Radogast's First Indoor Seed Grow - In Search of Mothers

Thanks rad for the message. Plants are looking great and from what I see some of them look like they are close to harvest. I'm curious to hear the total yield produced. I may start my own thread soon I am going the soiless route. I will keep you posted! Thanks for the pictures they are very encouraging.

Thank you Mikey6duece8 :)

I'm probably going to go soil free in September when I take my next clones/seeds. Top feed into rockwool and drain into a reservoir .
First, I want to see if I can improve on what I have done in soil, as well as try out a new grow mixture.
Plus I can take my time with changes and experimenting once I have harvested crop :)
Hey rad I'm new here as of today. I have been through your journal,great job. Have you looked into Hempy buckets? I run about 70/30 coco perlite in 5 gallon buckets with great results. Its a good way to get your feet wet with the whole hydro thing. Also I was wondering if LEO has ever checked up on your setup? I live in the same state but am torn about being on there list. I have read the 52 page document but I'm kind of an idiot and still can't figure out the rules.
There is no reason for state law enforcement to look at me.
Massachusetts supreme court has stated that personal use cannabis cannot be the cause for any search.
Since possession is non-criminal, there is no such thing as "probable cause" for a search.

Not to say some officer might not try it.
There is no reason to invite a local cop into my house and no reason for him to ask.

Sorry, I don't know which 52 pages you are referring to.
In the full text of the originally proposed state rules, there is no suggestion that a patient needs to register a personal use grow.
I haven't read the latest rules.

The doctor who issued the " recommendation" registers a patient with the state. The patient has no registration requirements.
I suspect once they have state certified sales, I will have to show the recommendation letter to the dispensary and they will enter the number into the health department record keeping system.
What I gathered out of it is that I would need a "hardship" license. I think if you already have your card you will be grandfathered in but I can't find when these rules go into affect. I'm assuming its when the dispensaries open but I can't find out for sure. After hiding for so long it would seem like telling on myself. Thank you for your input,that is the same thing I've heard from friends.
What I gathered out of it is that I would need a "hardship" license. I think if you already have your card you will be grandfathered in but I can't find when these rules go into affect. I'm assuming its when the dispensaries open but I can't find out for sure. After hiding for so long it would seem like telling on myself. Thank you for your input,that is the same thing I've heard from friends.

No telling what they will do once dispensaries open. It depends on how greedy they are.
I think the health department is stalling until recreational legalization, in hopes their regulatory role will go away.

I needed to read up again. The original rules were so strict that you had to buy from a dispensary sight unseen, no advertising and you couldn't even enter the building unless you were registered before you got there. And you could only change your dispensary once a year. A recipe for a cluster fk . The hardship rules were draconian, as in no dispensary within reasonable driving range.

The way they rewrote the law, Massachusetts can resell out of state edibles and oils :) no preconditions on where you buy :)
I didn't like the sound of it first either but was in an experimental phase. A 5 gal. Hempy will drink 2-3 gal. Of water in three days. I water full strength nutes every watering resulting in huge growth. I have been growing straight coco for about a year and done one run in the hempys. I have an old one if I can figure out how to post pics I'll show you the roots at the bottom. Very white
A little about myself:

I actually look a bit like the Radagast photo icon thingy next to my posts.

I have a moderately long beard: white with brown/red accents.
Long gray hair with brown accents worn loose.
Caucasian male with hairy arms, farmer tan, light-heavyweight boxer build with smallish middle-aged spread partial to Hawaiian shirts.

I have been mistaken for, Jerry Garcia, a member of ZZ top, Santa Claus, an Indian Guru, a Hell's Angel, and a homeless man. :)

Here's hoping I haven't destroyed and disillusioned my 420 grower friends :)
63 days in flower, (43 days for White Widow Bellatrix)

No photo today, because it would look just like the last 10 photos.

On a day by day basis, it is hard to see any change.
Still, more leaves do give up their nutrients, yellow, turn brown and fall.
The buds continue to thicken and add a little more sparkle.
Trichomes remain clear.
Bud hairs are about 40% Orange and all of them have curled.

Surprisingly, the bud development seems to have synchronized-even though one, plant has 20 less days in 12/12.

The girls slowly plod their way towards harvest.

It feels like nothing has changed this month.

I tried to sprout some bagseed from the grinder (either Green Crack out Woo Woo Kush) by placing them between paper towels and the paper towels in between plates under the dome on a heating mat. This was on 6/28 and 6/30. - Nothing.
I was just thinking to myself as i was checking the threads with new posts, that Radogast should be harvesting very soon as well. as short and to the point as it was, great update Rado.

how are your clones doing btw?

Unfortunate to hear about your germination attempt. Give it some time, they may still pop!
I was just thinking to myself as i was checking the threads with new posts, that Radogast should be harvesting very soon as well. as short and to the point as it was, great update Rado.

how are your clones doing btw?

Unfortunate to hear about your germination attempt. Give it some time, they may still pop!

