i am a point of picking mother plants and didnt know what to use for a medium thats simple enough to make i might try it out.

Its not bad at all. Glad to see I could at the least give you an idea. Mothers can grow in soil as well, I am now at the point where its time to move all teh soil growin to the outside, well thats once these new babies are big enough as well as hardened off to do so. Let me know if theres anything I could help you with. And welcome to the party.:thumb:
Cool Butcher This will at least give you something to do.


OMM: your right I've been sittin on my arse to much lately..:rofl: many mahalos' to you n every1 else for the great support. Now its time to see if I can give the same back to ya'll.

So I have been journaling my grow rightg now but these are the healthiest strongest plants I've grown to date! They're standing strong at around 3.5' on day 14 of flower. I'm excited. I think thde two I have now are gonna yield more then the 3 I had last time!
Butcher, tis about time you did something useful with yourself! Congrats brother, couldn't have made a better choice. So...do ya make house calls? ^420 my friend and once again, congrats.

I can attest to the fact that Dr Butcher does make house calls. Even in the middle of dinner and I'm all the way down in bloody Australia. Thanks for being there when I was spinning out mate. +reps when I can
Can't edit posts on my droid, but that was supposed to say I'm not journaling.. but thank you

i hate that about droids, but it is great being able to check in at anytime anywhere..well just about anywhere:rofl:
Butcher, tis about time you did something useful with yourself! Congrats brother, couldn't have made a better choice. So...do ya make house calls? ^420 my friend and once again, congrats.

Next time I'm out in MI I will.. I know your always up for some good hunting. Nothing better then a fresh kill and a spliff..

I can attest to the fact that Dr Butcher does make house calls. Even in the middle of dinner and I'm all the way down in bloody Australia. Thanks for being there when I was spinning out mate. +reps when I can

Anytime Groover, I just hope all works out for your ladies.
Next time I'm out in MI I will.. I know your always up for some good hunting. Nothing better then a fresh kill and a spliff..
I love gettin a big animal then quartering and skinnin stoned man thats the only way to do it :smokin:huntin is so much fun can't wait for the season:grinjoint:

But i thought miracle grow was the best nutes and soil you can get butch haha are you sure that fungus gnats aren't good for my plants? lmao good one:smokin:
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