NuttyProfessor And His Herd Of Indigenous Microorganisms

I’m with Copper, I’d like to see - NuttyProfessor dives deep!

Hey can you take a look at this one if you have a minute? The op wants to make a custom coco mix and I mentioned you were crafting Jekyll & Hyde level concoctions that haven’t been invented yet...

It’s alive - oh shit that’s prolly frankenstein or frankenbud Faq page - coco mix
Hey @013 how are you my friend.
You may be waiting a while I think Nutty is gone :oops:
Check his sig doesn't exist anymore?
Oh crap I noticed I hadn’t seen him in a few days. Dang I hope he’s ok
Hopefully everything will be ok.
We normally do this in private, but since he's a high profile member and people love to spread false rumors and trash us anytime someone gets edited, I'm doing this here to avoid any misinformation and to save us time from having to have fifty separate conversations with everyone who asks. Plus hopefully it will send him a strong message this time, to knock it off and stop wasting our valuable time and energy with this nonsense.

Nutty was banned for one week for trolling Emilya for the 420th time.

We have a zero tolerance for trolling and we've had this chat with him numerous times.

At some point, we have to take action to send a message that nobody is above the law here.

We must enforce our guidelines to everyone equally, otherwise they are meaningless.

If he respects his promise to us to continue ignoring her, he'll have his access back any day.

Next time it happens, 30 day ban, after that, permanent ban.

We normally do this in private, but since he's a high profile member and people love to spread false rumors and trash us anytime someone gets edited, I'm doing this here to avoid any misinformation and to save us time from having to have fifty separate conversations with everyone who asks. Plus hopefully it will send him a strong message this time, to knock it off and stop wasting our valuable time and energy with this nonsense.

Nutty was banned for one week for trolling Emilya for the 420th time.

We have a zero tolerance for trolling and we've had this chat with him numerous times.

At some point, we have to take action to send a message that nobody is above the law here.

We must enforce our guidelines to everyone equally, otherwise they are meaningless.

If he respects his promise to us to continue ignoring her, he'll have his access back any day.

Next time it happens, 30 day ban, after that, permanent ban.

Thank you for the information. We all need to share the love with each other. Our wonderful members deserve nothing but respect from one another.
Thank you :green_heart:
Thanks, my bad - I didn’t know.
I had no idea myself, from memory I thought they got along but the way I see it he won’t want to talk about it so I would like to offer my opinion, I won’t ask him details as he is already “serving his time” and once he comes back he has way to much to offer us all to dip into the past and upset the balance. Long Live the King of Stinky Water!!!!:cheer:
I had no idea myself, from memory I thought they got along but the way I see it he won’t want to talk about it so I would like to offer my opinion, I won’t ask him details as he is already “serving his time” and once he comes back he has way to much to offer us all to dip into the past and upset the balance. Long Live the King of Stinky Water!!!!:cheer:
I read 'stinky wiener'
Prolly still true ;)
Can I ask a question on here real quick?? I’m having a a grow medium issue with my new grow. Using Fox Farms Ocean Forest and added 25% more perlite. I’m also using Dr. Earth dry amendments and my issue is drainage. When I water I almost get instant runoff... basically just pushing nutrients right out the bottom. What can I do???:rolleyes:
The professor has suggested bottom watering. I'd start there.
Unfortunately, Nutty used his first five minutes back to call us paranoid, saying we are trying to get rid of him for no reason and again complaining about Emilya in his journal, reliving the entire fiasco all over again. Followed by mocking us with childish photos of him with a mask on with handcuffs and prison jumper with 420 Magazine stickers making fun of the ban. He even created a ridiculous chart with how many farts he had while he was banned. We can't spend this much time on anyone, and this immature and aggressive behavior is not a good fit for our mature, peaceful, adult community.

We spend half our lives dealing with absurd nonsense like this, and we simply cannot stand for it anymore.

So, as I clearly stated before; first it's a one week ban, then 30 days, then after that, permanent ban.

30 days from now, we shall see if he wants to let it go, ignore her and move on, or if we say goodbye for good.

Meanwhile, this journal will be closed to limit members poking or enabling the class clown.
A quick hello to every one, no plant talk yet . I am still taking time out to fix a broken me :)
. Firstly it not easy being different , its not easy to control your emotions moods and so forth ,
I would like to say Sorry to any one i have annoyed ,:sorry: @420
When i got banned i threw my laptop in the bin , I then searched my smart tv for an answer ive been looking for for 31 years , i beat my self up when i do random stuff like the last visit back . my body does things before my head thinks it out .
I want any one who is stuck in a rut for as long as ive been to watch this 17.04 min video , it has changed my way of thinking 100% i KNOW why i do stupid things . I had counselling , meds , attempted suicide a few time , been locked up in the crazy house , nothing give me the answers the meds just drowned things out.

Guys this is me this is why i am the way i am , and now i know why i am so uptight i can fix my self, i can heal what was broke for the first time in my life i understand how my bloody brain works , I have met so many nice people on this forum , i want to share what i have been looking into , i now want to help you my friends or even just people flicking through this journal sit your self down and take the bold text onboard , watch daily and remind your self , its you that make your emotions run high not others , you end up feeling stoned without being stoned its great , when you do have a smoke your more relaxed when stupid thoughts enter your head you can shift them back out

If this helps you let me know , :hug:

You tube

Learn How To Control Your Mind (USE This To BrainWash Yourself) .​

the video is 17.04 observe the bold text

:green_heart: &:peace:

I am taking some pics of my plants as i chop and dry , i will update the journal when im ready to come back , the big cheese is at node 6 just into week 3 , I will be back soon :thumb:

The class clown is dead :rip:


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