Hiya RD!

I was just about to post an update. Thank you for your advice - I appreciate it!

On Wednesday morning I used a syphon hose to drain the res on OG. It smelled funky for sure. That afternoon I refilled with 3 parts water and one part hydrogen peroxide (about a gallon) and let her sit overnight. She never looked horrible, just got some yellowing leaves and was slightly droopy. I think the H2O2 helped deliver oxygen to the roots?

Thursday morning I syphoned all liquid and gave her a lite top feed. Thursday afternoon I made a worm casting tea (about 2 cups worm castings and 3 tbsp brown sugar in a bucket with 3 gallons of water) and let it brew over night. This morning I drenched the soil and refilled the res with the tea.

Will see if the tea does the trick.

Here she is this morning:

And here are both SIPs this morning.

The Gorilla slurped down a gallon of the tea before noon so she is drinking just fine. I think she likes the tea!
The res on the OG is still almost full, but I drenched the soil with the tea until overflow (she took almost 2 gallons). Hoping this kicks in the wick action.

I'm not giving up on this plant or the SIP.
I can guarantee one thing after a double-decker treatment like that, the plant will notice it! I'll be rooting for you. lol.

Nice work. I am so envious of the beautiful Sativa's currently 'rounding the forum. Which sponsors have 'the bomb' Sativas? (I love me a little '90's cringe-slang!). I haven't smoked a good daytime Sativa in probably 20 years... I've got lots of jars of couchlock weed, but can only use it at bedtime or else I'm practically a hazard. Sooooo... basically, I just want to smoke more weed more often, not just 30 mins before falling asleep! ha!

I'm currently running some Kush Mints and, I think, KryptonitexBC Big Bud in SIPs indoors, but I am vexed by an issue that I'm going to "enter into the hive mind" any minute now and get some impressions. I think it's a 'gasses' issue but my corrective actions aren't corrective enough at this point. Stay tuned...
I can guarantee one thing after a double-decker treatment like that, the plant will notice it! I'll be rooting for you. lol.

Nice work. I am so envious of the beautiful Sativa's currently 'rounding the forum. Which sponsors have 'the bomb' Sativas? (I love me a little '90's cringe-slang!). I haven't smoked a good daytime Sativa in probably 20 years... I've got lots of jars of couchlock weed, but can only use it at bedtime or else I'm practically a hazard. Sooooo... basically, I just want to smoke more weed more often, not just 30 mins before falling asleep! ha!

I'm currently running some Kush Mints and, I think, KryptonitexBC Big Bud in SIPs indoors, but I am vexed by an issue that I'm going to "enter into the hive mind" any minute now and get some impressions. I think it's a 'gasses' issue but my corrective actions aren't corrective enough at this point. Stay tuned...
Several of the sponsors have strains from Ace in stock. Herbies for sure, and I think Seedsman do as well.
There are a bunch of landrace sativas in Ace's catalogue.
Hiya RD!

I was just about to post an update. Thank you for your advice - I appreciate it!

On Wednesday morning I used a syphon hose to drain the res on OG. It smelled funky for sure. That afternoon I refilled with 3 parts water and one part hydrogen peroxide (about a gallon) and let her sit overnight. She never looked horrible, just got some yellowing leaves and was slightly droopy. I think the H2O2 helped deliver oxygen to the roots?

Thursday morning I syphoned all liquid and gave her a lite top feed. Thursday afternoon I made a worm casting tea (about 2 cups worm castings and 3 tbsp brown sugar in a bucket with 3 gallons of water) and let it brew over night. This morning I drenched the soil and refilled the res with the tea.

Will see if the tea does the trick.

Here she is this morning:

And here are both SIPs this morning.

The Gorilla slurped down a gallon of the tea before noon so she is drinking just fine. I think she likes the tea!
The res on the OG is still almost full, but I drenched the soil with the tea until overflow (she took almost 2 gallons). Hoping this kicks in the wick action.

I'm not giving up on this plant or the SIP.
Its looking good now better than before 👍

this looks real nice, I can see Trichoderma is listed, and this is a bacteria of great benefit, which is different than fungi so that looks kind of like a Great White -type product. Love to see full ingredients, derived from.

