

Thanks, Graytail. So would I be better going for the 25 litre pots? If the yield will equate I am happy to go as high as 30 litre, just not sure at what point I reach a point of diminishing returns.
Looking really nice Mono.
I would just get the size pots that fit easily into the tent, you don't wanna have crowded floor space with pots and dirt, you just want a crowded canopy. ;)
As long as you give the plants time to fill your pot with roots it will not go to waste. However, too big of a pot can result in watering issues and wasted soil space if the plant does not have enough grow time to fully utilize the entire pot.

They have just been transplanted into the 10 litre pots. A couple have yet to be transplanted. So they have about three weeks to fill those pots out before I transplant them into their final pots. I'm going to flip the HPS over to 12/12 once the Auto's are finished flowering which is in around six weeks.

With all things considered I am swaying towards the 20 litre pots. Which is twice the size I have used before with good results :)

Looking really nice Mono.
I would just get the size pots that fit easily into the tent, you don't wanna have crowded floor space with pots and dirt, you just want a crowded canopy. ;)

Thanks, stealthgrow!

I think, with consideration to have space on the floor I think I will up the pots to 20 litres. Should double the root space I have used before, while still having space to keep the tent clean and tidy.
ive got loadsa pots kickin around, ive got 5 30 litre pots 5 20 litre rott pruning pots and about 20 odd 10 litre pots and 100 od pots from 5 litres and down haha, turning into a hoarder
i tried dwc/soil or air injecting as its known but its not too great or maybe i just stressed the shit outa my plants but after this grow i will also have 2 aqua farms going with all the pots lol, my rooms 1.3 m wide by 1m and im gonna set up a 5 pot rdwc and try and get used to hydro i always prefer a bit of variety for smoking but after i got robbed i need a good grow to sell some to make back a lot of the money ive had to spend on weed the past few months so gonna just go for 1 strain in the mini dwc and take 5 cuts get them rooted and almost growing so when they go in the rdwc ill need a short veg time to maximise production for the next few grows then illl go back to picking strains for myself
i tried dwc/soil or air injecting as its known but its not too great or maybe i just stressed the shit outa my plants but after this grow i will also have 2 aqua farms going with all the pots lol, my rooms 1.3 m wide by 1m and im gonna set up a 5 pot rdwc and try and get used to hydro i always prefer a bit of variety for smoking but after i got robbed i need a good grow to sell some to make back a lot of the money ive had to spend on weed the past few months so gonna just go for 1 strain in the mini dwc and take 5 cuts get them rooted and almost growing so when they go in the rdwc ill need a short veg time to maximise production for the next few grows then illl go back to picking strains for myself

Sounds like you are on a mission there mate. Hydro is definitely the way to go if you are looking for short veg times and big harvests! I like the simplicity of soil, and the nice buffer it gives you, although I still mess up sometimes haha. You going to be looking for a pretty heavy yielding strain if you are going to be selling some of it?

I like variety too, and where I live would never consider selling it. Don't know anyone around here that would even buy it loo
After a bit of measuring and contemplation of the advice from everyone, I went back to said shop and swapped the 15 litre pots for 25 litre pots. Looks like I'm going to have to buy a few more bags of Canna Terra Professional haha. I only got 5 of the larger pots as I have suspicions that one of the White Widow x Skunk #1's is a male. Should know in the next week, so I am holding out on transplanting them so as not to waste soil. By measurements I think the five 25 litre pots will fit nicely into the tent under the 600 watt hps.

Going to set myself a target for this grow - The aim will be for -

454 grams so 16 ounces which is 1lb :)

5 plants = average of just over 3 ounce a plant would be perfect :Namaste:
well when i say sell i mean ill give my bro it and he can get rid of it for a little cash or free weed which ever he chooses, i dont trust anybody knowing im growing, my bro knows he just wouldnt say to anybody as he knows how much it means to me that nobody finds out, my girlfriend really wants me to give the aqua farms another go but im really wanna try another way lol iv got the room designed up and i reckon its gonna cost me around between 100 n 150 quid to set up
well when i say sell i mean ill give my bro it and he can get rid of it for a little cash or free weed which ever he chooses, i dont trust anybody knowing im growing, my bro knows he just wouldnt say to anybody as he knows how much it means to me that nobody finds out, my girlfriend really wants me to give the aqua farms another go but im really wanna try another way lol iv got the room designed up and i reckon its gonna cost me around between 100 n 150 quid to set up

That's the safest way to go mate. Don't want it going from the grow room to the buyer. Need at least the one middle man haha. You had some really good results from the aqua farm. Never know, might get even more from another set up. What kind of wattage are you planning on running on the lights?
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