SweetSue's Perpetual 3.0 - The Hempy/HB Hybrid Grow

Looks like a close-up of the tongue of some kind of alien creature.

Or maybe that's just my empty belly talking, lol. Got to work a short day and didn't have anything to take for lunch. Time to devour something ;) .

- * - * - * - * - *

I've tried to refrain from hating on Barney's Farm. I figure their reputation vis-à-vis hermaphrodites has snowballed "a bit" due to that weird stoner Internet quantum mechanics (lol) thing, where a company will have an issue on the 27th of the month - and there will be 1,001 complaints about it online by the 15th of the same month :rofl:.

But... Yeah, been there, done that. Guaranteed shims? No, of course not; that's like guaranteeing that a grower won't see any - hermaphroditic expression happens (once in a while). But it does appear that there is a somewhat higher incidence of this thing, on average, with Barney's Farm strains, and some specific ones in particular.

Stress and other <BLEEP>ups can make this expression more likely (IMHO) - and a lot of newbies do seem to buy Barney's Farm merchandise (and grow out one or more of the many, many "freebies" that the company makes available to the various merchants each year), lol. But even after allowing for the slight bump this undoubtedly causes... Yes. If opposite-sex flowering is a fail-point, then I'd consider them the HP laptops (from ten years ago) of the seed breeding world. Still lots of satisfied customers, but if you don't at least know someone who knows someone that's had an issue with an HP laptop, it's because it's your own laptop that failed and you can no longer get online to ask your acquaintances about theirs ;) .

Maybe not that bad. HPs at their worst were failing at a rate of... what, like 27%? Might be closer to 15% here (but that's an average of all of their strains). Unfortunately, unlike laptops, one hermaphrodite in action can affect every other lapt-- err, plant in the room.
After the report on the C99 x Blueberry..... Were you to close and she got some second hand smoke?

I don’t understand the question. Lol! The Cindy 99 x Blueberry has been a sexually energizing chemovar consistently for 4 out of 5 nights. That missed night was because I was exhausted from the previous two. Lol!

You bet I’ll make certain to grow one in my own garden. This is one of those things I look for when I’m shopping around for a new addition. :battingeyelashes:

Good evening everyone:love:

It’s been a busy day.

Weekly Update: June 8, 2018

Jgrowlove found out they may have to move and he tore down his garden. My garden had some open spots from my own slowdown before going on vacation, so an offer was made to help him out.

He also brought some clones and cuttings.

Like I said, a busy day. Lol! Care to stroll through the day and share my joy? Come this way. :battingeyelashes:

The day started with a special joy

HARVEST: Red Diesel (Day 208, flip + 61)

Bright and early she got the chop.

She’s hanging in the hallway for a couple days, after which I’ll cob an ounce and toss the rest into the fridge for a low and slo dry.

I’m not expecting more than an ounce and a quarter dried, and that doesn’t take into consideration the cob. Probably less than half an ounce will come out as dried flower. I’m thinking she’ll be more powerful as a cob.

She smells amazing every time I walk down the hall to the kitchen. Lol! Gosh...I love what we do. :slide:

Back to the day.....

J showed up with his girls and we got them into their tents.

Royal Gorilla got a TransWater drench after I gave her a topping of ECW with some myco sprinkled in.

She needs some cleaning up when I take her clone cutting.

That can wait until tomorrow. Black D.O.G. Is in critical need of some defoliation. That's too much going on inside to let air move the way I need it to.

I started by planting some poles around the pot to tie the leaders down

Now they're safely below the 18" minimum distance. Don't want the buds bleached out.


That necessitated a more through defoliation.

Now that's a girl I can get to harvest.

I'll do some amending beyond EWC. For today I figured the TransWater wouldn't do any harm while I figure out what to do with soil again. Lol!

That left the clones and cuttings to contend with. The Platinum Scout V2 cuttings were the only ones showing signs of thrips so I set them away from the rest.

A quick glance at the original residents of the veg shelf, before things got too busy.

The DDAs are now 5 days old, transplanted into their finish pots, awaiting the arrival of the lights so they can get moved to the tiny closet. They're only getting 1/4-strength nutes at the moment.

The star of the shelf is obviously the gorgeous clone of Zamaldelica x Panama Hash Hound dropped off last week. She's also at 1/4-strength nutes, and to her hempy transplant much better than I anticipated. Doesn't it look like she's always been in that pot?

