Radogast 2016 - The Neverending Growing

Looking good.brother man. I've been looking into the butter machine as well. You'll have to let us know how it works out for your wife. :tokin:

Going to be looking at recipes for a bit first. Harvests have been snall and we are LOW on cannabis - possibly until April.

Silly me, I though 1 oz per week would leave a little extra - it hasn't.

I need to grow bigger plants.
The Perlite Nursemaid

36 hours ago, in a basement with intermittent jet engine fan noises and odd colored lights spilling out of doorways, I walked onto a scene of unexpected tragedy. A hamper of drying buds was upside down on a bed of perlite. The buds were scattered on the perlite as if tossed on a compost pile. A handful of buds lay upon the soil known as Clackamas Coot.

The main crime scene


The Clackamas Coot Connection


It wasn't pretty. Some days are enough to make a grown man cry. I fortified myself with a promise of blackberry flavored moonshine and started picking through the crime scene. Brushing off stray bits of perlite, I cleaned the scene. By the time I was done, the average copper wouldn't even suspect there had been a bud massacre.

Later that afternoon I settled a deal with a man I owed. Organic Girl Scout Cookies with a touch of Clackamas Coot. While not as pungent as the Labrador Tommy Chong and Cheech Marin sent Up in Smoke, the hard hitting girl scout Annabelle, in the newness of her harvest time, punched through his resistance like a titanium dabber through rolling paper. Only the memory of an aroma was left behind.

Or so I though ...

1 hour ago, the perlite tray served up green surprise.


Gettiing closer, there was a very possible connection to the massacre I had cleaned up.


Volunteer seedling Clara in her Clackamas Coot blend


Anyone care to speculate why I named her Clara?
Rad the tighter the staggered internodes, the tighter and harder the buds. I strive to get staggered internode's that's why I will clone a seedling so many times. Once you top (my strains anyway) the plants enough times they stop throwing doubles and start the staggered internodes, then when you clone those tops all your clones will be staggered from then on. Then you can just clone the clone's and you get these awesome single stemmed plants like this:
That one in the middle is solid bud from where the leaves start all the way to the top and its tight as hell. Hope the helps. Toast
Rad the tighter the staggered internodes, the tighter and harder the buds. I strive to get staggered internode's that's why I will clone a seedling so many times. Once you top (my strains anyway) the plants enough times they stop throwing doubles and start the staggered internodes, then when you clone those tops all your clones will be staggered from then on. Then you can just clone the clone's and you get these awesome single stemmed plants like this:
That one in the middle is solid bud from where the leaves start all the way to the top and its tight as hell. Hope the helps. Toast

An awesome single stemmed plant is an idea I will pursue next time I get an awesome, thick stemmed, alternating node clone. :) +reps
2 days ago, there was a power failure near lights on time in the flower room. I took the opportunity to take some flash photos with the cell phone.

Car Quiffa - 7 weeks


Sno Queen(front) - 2 weeks, GSC Monique(back) - 6 weeks


WW Bellatrix - 6 weeks

Tnd Ghita - 4 weeks


Yesterday, Giselle was done drying. She weighed in at 1.5 oz.


The cupboard is still bare
I'm beginning to doubt my soil strategy.

In Aug - Sept my yields were 66, 183, 70, & 57g. The high quality came in at 66g and 57g.
In Nov - Dec my yields were 29, 20, 32, 33? & 18g. Only 1 of the 5 was high quality.
In Jan my yields were 32, 33, 41 & 42g. All 4 have been high quality.

Aug - Sept was the first run on the soil.
Nov-Dec on the second run, I put the plants in smaller because I needed faster harvest and expected lower yields. Spider mites also lowered the yields.
Jan was very disappointing. Still the second run on the soil. But I vegged larger again and only had minor spider mites problems. I expected more.
Then again, Jan has also been really good quality smoke.

This year I have added in worm soil at transplant time.

I vegged 42g Giselle to almost the same size as her mother 183g Giselle.
41g Annabelle had spider mites her whole life, but she seemed to be robust anyway. She ended up with better foliage than buds.

- - - bottom line - - -

I'm frustrated by the low yields. I need to do better.
a little more veg and LST and you should be all good mate ;)
I see boveda packs, how do you find using them? I bought myself about 10 of the 8g 62% packs, should be here this week some time :)

We bought 30 small 62% packs more than a year ago, and won't store marijuana without them. :)

If they ever dry out (usually from being left out somewhere for weeks) they feel crunchy like they are full of dried brown sugar.
To restore them, just add water.

