NuttyProfessor And His Herd Of Indigenous Microorganisms

I have not used mushroom compost no.
I've used barley straw that was used for oyster mushroom growing as my mulch.
I use Optiveg that is made from mushrooms for Chitin.
My favorite compost is the Oly Mountain Fish Compost.

I have heard that not all mushroom compost is the same, some could be excellent some not very good.
Totally depends on the farm that made it.
Sometimes they use chemical sterilization, sometimes its really hot.
So could be good, could be not so good.
its 100 percent organic , the only snag i am think is high alkaline , im wondering should i use less lime to balance the medium ,
ive only used 2 gallon in 14 gallon of soil , the rest is worm compost , peat moss, coco , pony manure ,
My water ph is about 7.4 . so i use the ferment to bring to 6.5 6.8 abouts :) about 30/1 ratio

If you look at it like this , these three barrels are like three external stomachs , and a little jar as a mini stomach , I feed the barrels , the microbes break it down , then i feed the soil with their shit lol

The cow is a ruminant with four stomachs::ganjamon: i thought if i put a cow in there the fecker will eat my plants so this is much safer :laugh::rofl::laugh:

so today marks one week from foliage feeding , the secret is to hit the branches and leaves one week after topping , im telling you it works to give shorter but more bushy plants :) if you dont have a lot of head room you can use this method



and today one week on they look like this :ganjamon:



this is the broken orange punch :thumb: recovered well after loosen 3 whole limbs lol


Fat petes cookies is a couple of weeks behind

so i top feed with some kelp, about a litre around the main stem , ph was 6.2 , going to cover the floor today and tidy up ,you would think a bomb hit imy grow room lol :laugh::rofl: organic is messy , good messy though, good fun :thumb:


i have a busy day , catch you laters :ciao:
so i top feed with some kelp, about a litre around the main stem , ph was 6.2 , going to cover the floor today and tidy up ,you would think a bomb hit imy grow room lol :laugh::rofl: organic is messy , good messy though, good fun :thumb:


i have a busy day , catch you laters :ciao:
Those colors are Amazing. :thumb:
I wonder...could I ferment down all the chicken shit I accumulate in a year into something a little more tame and easy to use? Turning soil and amending heavy poop into it was not kind on my back this year (I desperately need a small digger, I know).
I wonder...could I ferment down all the chicken shit I accumulate in a year into something a little more tame and easy to use? Turning soil and amending heavy poop into it was not kind on my back this year (I desperately need a small digger, I know).
put the poop bedding and all into a barrel., top up with rain water , add leaf mold, cover , leave for three months , you have a barrel of fertilizer , good for veg , :thumb:

or coffee grounds , seaweed and chicken manure, leaf mold makes a good black gold soil , put in a large black bag , pop a few holes wait six month or if colder wait longer :laugh: starting spring is best , just turn the bag few times , have layers of equal amounts then mix them up :thumb:

copperrein I am just cultivated some more microbes today , im using these microbes for my compost pile so i have them where i want them , save running to the mountains all the time lol​

Its like keeping your own pedigree microbes for safe keeping , leaf mold is the key , and collect it in the best places​

so i am cultivated in the bucket using leaf mold and mashed boiled potato , once i get a good amount of activity i can hit my compost pile with some then they local :laugh: i will also inoculate my next soil for my next auto run

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