Back to work, I started taking cutting for cloning. I won't be growing any of these out as soil girls, so a cutting is imperative. I'll try to transplant the Carnival into a hempy pot, but I'm not sure that'll work as well as the Zamal x Pan did. She's much more root bound.

First up, Carnival.

There's a glaring hole in the garden where a CBD CC usually grows. J made sure he brought some cuttings to choose from. What a friend. :hug::hug::hug:

His biggest heartbreak is the Mendocino Underdog, a chemovar he wanted to keep going. I'll do my best to hang onto the genetics until he's ready to set up and garden again. Even if I don't grow it out again I will keep the clone going for him.

They found a quiet spec on the floor to grow roots.

Turning my attention to the clones, I watered them all with the left over aloe water I used for the clone cuttings and set them into the veg shelf. The one in the front is the Carnival, which I topped for the clone. She should fill out nicely in the next couple weeks. The sooner I get her replanted into perlite the better.

In the middle is the Mendocino Underdog, and on the back end is the Royal Cookies, looking a bit too bushy for my taste.

Pulling her out she got a decent defoliation and shaping.

After some vertical adjusting they're all tucked in

I need more supplies before I get a Platnium Scout into a cloning bag. For now they'll stay far from everyone.

I'm still trying to work out the flow. This humanitarian rescue wasn't in my plans until a day or two ago. I can't tell you how satisfying it was to be in the position to make the offer.

When the flowering girls get harvested we'll have J over to help :battingeyelashes: Then he can take home a sizable portion of the harvest. Looks like those lights Dan's planning to ship next week will have some business to conduct right from the first.

That's the end of the nickle tour my friends. I do hope you were able to catch a little of the immense thrill it gave me to help a friend in need and get my own life back on track at the same time. I don't have what I need, in typical SweetSue style I have more than I need. What a delicious way to live.

I have cuttings for my primary chemovars and sprouts of my second favorites. There's a plant specifically chosen for cobbing and one of my daughter's current favorite in flower. Ladies and gentlemen, it doesn't get much better than this. :yahoo:
An appropriate photo to end the day.

I've learned that I would be perfectly happy if all I grew were Carnival and DDAs. The trick is pulling that off. Lol!
Thank you so much for taking on my favorite plants. Very sorry about the thrips. I should have spotted the signs. I have green cleaner that I've used a few times if you would like to use it. NCW swears by it! Also big thanks to Bobrown and Chris scorpio for sharing their awesome buds with you. I tried the Labyrinth and it knocked me out! Can't wait to try the buffaloto!:bravo:
Thank you so much for taking on my favorite plants. Very sorry about the thrips. I should have spotted the signs. I have green cleaner that I've used a few times if you would like to use it. NCW swears by it! Also big thanks to Bobrown and Chris scorpio for sharing their awesome buds with you. I tried the Labyrinth and it knocked me out! Can't wait to try the buffaloto!:bravo:

The daughter hasn't gotten to the Labrynth yet. She's just learning to explore. BB will appreciate hearing of your impression so :battingeyelashes:

My entire garden has thrips. I also have spinosad, and if they get to be too much for me I'll start doing foliars. *groan* I'm not a fan of foliars, too much cleanup involved, but when it's called for .....

I almost didn't recognize those toes, since they are all painted up like a teenager's. :rofl:

I don't recognize them all day long. :rofl: I'm fascinated that the polish withstands daily life as well as it does. I'm too lazy and distracted to strip it off yet, but everytime I see them it's a jar to my sensibilities. Lol!

Good morning everyone :love:

Smoking cob this morning, I believe it's Carnival. All I know is it's delicious and intoxicating and I'm having a hard time keeping my thoughts organized enoug to get through morning posting. Lol! Scottay will be stopping shortly to pick up his GROWant GR240 and get his first look at another member's garden. How nice that Jgrow filled mine up for me. :battingeyelashes:

I've been catching up on some chores, you know the ones that keep getting put on the back burner? The bins have been empty of soil for weeks, but I never got them washed out to use for household storage containers.

Job done!

Then I went to work getting Royal Gorilla corralled.

The obviously overgrazed leaves are now gone, along with the damaged ones from a previous hiccup. Some poles to reign her wildness in and she looks like a new plant. In a week she'll have replaced the removed solar generators and be good as new.