Hey Res! Get well soon! I got a ton of this leftover and the dynomyco just came i wonder does this stuff go bad! My roots are booming theyve gotten furry little veg growth my little seedling has purple edges basement struggles
Hey SIP club! I wanted to share some build pics of a DIY bucket I made a few days ago. I'm currently growing 2 alaskan purples that are just taking their sweet time. Because of that I dropped 3 blueberry seeds and already have 2 of them above the surface. If I can get the blueberries to pass the alaskan purple, the blueberries will go into the sip buckets. Here's how I made them:

Material List:
5 gallon bucket
5 quart mixing bucket
1/2" PVC pipe (9" for each bucket)
1/2" slip x 1/2" male NPT PVC fitting

I started by drilling 7/32 holes in the side of the 5 quart mixing bucket. Note the holes drilled near the rim (at the bottom). Since this bucket will be inverted inside the 5 gallon bucket, there needed to be holes so it doesn't 'seal' against the bottom of the bucket. The rim will be cut off in a later step. With the rim cut off, this bucket allows for exactly 1 gallon of water and leaves a 1" air gap.


Next is drilling holes in the bottom (top) of the res bucket.


And using a 7/8" forstner bit drill out a hole for the 1/2" adapter.


Adapter installed.


And now the rim can be cut off. I just used a pair of kitchen shears and it cut very clean and easily.


You can see here when the bucket is inverted it doesn't seal against the bottom of the 5 gallon. The holes there allow the water to interface with the soil media at the very bottom of the 5 gallon bucket.


I cut some 1/2" PVC pipe so it sticks about 3/4" above the rim of the 5 gallon bucket. This happened to be 9". I also measured the height of the res bucket and determined my overflow hole needs to be 5-1/4" up from the bottom of the bucket. I used a 1/4" bit, which you can see on the right side of the following picture:


Next I used some black duct tape and taped up the outside of the 5 gallon bucket.


The final step was designing and 3D printing a clip that would hold the 1/2" fill tube closer to the rim of the bucket.



And it's done! I'll be filling the area directly in front of the overflow hole with perlite and/or hydroton and the rest with soil, so water can travel from the res and out of the overflow hole.

I want to say thank you to everyone that has participated in this thread and shared their build pics. It made understanding this system a lot easier! I can't wait for my new Blueberries to get bigger and see what they can do in these buckets.
Nice job , a fellow 3d printer
I 3d printed a bell syphon im currently trialling the link is on my signature if you are interested 😊
Happy growing and printing 😊
It should have an excellent shelf-life, and there may be an expiry or manufacture date somewhere. That stuff looks really good. You can see their product line is about value for money, and it has many excellent reviews. Glomus Mossae is an extremely aggressive myco species that works really well on 420, and isn't in every Myco product. Dynomyco has it for sure also. 10 propagules per gram isn't too bad. You want that number in double digits or I don't think it's worthwhile. There's lots of food for the bacteria to multiply with when water is added here, that's really good too. I found also that Trichoderma usage has ended any ''dampening off'' with all of my seedlings, 420 and veggies, so I culture all the microbe stuff together when I get a new bottles/bags; I mix some into a 10x20 tray of inch-deep peat/perlite, and then heavily óverplant' with wheat grass, a few bean plants and maybe a few corn, all jam packed tight. Water with chlorine-free water, and whenever I'm making a new SIP/pot or transplanting, I tear out a big chunk, roots and all, cut off the green part of the plants and discard, then cut up all the roots with scissors, shears, and innoculate with that and the underlying peat/perlite. You can really stretch out the product that way and you will get to plant with live propagules and not dried spores, so you get far more of them, and a bigger bang, faster!

Admittedly, now that I have been worm-farming I have a different modus, however, I always spike every worm tray with the above-inoculated material started with store-bought beneficial bacteria and mycos, so I'm guaranteed to have them teeming in every scoop of worm castings.

gotta go check in on AspenCultivater now.
Several of the sponsors have strains from Ace in stock. Herbies for sure, and I think Seedsman do as well.
There are a bunch of landrace sativas in Ace's catalogue.
Sweet Seeds have some very cool stuff (I’m growing their Tropicana Poison noe - please be a red pheno, please be a red pheno 80% chance🤞🏼!) They are also back as a sponsor. Check out the front page of the website.

Built my new SIP. Might journal this grow or just drop it in my perpetual. New strain arrives Monday so I should have something ready to go in her in 2-3 weeks.

Its for an outdoor grow here in the tropics. She’ll need moving to flip her (days are 12.5 - 13.5 hours long year round so I’ll have her in front of an LED street light, 2 metres away keeping her vegging before moving her. Which is going to be problematic I suspect.

Anyway some pictures.


Drainage valve for the res and overflow: Super Mario style Periscope wick/bridge filled with perlite.


15 gallon airpot base as a “grate” and feed pipe added.


Fine mesh siliconed on top.

Above that a layer of magic volcanic rocks and perlite and then some soil mash up with loads of basically everything I could find. Worm castings, batshit, Bokashi, frass, super soil, potting soil. These are all new to me. Need a bit of a read up.

