Outdoors IKLWA And Cherries Dubelee In MA

Way to hang in there Stone. Getting cold but it will not kill them. Good luck on the take down.
Thanks Keith! This one seems resilient!
Weather changed quick , even here 69F to 45ish night .. Sounds like you got a plan Stone, she is pretty 🎄
Hehe, it's a plan! Might even work!
I been chopping bales of pot out daily trying to keep ahead of the rot.
But if I can make it 2 more weeks I’ll be set. Hehe
This all went into the woods. 🥺



Get it before it gets you Bill!
I recon your window is open. Maybe take the very best ones next weekend and some others a week later.
She can also still go a bit so its a weather call for you.
She looks tasty buddy
I'd like to go another two weeks but it's sketchy! I'll have a look Wednesday I guess. It'd be a shame top lose her over a week.
Highya SO,

Congratulations on your huge Lady! She is stunning. I agree with others about taking a branch at a time. She's too big to hancle whole! That way, you can trim at your leisure. I'm guessing you have room inside to hang all of her buds? She has huge colas! what a pleasure to look at her!! Happy Smokin'
The Little Spear she isn't! She has 7 foot limbs! Yeah, I'm going a lot easier with this one Bode. She looks like a two or three day event. She's getting a nice coat of frost on her main colas!! By Thursday She'll be ok. Still not cutting a lot of rot.
Looking good and getting quite thrilling with the timing and all. May the weed gods be ever in your favour.
I've always trimmed wet. Well I am least do the best ones. Get them done. Then often I'll just hang the rest or leave them to ripen a little more. After 20 of those spears it's enough. I dry trim the rest.

I'll also rip off a lot of the big fans on the plant a day or so before. Have not had one That big in a while.
I've always trimmed wet. Well I am least do the best ones. Get them done. Then often I'll just hang the rest or leave them to ripen a little more. After 20 of those spears it's enough. I dry trim the rest.

I'll also rip off a lot of the big fans on the plant a day or so before. Have not had one That big in a while.
Thanks! She's going through leaves now pretty fast. I'll start giving them a tug today. I'm a wet trimmer. Interesting colas Lerugged! :woohoo:
Yeah. Different to what most are used too. That's how they were 'back in the day'.
Are they loose or fairly firm?
What scale do I use? :laugh: Well they're not dense like an indica. They're not all like a chain of pearls either like my Nevilles Haze grew. I'd say a nice medium denseness. When I pinch a bud it pinches back a little. I was out late yesterday for a look. They look nice for a Thursday cut!
What scale do I use? :laugh: Well they're not dense like an indica. They're not all like a chain of pearls either like my Nevilles Haze grew. I'd say a nice medium denseness. When I pinch a bud it pinches back a little. I was out late yesterday for a look. They look nice for a Thursday cut!
Good luck cutting on Thursday. This is the best and or the worsts time of year. I hope it all goes well Stone.
Good luck cutting on Thursday. This is the best and or the worsts time of year. I hope it all goes well Stone.
I went and got a start today. Maybe 25% is cut and trimmed before rain came and I called it quits. I'll give them a wash and hang when it stops. I saw rain on the forecast and decided to accelerate the process. They were just sitting there wet from a night shower so I thought best to git er done. My fingers smell like Mr Clean! For you Lerugged, Mr Clean is a concentrated household cleaner we use for many things. Washing floors for example. It's very distinct lemony/chem smelling. I had a Lemon OG Candy with similar stank. It was very nice! Pic in a bit. Still raining.
Whaaaat? You’re serious 🧐? 30lbs? That’s incredible Otter you have got my total respect 🫡 Sir. lol CL🍀. :thumb: :woohoo:
Huh? Get me some of what you're schmokin! If I said 30 pounds for anything other than a number I wouldn't mind losing around my middle, I misspoke! Bill has the giant output over in beautiful respectful Canada. More like 3+ pounds between the two outdoorzies. :p

Good day all! To make room to hang IKLWA I cut Cherries DubeLee off branches after 9 days and into a 5 gallon bucket liner they went. 24 hours later the hygrometer buried in there read 60%! YAY! So I weighed it. 1.75 lb's I'm very happy with that! She gave us all extremely dense bud that I've tried already. First impression, it's a slammer of a balanced weed! Very powerful, first hit high weed, forth hit stupid. My kind of smoke for pain, and it does hit that button for me!

Then came IKLWA! I got maybe 20% of her cut, washed and hung.
Off to do more when the sun comes up! No more marathons. I'll knock off mid afternoon and pick up tomorrow. Later!
Huh? Get me some of what you're schmokin! If I said 30 pounds for anything other than a number I wouldn't mind losing around my middle, I misspoke! Bill has the giant output over in beautiful respectful Canada. More like 3+ pounds between the two outdoorzies. :p
I’m thinking 🤔 to myself, Okay he’s got a few plants. But still if you get more than a couple pounds per plant wet it would be a lot. But crazy 💩 happens everyday and who am I to piss in your Breakfast cereal 🥣. I’m not going call the man out on it because it’s not my place. Happy growing broski.lol CL🍀. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :cheesygrinsmiley:
You're getting there Stone! And such cooperation from the plants! One ready to bag when another is ready to hang.

Very powerful, first hit high weed, forth hit stupid.
I'll take six hits of that one please! :ganjamon:
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