Solo Grow Challenge 2014

I dont know if I'm biased or deluded but I only see one winner here & I'll give you a clue who it is....... It's not you :laugh: (evil villain laughter)

I'll have updated pics of my beauties later, get ready to sh*t yourselves :)
Next time there is a solo cup contest, I'm going to do one of each; stock, modified, seed and clone.. I don't have any mother plants, but I may see if I can track a clone down.. Worst case, I'll just use autoflower seeds the whole time and sweep up this competition!!! :)
I haven't been able to spend much time online lately. But I thought I'd update you all about Vast, the second sister of Fast, the Fast and Vast Auto sisters. Well Fast was harvested 21 October at 59 days. Vast popped the same time as Fast, but she is at day 86 of the 60 days from seed germinating to Harvest that the strain should be. She looks to be a Sativa dominant compared to Fast which looked like an Indica. Fast and Vast are 75% Indica and 25% Sativa. I guess I got one of each.

She is 4 feet tall now. And is so dang bushy I can't figure out how to defol her anymore. She is larger than my room and it looks like the walls will hold her limbs up when she starts packing on buds. She finally has started showing more flowers since I put her on 12/12 light schedule. I changed it to 16/8 yesterday after seeing the flowers start popping out. I have been spraying her with CS and the top I have been spraying looks a little stressed, a lot stressed but still living.

I guess I have another month or so, I hope. She is giant sized. I'll try to get some photos tomorrow. But don't expect any good photos. I can't move her out of the room. As large as she is, it's scary. She is almost to my chin. I'm 5'11" and I can't reach over her. She is drinking a little over 1 gallon per day. Not too smelly yet. I think I'll buy a Omega macerating juicer and start juicing the leaves. Got to do something with them. I can't wait to grow one of these outside in the spring. I have three left. Photo tomorrow!

Here's some better shots of my entries, the tallest is 33" not including the pot. Has anyone got one taller?


She had just woken up and did not appreciate the morning photoshoot.

She's had a little green clean since this was taken but not as much as the other plants.
You guys caught another break cause one of my stock entries died. I was trying to rearrange my room for the tenth time and one of my plants was too close to the heater overnight. I still have one stock and two modified, so you guys are still gonna have to fight each other for second place
Awww, I didn't know you were still in skunny. I guess when I hear competition I don't think of you as a threat lol. Plants look good guys, just don't let it get to your head cause you're all still playing for second
now theres the shit talking Ive been waiting for

you people grow some fine herb,but you need some shit talking skills---STEp IT UP LMAO

skunnymonster----How is it even possible???3ft in a beer shot glass?? unreal
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