I have cuttings to choose from for the next addition. Time to teach the daughter the skills of cloning. :slide:

Let me jump into the shower - after a couple more hits from this pipe full of cob - and get the day rolling. Drenches are already behind me and company's on the horizon. I certainly hope your day is planning out to be as deliciously delightful as mine. I get to meet another member. This is my kind of day. :yahoo:

Get out there. Be brilliant and shining in the way only you can. And have fun with it, because to be honest, this is meant to be fun. :ciao:
Great job sorting out the rescued ones. They'll eventually work out. I've learned not to doubt that ability to blend in something else to grow.
Thank you so much for taking on my favorite plants. Very sorry about the thrips. I should have spotted the signs. I have green cleaner that I've used a few times if you would like to use it. NCW swears by it! Also big thanks to Bobrown and Chris scorpio for sharing their awesome buds with you. I tried the Labyrinth and it knocked me out! Can't wait to try the buffaloto!:bravo:

Same here. I'm afraid to touch that jar. :bongrip:
Not sure who gifted Sweetsue that blueberry but it is awesome tasty smoke for sure!! :welldone:
That would be me

Ya it's a favorite of mine for sure, and free seeds ta boot
I'm fascinated that the polish withstands daily life as well as it does. I'm too lazy and distracted to strip it off yet, but everytime I see them it's a jar to my sensibilities. Lol!

If that ever becomes a thing and you decide to paint them again, try Behr Deckover (solid color) deck stain. That stuff will stick to anything and be almost impossible to remove. Well... aside from decks (WtF?) - thus, the class-action lawsuits.

No, wait, that wasn't why I hit the button...

The bins have been empty of soil for weeks, but I never got them washed out to use for household storage containers.

If you ever decide that you want a lot more of only one strain, those large bins will support plants large enough to yield a pound each via simple DWC setups. That takes up considerably more space than a small plant, of course (and an extended vegetative period or "big lights" to compensate). But if one has a special favorite strain - or if a person is using one specific strain for treating a chronic health condition - it could be a worthy activity.

I've been kicking myself for not running one in the cooler months (I cannot currently manage the huge amounts of water, airflow to remove the transpired moisture, and oxygenation that it'd take to keep a monster healthy here in the Summer in my little "attic" space; and it would monopolize my current space). Why? Obvious reasons. But also because the background noise seemed to help me SLEEP ;) . I might have to start one in mid-September. Would give me an excuse for keeping one room at least 60°F at night this Winter.

Maybe not. I am not good at long-term planning. But I'm going to add "25-gallon Rubbermaid tote" to my yard-sale watch list, just in case. I have meters again (and THANK YOU for your part in that!), which would help until I get back into the swing of the DWC thing (a person kind of gets to the point where they know about what the numbers will be depending on what they're mixing). Trying to do it without using General Hydroponics products will take some learning, because that's mainly what I used in DWC previously. I've been thinking about trying Jack's (Jack's Classic, Jack's Professional, et cetera) products. Relatively cheap, not owned by the Scotts Miracle-Gro monster, and high-quality products. Plus, they have over 40 different formulations to choose from. And, since they're dry products, their expiration dates ought to be "infinity minus one."

In the immediate future, I see a mixture of soil and hempy two-liter bottles and a couple larger containers. Turns out my seeds aren't all dead after all ;) .
I don't recognize them all day long. :rofl: I'm fascinated that the polish withstands daily life as well as it does. I'm too lazy and distracted to strip it off yet, but everytime I see them it's a jar to my sensibilities.
Yep, the better the quality the longer that polish will endure! It’ll grow out and eventually you’ll clip off the last painted bit. So funny! I know what you mean about the feeling too, that they can’t breathe - that goes away but it always feels like that when they’re first painted. I’m not a fan of it either :battingeyelashes:

Good luck with the thrips! :eek: You’ve sure got what it takes to get them sorted :thumb:

I know what you mean about the feeling too, that they can’t breathe - that goes away but it always feels like that when they’re first painted.

