SweetSue's Perpetual 3.0 - The Hempy/HB Hybrid Grow

No more rep hammer?
I've had enough for tonight. Tomorrow's another day to explore. We have to give them time to work it all out.

I missed you all while we were down. : )
Hi SweetSue, go to posting box, just click the chain icon that looks like a link, it will give you a chance to link your URL and text. I was able to do it in my signature. Hope that helps

Mine didn't come out looking like yours. Let me try again.
Hi SweetSue, go to posting box, just click the chain icon that looks like a link, it will give you a chance to link your URL and text. I was able to do it in my signature. Hope that helps

Thank you Baby. I'll sleep better now. :hug::hug::hug::hug::hug:
Whew, just found out where to turn off email notifications!

It's in a tab to the right at the top of the Watched Threads list, called "Manage watched threads".
And there's a detailed Preferences section in the Alerts pulldown ...
and thank you too

I just realized the implications of the non-working links, and I'm sitting here thanking the universe for keeping me distracted from the work of organizing the Study Hall. As it is I'll have days of work getting the links right, and the current platform doesn't give me the same design features for links. Just look at what I had to do to my signature to get those links to work again. :straightface:

hold off - if they really are going to run a script to do it, if it works they’ll all work again.

We lost our blogs temporarily. Now I'll have to go looking for the information through the threads. *sigh* It'll be alright Susan. Lol!

the blogs are coming - there was a 420 post in ‘the update’ thread

good time to take a few days off while they tweak

Heyyyyaaaa Sue!!! Whaattt has happened here. I left for a few days & come back to this total jackhammer change on 420. Wowww....everything is totalllly different. Hope this finds everybody figuring this out & keeping their gardens green. :cool:
I'm not all that fond of the emoticons.

I miss the days when people typed them out in simple ASCII - and they stayed as simple ASCII in the posts. I never was big on graphics :rolleyes: .

what frijoles will you be planting?

Lol. I've got some Kentucky Wonder pole beans, some unnamed half-runners, and Blue Lake pole (not bush) beans.

Top of the page on the right side are icons for notifications and for mail.

Mine are towards the middle of the top. And I keep using the Notifications list as a shortcut(???IDFK???) to get to the subscribed threads that I'm still trying to keep up on after the forum change lost my position in all(?) of them - and I end up annoying myself by doing so, because that never takes me to the first new (to me) post in a thread, only to one where someone quoted me. I'm assuming that there's no way for me to disable them altogether on my side, so I'll end up just completely ignoring the notifications thing.

Whew, just found out where to turn off email notifications!

It's in a tab to the right at the top of the Watched Threads list, called "Manage watched threads".

THANK YOU! I've been meaning to do that for quite some time after realizing that the forum was SPAMMING that particular email address with a silly email to tell me that someone thanked or liked one of my posts (FFS, WHY?!?). I long ago set up an email filter to just delete stuff from the forum, lol, but I suppose it'd save on bandwidth if I just turn the durn notifications stuff off from the forum side.

Just look at what I had to do to my signature to get those links to work again. :straightface:

Look, lol? I kind of figured that since the .SIGs are now in a small, thin, gray font (on a white background) that we were being less than subtly discouraged from looking at them. I'd have to zoom the text in my browser a couple more notches in order to read them now. The old forum software had an option for disabling the display of .SIGs - which I never used, because I could generally read the things - and I think I'm going to spend a couple minutes hunting around to see if this one has such an option, and turn it on if it does.

No more rep hammer?

Yay! The REPutation setup has been fatally flawed for years. I couldn't even use mine, because if I REPped anyone - anyone, even a one-post newbie - it set their number of green REP boxes to the maximum amount. Could be some scamming huckster that made me laugh, I'd REP their post, then the next hapless noob that wanders in sees a full line of the green boxes and assumes the member actually does "have a reputation beyond repute" or whatever.
I don't deal well with change :confused: feeling pretty lost to be honest o_O and somehow it placed me as a new member :eek: guess will take some time adjusting!

I know the feeling daT. And no silly hug emoticon to share with you. Hang in there baby, we'll be fine in a couple days. We have to find our way, but we have each other to hang onto until it settles down.

Good morning everyone. I see we have no compose options other than narrative. Hmmmm.... give it time Susan. It isn't helping that I'm worn out from two nights up past 3 AM.

Irony of ironies - The change was made, in great part, to improve photo loading from devices, was it not? And yet their most prolific photo poster now has the digital data attached to every photo I post. Hahahaha!

I have a lunch date to get to, but I'll try loading chrome when I get home. That may do the trick. I don't have a PC. All my work is on the iPhone and iPad.

We'll survive this, my friends. Lol!

Let's take a breath and be incredibly grateful that we're still in touch with each other. I know I wasn't the only one who had a stab of fear when the site went down.

Not just joy, but deliberate joy. We can raise a united vibration of joyful expectation and feel for that contented, happy feeling we get when we come into the site and go looking for our friends.

Gotta run. I'll catch up later.
Good morning GT. I'm doing well. Lol! Have fun exploring.

Jim, my understanding is that blogs are temporarily not there.
Have a deliberately joyful day everyone.
:);) I like it. So far. I know there's work to be done. Noticed Sue didn't have all her titles. :eek:

Lots of areas to study too. Wonder if search will work for my blogs?

Correct Sue

They are writing the program for the Blogs, all are still in tact just not available yet

We have a number told members who will be more fragile during this transition. We all know one or two. I'd like us to seek those members out and do our best to reassure them that it'll be ok.

A number of our friends have brain injury and this change is going to be most difficult on them. Let's work as a team to protect them. Stay alert for signs of struggle. We can do this guys.
We have a number told members who will be more fragile during this transition. We all know one or two. I'd like us to seek those members out and do our best to reassure them that it'll be ok.

A number of our friends have brain injury and this change is going to be most difficult on them. Let's work as a team to protect them. Stay alert for signs of struggle. We can do this guys.

That "Like" button just isn't sufficient here.

Thank you, Sue.
Correct Sue

They are writing the program for the Blogs, all are still in tact just not available yet


Probably very petty of me, but I miss the little “Top” button; the one that took you immediately back to the top of the thread so you don’t have to scroll. Like I said, it’s petty BS.
Probably very petty of me, but I miss the little “Top” button; the one that took you immediately back to the top of the thread so you don’t have to scroll. Like I said, it’s petty BS.

It's not petty, in my opinion, to lament the absence of a thing that made something easier for you.

I do not know if it is present on mobile devices (or if you use one), but I see a pair of green boxes in the bottom right-hand corner of my display, one is an "up arrow," the other "down." They aren't always visible, but scrolling the page slightly causes them to appear if they were not showing before. They cause the screen to scroll to the top of the page and to the footer, respectively.
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