Stunger's Organic Balcony: Growing Daughters Of Mulanje: Watering Via Root Aeration Chambers

It looks like your plants have been confirmed as girls. When I look at my pics, I can't tell whether they're male or female. Your pics are so much better than mine.

But, I have moved PS2 out of the tent based on your say-so. I haven't chopped it yet though as I'm kinda using it like a guide for the other 2.
It looks like your plants have been confirmed as girls. When I look at my pics, I can't tell whether they're male or female. Your pics are so much better than mine.

But, I have moved PS2 out of the tent based on your say-so. I haven't chopped it yet though as I'm kinda using it like a guide for the other 2.
Hi HG, without getting some good clarity it is very tricky. Being able to support your camera/phone on a tripod, or semi support it on something to help remove any hand holding tremors would be useful. Or getting a 'close up booster clip on lens' if using your phone. I wish I could say something more helpful.

Your #2 looked very male to me even though the clarity wasn't great, but that is promising for the other 2. I do hope they'll turn out to be female for you.
Update - Christmas Day pictorial!

Merry Christmas 420 enthusiasts! Wishing everyone a lovely day! In NZ we hit Christmas a little in advance of the Northern Hemisphere, currently the weather is nice and sunny, and there are no snowmen for us to give carrot noses to.

Even though I did a very recent summer solstice update, the girls are growing rather threateningly in spite of my training and are increasing in size, so without further ado...

Mulanje HP

Mulanje ME

Mulanje Sherbert

All lined up

Thanks for dropping by, wishing one and all the very best for the holidays! :ganjamon:
Beautiful, Stunger!
That's some impressive growth- are you seeing a difference yet between growing in just soil and using the root aeration chambers?
Seems like they're doing even better than usual out there....👍

Have a Merry Christmas, Stunger and Family!
Merry Christmas.jpeg

I hope you and your family have a safe and happy holiday, Stunger!
Thank you for all your help recently.
Beautiful, Stunger!
That's some impressive growth- are you seeing a difference yet between growing in just soil and using the root aeration chambers?
Seems like they're doing even better than usual out there....👍

Have a Merry Christmas, Stunger and Family!
Thanks Carcass! I would imagine that the root aeration chambers would help. These plants were kicked off half a month before last year's so they are a little bigger anyway I think but they do seem to be growing quite happily but these are early days, and there is still a lengthy amount of vegging for them to do before flowering kicks off.

All the very best for you and your family over Christmas too Carcass!
Merry Christmas!
Thanks Mel, wishing you and yours all the very best too!
I hope you and your family have a safe and happy holiday, Stunger!
Thank you for all your help recently.
Thanks HG! Happy and safe holidays to you and yours too!
Merry Christmas Stunger! :Rasta:

Seems like you were 100% correct in your sextimates. Very impressive!
Thanks GDB! Wishing you and your's all the very best for a lovely Christmas!

On the predictions. I have been taking high clarity closeups of the gender structures for the past few years, over that time, before the gender is fully expressed, I have noticed the little visual hints that would suggest one gender over the other.
This year instead of predicting and growing out the regular plants to verify their eventual sex (which all takes up a lot of time, space and resources). I just went for it, and documented it for others and as a future reference for myself too. It seemed worth doing, having the confidence to throw it out as a prediction, and then wait for confirmation of pistils.
Merry Christmas my friend. :high-five:

#VIVOSUN #Love What You Grow
Bill284 :cool:
Thanks Bill, I hope you're not overdoing the grow house build and are saving some energy for the Christmas season! Wishing you and yours all the very best.
Pretty pistils, merry Christmas, and I'm guessing happy Boxing Day by now!

Thanks Shed! Yes Boxing Day here, nice and sunny and the New Zealand 'Christmas trees' (Pohutakawa) are all flowering their nice red flowers. Merry Christmas, have a good one!
Update - More height reducing training carried out - and still at least a month of vegging to go :smokin:

Greetings fellow 420 enthusiasts! I only posted the previous update on the weekend, but the plants have been growing and further supercropping was carried out today in an effort to hold back their upward growth. This week seems to have hit full summer temps.

Thanks for dropping in, hopefully you and your gardens are blooming! :ganjamon:
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