Hi sip’rs,
Yesterday i finally saw a sign of life after a long week

Today with a little sun
i put this cup of water underneath to see if i could train it for bottom feeding but then dumped it when i saw what i think to be a root didnt want to rot it i sowed directly into this small pot will be going back to papertowel method so muchh faster and for sure

My acinfinity set up has arrived but i want to get some age on this strawberry cheesecake fem seed from humboldt before i transplant into the earthbox if that is a taproot should i go ahead and transplant because i dont want to damage it letting it get some light from an old aerogarden i had lol

Any info or input always appreciated!
I moved her into the shade for today. Don’t think she is dying but clearly she is not happy. Bummer because it looks like she is finally going into flower. Not a good time for issues.
Did you give the root ball a good soaking from above with a surfactant?
Looks like we have a few new SIP-pers round here. Very cool ! I'll be starting my flowering journal tomorrow. Haven't been around all that much the last month or two as I had a lot going on. But, time to get back on track. I'll post a link once I get started. Hope to see you all there. More details later.
Did you give the root ball a good soaking from above with a surfactant?
Not yet.
I just left her in the shade all day today. She didn't drink much but she looks happy this evening.

Gonna wait another day or two before I start adding anything. I think she had just about enough of this damn 100˚F weather and stomped her foot.
@GratefulBud I have used Humbolts Secrets Enzymes with great success, I'm now using Sensizyme in low doses every other feed as a root-rot/reservoir funk preventative. My reservoir just smells like plant water.
You might try an enzyme addition to your reservoir. It's helped me reel a couple plants back in that were having root issues. Helps to eat up the dead and dying roots.
Yeah, GB, I would do a couple of things. You need to get some microbes down there to help clean those roots which will have an accumulation of dead material on them from overdrying. Worm tea or a Heisenberg tea (do a search) will get the right microbes into the rhizosphere again, or you could buy something on the market like great white, orca or NPK Raw's Veg Microbes. Many other brands. Get some Real Growers Recharge if you can (they sell the Dots).

Then you need to be top watering the tea plus a surfactant. Your matrix has become hydrophobic from getting too dry, possibly, and a surfactant like Yucca, the plant people use for sunburns (damn name escapes me), Catalan soap or just plain dish soap will do the trick. Use less if doing the soaps, like a teaspoon max, use more of doing the plant or you buy some yucca. You can feed the microbes with sugar while making tea (I also use rice flour, coconut sugar or molasses, but now I use Greenleaf Sweet Candy to feed microbes, but it is also my PK and terp booster. I think sweetcandy would suit the Dots well, but so would the Recharge sold by "Real Growers", although this is for the roots only, no PK boost.

Gotta get the microbes and surfactant down there asap. You can add to the reservoir as well as from top to cover your bases. Hanging a fabric around the pot with a space between will solve the issue from happening again.

Or so I would approach this way. Bon chance.
Your matrix has become hydrophobic from getting too dry, possibly, and a surfactant like Yucca, the plant people use for sunburns (damn name escapes me), Catalan soap or just plain dish soap will do the trick.
That would be aloe...
Bode's thoughts are good ones regarding mulching and the issues you'll have outdoors in that heat. Top watering with a surfactant like aloe or yucca, etc., can help rehydrate whatever your base mix is made from.
Hi sip’rs,
Yesterday i finally saw a sign of life after a long week

Today with a little sun
i put this cup of water underneath to see if i could train it for bottom feeding but then dumped it when i saw what i think to be a root didnt want to rot it i sowed directly into this small pot will be going back to papertowel method so muchh faster and for sure

My acinfinity set up has arrived but i want to get some age on this strawberry cheesecake fem seed from humboldt before i transplant into the earthbox if that is a taproot should i go ahead and transplant because i dont want to damage it letting it get some light from an old aerogarden i had lol

Any info or input always appreciated!
Just tape round that clear glass thing to block the light and let her go. Keep an eye on what’s in that water. Maybe replace it every two days and ready your SIPs ASAP. Those roots will give it an already learned affinity for drinking from below. Ideal for when it goes in the SIP.

Speaking of root issues in SIPs I think I have turned the corner with my dying SIP. The partial repot didn't work. But it did. Pulled it out again today and in my hand I was basically left with thenmain stem and root with a new fresh tap root. I cleaned it in H2O2 slathered it in Clone Gel, similarly cleaned and maintained the SIP and repotted it freshly. It actually drank from the res - about 30-35ml in 6 hours which is more than it was taking for a week.

I’m hopeful she’s back on track. She’s Day #35 above ground and the Blueberry’s behind Day #29


Thanks for the advice everyone!

She still looks droopy this morning. Res is about half full.

I added some Dynomyco to the res. I'll pick up some Aloe to see if that can help.
Added some to the Gorilla res as well.
Gorilla looks really good still.
Did you at least water it from the top over a long period of time? The surfactants will help but the immediate goal is to get the medium properly wetted again.
Yes I did that yesterday.
She seems happy in the shade for now.
Not panicking yet. She will do what she wants. I'll try to help but dagnabit she's mighty finicky for a weed.
Well it didn’t because I suffered total root loss BUT I did get a new tap root so I can just treat it like a clone. Reckon she’ll be ok.

“And by the power of SIP she caught and passed the size and yield of her Airpot Sister”

It could happen!

Well it didn’t because I suffered total root loss BUT I did get a new tap root so I can just treat it like a clone. Reckon she’ll be ok.

“And by the power of SIP she caught and passed the size and yield of her Airpot Sister”

It could happen!

Maybe, but she better get on it!
So I know I've been AWOL, but, I thought ya'll might like to see my first SIP harvest.

She's a Zkittlez photo bonus seed from @Herbies Seeds. She's been bottom fed from seed and her SIP has been in the back corner of the 4 x 4 tent under Gixxer LED lights. The nutrients have been grow dots. I added the SIP to my recirculating reservoir system which kept her topped off with RO water amended with Hormex root hormone and GH Armor Si. During flower I added GH Liquid KoolBloom. She was fed about 2/3 gallon every 4-6 hours.

Here she was before chop at 133 days above ground and 70 days of flower.

The stalks couldn't hold up the weight of the colas so I had to help them out for the photo. One of them actually broke off when I pulled her out of the tent so I decided to just go ahead and harvest.

Here she is today...

Can you tell which corner of the bucket lid didn't close completely?

I haven't pulled out the corrugated pipes in the bottom, but, it looks like no roots went down there.


I Started inspecting the roots by pulling up the trunk and separating the soil in 2.

Here's what the top looked like...



Can you tell which roots are from the SIP and which are from a Hempy pot?

the top set are SIP and the bottom are Hempy.

The SIP / Grow Dots is crazy easy :cheer: The results are amazing :yahoo:

:thanks: @Azimuth for this wondrous thread and @Carcass for blazing the Grow Dots trail!

The SIP buffers the pH so I didn't need to monitor the reservoir like a hawk and the Grow Dots are mix in the soil and forget about it. And...as far as the amendments...they aren't a must-have. I also grew a Northern Lights clone in the 2 x 2 with just Grow Dots and RO water! I'll post more on that post-harvest as she's finishing up in the 4 x 4 now that space opened up there.

I would think you need a root system to at least hold the dirt fairly solid. I've transplanted before where the root system fell apart, and the plant lived. Just seems like taking a chance. Of course, if time is of the essence, transplant away. That being the case, next time I'm going to put SIP seedlings in a solo SIP. Saves time on the transplant shock. Happy Smokin'
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