Strawberry Cough? Yes Please! LOS Grown

So I've locked this plant into a test. Caplan, a researcher has done some work with cannabis and I've been reading on a paper of his. It's actually too much for me to grock all at once but I have some help with @Maritimer and @InTheShed with some late flower antics that I believe will rock my and our world some with an amplified amount of trichomes. I'll/we'll be on a strict schedule at the right time be stopping water near 2 weeks before the end of her life schedule. There's exact signs to look for before returning to normal watering that I'll be using a protractor to measure leaf bending and in the ed there's a said huge trichome benefit! We're going to find out just how well this works and if it's something worth doing on the regular. Drought stress for increased trichome production. Caplan is saying it works.

His paper is here: I un-linked it so it can stay. I hope it works for you if you want to get into it. ttps:// Edit the h in the beginning of https is missing
That plant is gorgeous-she's evidently loving the water-only diet...bring on the flowers!
I might try this myself... introducing this natural stressor at the end makes a lot of sense to me.
You might find his tests interesting. I have a hard time gleaning the highlights out of it. It's a pretty big study and this is a small part. It seems to be done well though. Enjoy. The stressing part is at towards the end. chapter 5
I assume the new trics would be clear, would added clear trics to your previous cloudy/amber blend improve the high?
I assume the new trics would be clear, would added clear trics to your previous cloudy/amber blend improve the high?
Good question. I don't now if they'll be new or inflated or what? I'm not sure how he measured either. I'm reading it to comprehend more now. After the drought she gets normal again to ripen to how I'll like her. ( i hope) Yes, because I know from the mom's history of 63 days to finish, I should have that timeline to fit into?
I think this study (especially chapter 5) highlights as beneficial some of the very things that I talk about in my descriptions of the wet/dry cycle in veg. I have been struggling with the dichotomy of two schools of thought, one, allowing the container to dry out in bloom, or keeping it moist in an organic grow so as to keep the micro-life going strong.

I think that this study points out that each variety is going to respond a little differently, but it looks like what is being proposed is that in the end of bloom, right before the final bud-swell, there seems to be a time when it is beneficial to put the plants into a mini drought. I think I will also use that same time to reduce the lights a bit, making it clear that the end is coming, but during the final two weeks I will be going back to regular watering practices, attempting to get maximum water and nutes into the plant before harvest.
Does the drought stress increase the number of trichomes or increase the amount of THC in the existing trichomes (if that's possible)?

That plant is huge otter...I've got 63 days to kill so let's watch it soar! I'm so glad I don't have to carry that one :).
Watching the vid I just posted I think they swell up. She got big. I hope for no surprise stretching. I can handle 2 feet if necessary but I really only want 16 inches like mom. She's an anchor for sure!
Day 157-3
A little update this morning. Good morning. She's a different plant for sure! I can see the lush new growth since I figured I was watering less than best. I can also see the very same new leaves getting spots too. I suspect it's the light flip. Yes the flip. Rational? Maybe, maybe not, but this one isn't rational. Not in a way I can understand. I went back in my notes on mom and see the same kind of action happening. I'm staying the course of water and believe it will settle out soon. Last time I stripped the spotting leaves off(multiple times) in fear of giving the rest of the tent a disease but then thought calcium def. It might have needed some calcium but never was in danger of spreading a disease.

She's going to figure this out without any more help from me I believe. In the soil is everything she needs and more as long as her size doesn't catch up to the pot size's capability.

Water is increasing. Today went up to 3 and 3/4 gallons and it's every 3 days. Had a gnat bloom and mixed 25ml neem in a gal of water and gave 3/4 gal. on top last.

Despite sounding like somethings wrong, both her and I are doing the best we can and when I visit twice a day I see her praying and growing. All the new tiny growth looks great. No more changes are coming from me so I figure on no more issues and some straightening out in the weeks to come. Happy hump day!
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