The outside I’m wrapping in some 12mm silver insulation, the lid becomes a rain shield.

The breeze block is just there while stuff sets btw.

See if I can do better than my last outdoor SIP


I can guarantee one thing after a double-decker treatment like that, the plant will notice it! I'll be rooting for you. lol.

Nice work. I am so envious of the beautiful Sativa's currently 'rounding the forum. Which sponsors have 'the bomb' Sativas? (I love me a little '90's cringe-slang!). I haven't smoked a good daytime Sativa in probably 20 years... I've got lots of jars of couchlock weed, but can only use it at bedtime or else I'm practically a hazard. Sooooo... basically, I just want to smoke more weed more often, not just 30 mins before falling asleep! ha!

I'm currently running some Kush Mints and, I think, KryptonitexBC Big Bud in SIPs indoors, but I am vexed by an issue that I'm going to "enter into the hive mind" any minute now and get some impressions. I think it's a 'gasses' issue but my corrective actions aren't corrective enough at this point. Stay tuned...
Hey RDog thanks again for your great advice!

This morning she looked better but the res was still full (whereas the other SIP was dry). I moved her to the shade and this afternoon her res was almost empty, so I refilled with filtered water and some FF Grow Big for the N2. The overflow was clear water - unlike previous week or two where the overflow was very yellowish.

Regardless it looks like she is drinking from the res again - Yay!
I may save this plant yet.
Built my new SIP. Might journal this grow or just drop it in my perpetual. New strain arrives Monday so I should have something ready to go in her in 2-3 weeks.

Its for an outdoor grow here in the tropics. She’ll need moving to flip her (days are 12.5 - 13.5 hours long year round so I’ll have her in front of an LED street light, 2 metres away keeping her vegging before moving her. Which is going to be problematic I suspect.

Anyway some pictures.


Drainage valve for the res and overflow: Super Mario style Periscope wick/bridge filled with perlite.


15 gallon airpot base as a “grate” and feed pipe added.


Fine mesh siliconed on top.

Above that a layer of magic volcanic rocks and perlite and then some soil mash up with loads of basically everything I could find. Worm castings, batshit, Bokashi, frass, super soil, potting soil. These are all new to me. Need a bit of a read up.

The outside I’m wrapping in some 12mm silver insulation, the lid becomes a rain shield.

The breeze block is just there while stuff sets btw.

See if I can do better than my last outdoor SIP


That's some serious SIP! I'm assuming auto watering is on tap? 'Cause that's gonna be a monster plant in that container if you veg it long enough. :green_heart:
Hi all! 9 days above ground i filled my earthbox and wet it a little to try to activate it about a week ago and put the little cover on
Game on! Nice rootage, btw. :thumb:

excuse the water droplets i still put a lil plastic overit for humidity should i x that now?
I just dome the seeds until they sprout and then remove the domes. If you wait too long you'd have to harden them off adding a totally unneeded step to your grow.
This morning she looked better but the res was still full (whereas the other SIP was dry). I moved her to the shade and this afternoon her res was almost empty, so I refilled with filtered water and some FF Grow Big for the N2. The overflow was clear water - unlike previous week or two where the overflow was very yellowish.

Regardless it looks like she is drinking from the res again - Yay!
I may save this plant yet.
That's great news GB! It always pains me a little to see a SIP go sideways, so I'm glad your plant seems to be finding her way back.
Game on! Nice rootage, btw. :thumb:

I just dome the seeds until they sprout and then remove the domes. If you wait too long you'd have to harden them off adding a totally unneeded step to your grow.
I had some seeds still sitting on a dried out rockwool block that wouldn't sprout last year so I thought what the fuck and dropped them in a glass of water and forgot about them for 5 days ,when I looked 5 of the 8 seeds had their tails sticking out 😳 to say I was surprised is an understatement as they had been in the summer sun for a season . Worst part is now I have no idea what they are 🙄😁
I had some seeds still sitting on a dried out rockwool block that wouldn't sprout last year so I thought what the fuck and dropped them in a glass of water and forgot about them for 5 days ,when I looked 5 of the 8 seeds had their tails sticking out 😳 to say I was surprised is an understatement as they had been in the summer sun for a season . Worst part is now I have no idea what they were 🙄😁
Try em out and spray em with some myco may be a good run
I had some seeds still sitting on a dried out rockwool block that wouldn't sprout last year so I thought what the fuck and dropped them in a glass of water and forgot about them for 5 days ,when I looked 5 of the 8 seeds had their tails sticking out 😳 to say I was surprised is an understatement as they had been in the summer sun for a season . Worst part is now I have no idea what they are 🙄😁
Certainly better than the alternative, though, eh?
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