It's been about two weeks since I came up with a theory about my clones failure to thrive.
They had shrunk to baby fan leaves on 3 inch sticks under 20/4 combination of high output cfl and ridiculously early, 4:20 : , dawn light through the basement windows. Since I backed off to 18/6 they are growing fine, so my clones are chronologically 2 months but developmentally about 2 weeks.

I lost one clone to lack of dark and have a White Widow promised to a grower friend.

I plan to flower 8 clones in October and two BIG flux clones in January in soil with mycorrhizae and up to 50 % perlite
yea my clones are now 11 days old, none have rooted, at least none that i can see. I have to find TheCapn's article on cloning cause he suggested dipping the rockwool blocks back into the rooting solution he came up with, problem is i forgot the recipe!!

today is harvest day whenever the GF decides to wake up.. its our only day off we get, and sure its nice to get some sleep, but its like 30 degress celcius in the apartment, and let me tell you, its not a comfortable 30!! also.. its like Noon too.. duno about her, but i only have one day to get all my shit done that i need to for the week. and today that "shit" to do is harvest 6 plants! she wanted to help, but shes running out of time before i just start the chop without her hahaha

glad your clones at least rooted. I'm still hopeful that my clones are going to root! cause i need them to go into the grow box this week coming up, otherwise i'm going to start germinating 4 Great White Shark seeds for the next grow box run.
yea my clones are now 11 days old, none have rooted, at least none that i can see. I have to find TheCapn's article on cloning cause he suggested dipping the rockwool blocks back into the rooting solution he came up with, problem is i forgot the recipe!!

today is harvest day whenever the GF decides to wake up.. its our only day off we get, and sure its nice to get some sleep, but its like 30 degress celcius in the apartment, and let me tell you, its not a comfortable 30!! also.. its like Noon too.. duno about her, but i only have one day to get all my shit done that i need to for the week. and today that "shit" to do is harvest 6 plants! she wanted to help, but shes running out of time before i just start the chop without her hahaha

glad your clones at least rooted. I'm still hopeful that my clones are going to root! cause i need them to go into the grow box this week coming up, otherwise i'm going to start germinating 4 Great White Shark seeds for the next grow box run.

No need to redip clones. Cuttings take fine in water alone.
The cloning gel makes for longer, stronger roots, but you are fine as long as the roots stay moist.
I've been paying close attention to PJ's system as he's been explaining how we really don't need to use many nutes when our soil is right and how too much traffic in the soil can cause issues. I definitely plan on backing off on the nutes.

Don't look at it like that. If it's a boring grow it's great bud, if it's an issue packed grow it's the best hands on experience money can't buy; priceless...

A win win.

A little late but I totally agree . less is more. I just switched my feeding regiment for this round, I'm 5 weeks in and I notice a huge difference. I went from a 1200ppm mix down to a 850-950 ppm mix and I'm seeing much better results. Nutrients seems be being absorbed at a faster rate as well. Was feeding 2 times a week and I just recently had to switch to 3.

I hope my current grow stays nice and boring lol boring is good.
Rado, I have had good luck with germinating seeds. (Lately) The method that I found works for me is to put the seed into a cup of water and let them sit for 24-36 hours. This allows the seed shell to soften up, and allow the tap root to drop easier. Last time I tried this, I ended up germinating 5/6 seeds, with the 6th being a floater that wasn't viable. Take them out of the water and drop them right into your medium.......
A little late but I totally agree . less is more. I just switched my feeding regiment for this round, I'm 5 weeks in and I notice a huge difference. I went from a 1200ppm mix down to a 850-950 ppm mix and I'm seeing much better results. Nutrients seems be being absorbed at a faster rate as well. Was feeding 2 times a week and I just recently had to switch to 3.

I hope my current grow stays nice and boring lol boring is good.

Im just into week six now, and i have noticed that my chronic is eating up the nutes alot quicker also. I was changing the nutes once a week, but now Im at twice a week. My feeding schedule is 15 minutes on 45 minutes off during the daytime hours. My leaves were actually getting a little nute burn the past couple weeks, so I also dropped my ppm from 1100 down the the 900's. Its weird because she has been on full strength nutes her whole flowering life, and didnt have a problem before. Maybe she is using her stored up nutes....... Hopefully she responds quick here because Im only about 15 days from harvest.

Not to mention that I will be doing the final flush in right around a week or so.
Rado, I have had good luck with germinating seeds. (Lately) The method that I found works for me is to put the seed into a cup of water and let them sit for 24-36 hours. This allows the seed shell to soften up, and allow the tap root to drop easier. Last time I tried this, I ended up germinating 5/6 seeds, with the 6th being a floater that wasn't viable. Take them out of the water and drop them right into your medium.......

I tried speaking for 18-24 hours followed by sandwiched between damp paper towels and small plates under a moisture dime with heading pad.
I haven't had good luck with cannabis seeds and a dome.

I'm not too concerned. These are literally bag seeds from the grinder. I only tried to sprout them. Since that might have cracked in the grinder.
I have done Amsterdam seeds for when Inam serious :)
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