I stick them in a glass of water for 2 days. Set them on the counter for 2 days, and then they are ready to go again.
(Don't worry about the paper, just soak them.)
Hey, Radogast!

I don't know the source of your name for Clara, the volunteer seedling BUT I NEED TO KNOW!

Your story reminds me that there needs to be more cannabis in Raymond Chandler.

“In writing a novel, when in doubt, have two guys come through the door with bongs.”

I'm loving the Boveda packs -- my first harvest is all jarred up with them and seems to be keeping them perfectly. For the very small investment it seems worth it. Really good to hear that they can be recharged -- I had read that elsewhere but had taken it with a grain of salt. +reps for the method, too :)

Have a great week!
a little more veg and LST and you should be all good mate ;)
I see boveda packs, how do you find using them? I bought myself about 10 of the 8g 62% packs, should be here this week some time :)

I was looking at Borderliner Iman today. She stands 20" and has grown pretty much naturally.

I can't picture in my mind what happens if I let her grow 10" taller. The light will only penetrate so far into the foliage, so if I add 10" on the top, I need to defoliate 10" more on the bottom. If that thought is accurate, what do I gain, if anthing, by letting her grow larger before sending her to the flowering room?

Iman - ready to flower? - sideview from the well lit side.


Iman - sideview from the poorly lit side. (rotated 90 degrees)


Hey, Radogast!

I don't know the source of your name for Clara, the volunteer seedling BUT I NEED TO KNOW!

Clara Barton, volunteer nurse and founder of the American Red Cross

Your story reminds me that there needs to be more cannabis in Raymond Chandler.

"In writing a novel, when in doubt, have two guys come through the door with bongs."

I believe I have a Raymond Chandler paperback on my nightstand right now. I held one of his manuscripts (briefly.)

My wife is on Chapter 34 of a film noir novel (started in November.) In Chapter 31 there is a sharing of cannabis before they break their sexual tension :)

Awesome :)
They were cheap enough i thought would be good for a while then throw em out, can rehydrate them :yahoo: even better

+rep for the valued info mate, i only stumbled upon them the other day and have seen them everywhere since lol

Like when you buy a car, all of a sudden you see that make and model all over the place :)
If you're looking for more yield, it's very much determined in veg, imo. Older, bigger plants will have more roots and thicker stalks + light + nodes = yield. When you let her go longer, in part, you are aging the plant upward, and you pull up your lighting to match. If you pinch the leafs off while this is in process, the plant will also node more frequently, which means more budsites. I think health is the most important thing, but there are methods that work too. I'm not a real high yielder, but I'm vegging a new batch now, if you'd care to have take a look. :Namaste:

For Iman, I would get a fan on her, and pinch-crush her stems, to get her to slow down on upward growth, and focus on getting THICK. :cheer:
We bought 30 small 62% packs more than a year ago, and won't store marijuana without them. :)

If they ever dry out (usually from being left out somewhere for weeks) they feel crunchy like they are full of dried brown sugar.
To restore them, just add water.

I stick them in a glass of water for 2 days. Set them on the counter for 2 days, and then they are ready to go again.
(Don't worry about the paper, just soak them.)

I just looked at these. So you just throw em in ur Mason jars?
I was looking at Borderliner Iman today. She stands 20" and has grown pretty much naturally.

I can't picture in my mind what happens if I let her grow 10" taller. The light will only penetrate so far into the foliage, so if I add 10" on the top, I need to defoliate 10" more on the bottom. If that thought is accurate, what do I gain, if anthing, by letting her grow larger before sending her to the flowering room?

Exactly as CareStaker said, kinda like what i was saying the other day about LST and topping, its about slowing down the upward growth, keep them low, multiplying branches which will give you more tops, LST or supercropping for strength in the stems. Stretching them out gives more light to the lower growth areas forcing them to take off aswell, a little training and an extra 2 weeks in veg im sure you will have amazing results. Tbh i think borderliner looks real nice and will probably produce a decent yield as it is, 20" now, i can imagine how big she will be after stretch :)

Clara Barton, volunteer nurse and founder of the American Red Cross

I had a feeling it was to do with american history, i tried searching the interwebs but could only come up with Clara Maass who died from volunteering for medical experiments.... way off :rofl:

Like when you buy a car, all of a sudden you see that make and model all over the place :)

LOL so true :)
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