I'm probably showing my ignorance about nail painting here (being a heterosexual male and all), but... As far as I know, dead cells don't require respiration, lol.
I'm probably showing my ignorance about nail painting here (being a heterosexual male and all), but... As far as I know, dead cells don't require respiration, lol.

lol! Only said it felt like it. And sue mentioned the same feeling a few posts back. It’s an illusion no doubt, but it’s a weird feeling for sure.
I guess I can understand illogical feelings. I cannot stand to be confined any more after almost getting stuck in a cave once (by myself, too - I know, stupid!). Tiny rooms (especially ones with no windows), trying to work under a car while the support devices are slowly(?) sinking into the mud, old-fashioned phone booths (I know, they're glass, but...), that little stripper chick's handcuffs...

Well, that last one turned out to not be such an irrational feeling. I later read in the local paper that she would cuff guys to their beds - and then rob them, LMFAO. I guess the idea was that most folks wouldn't call the cops or shoot her. Thankfully, someone did. Err... Call the cops, I mean. Guess the guy figured his loss was worth more than his pride (or, IDK, that a whore wasn't worth the 29 cents that a 9mm round would have cost).
lol! Only said it felt like it. And sue mentioned the same feeling a few posts back. It’s an illusion no doubt, but it’s a weird feeling for sure.

Haha! It really does feel like that, and it’s not the cells in the nails that are screaming for air, it’s the ones under the protective, but I’m certain somewhat permeable shield of the nail structure.

I can’t wear nail polish on my hands or makeup for the same reason. Other than feeling fake I feel like my cells can’t breathe. It’s saved me the hassle of learning to use makeup or the obsession of putting on a pretty face to leave the house.

I’ve always been a “what you see is what you get” kinda gal.

I had a lovely visit with Scottay, his lovely wife and charming brother today. Rather than have me ship the light they opted for a Saturday drive and an afternoon visit. I’m so glad they did.

After they got back on the road I went back to the business of getting the garden under control. I’m pretty sure the DDAs haven’t been invaded by any thrips yet and I wanted to take steps to keep it that way.

How better to do so than to isolate them from the rest? Time to break out the CFLs while I await the light that will hang over this spot.

The weights are to keep the reflector level

Now the girls can be safe and acclimate themselves to the space. I expect the lights to start shipping next week.

The move allowed me to play a little canna Tetris and rearrange the veg shelf.

I also took the time to clone Royal Gorilla after her morning trim. I suddenly have a multitude of cuttings taking root. If I learn nothing else this year it’ll be to control clones. I keep trying to channel the Klone King. Sooner or later I’ll catch it and it’ll be smooth sailing from there.

Haha! It really does feel like that, and it’s not the cells in the nails that are screaming for air, it’s the ones under the protective, but I’m certain somewhat permeable shield of the nail structure.

I can’t wear nail polish on my hands or makeup for the same reason. Other than feeling fake I feel like my cells can’t breathe. It’s saved me the hassle of learning to use makeup or the obsession of putting on a pretty face to leave the house.

I’ve always been a “what you see is what you get” kinda gal.

I had a lovely visit with Scottay, his lovely wife and charming brother today. Rather than have me ship the light they opted for a Saturday drive and an afternoon visit. I’m so glad they did.

After they got back on the road I went back to the business of getting the garden under control. I’m pretty sure the DDAs haven’t been invaded by any thrips yet and I wanted to take steps to keep it that way.

How better to do so than to isolate them from the rest? Time to break out the CFLs while I await the light that will hang over this spot.

The weights are to keep the reflector level

Now the girls can be safe and acclimate themselves to the space. I expect the lights to start shipping next week.

The move allowed me to play a little canna Tetris and rearrange the veg shelf.

I also took the time to clone Royal Gorilla after her morning trim. I suddenly have a multitude of cuttings taking root. If I learn nothing else this year it’ll be to control clones. I keep trying to channel the Klone King. Sooner or later I’ll catch it and it’ll be smooth sailing from there.

Heyyy Sue!!!! What a great time! Was so nice visiting with you today!!! (This gal is a hoot!!!!) My wifey & brother loved your company as well!! The cob .....oohhhh myyy the cob....one word......Convinced. Bwahahah......thanks so much again for the light! The pain cream definitely does work!!! You're top shelf all the way girl!!! If y'all meet her & don't love her energy then ya might be crazy! Infectious! Fun! What a blast!!!! :hug::hug::hug: Thanks for all you do......thanks simply for being you!! :circle-of-love:
That is great..... glad you guys got to spend some time together!!!
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