The DeVille's White Widow & Bubbleicious - 8 Plants Under 2x Mars Pro II 320

Neil, was yours one of the indica phenos or the sativa pheno?
I was doing some trolling last night researching info about this strain and found this little tidbit;
Known Phenotypes:
beta version - add an other phenotype
1.: short, compact, fastly blossoming, indica-dominant Phenotype #1
2.: short, compact, fastly blossoming, indica-dominant Phenotype #2
3.: long, compact, fastly blossoming, indica-dominant Phenotype #2
4.: short, stretched, slowly blossoming, sativa-dominant Phenotype #1

Of course I get the oddball Sativa. Severely stretchy, many buds everywhere throughout the entire plant. Smells very skunky, but the sweetness is starting to creep through. Not at all frosty which has me concerned. I just ordered Terpinator to hopefully get the glands growing. The grower that gave me the Bubblelicious beans years back also gifted me a 1/4 oz of bud and to this day, that was the tasiest smoke I've ever had, though I think his was also one of the Indica phenos.
Don't worry about the lack of frost. Some strains keep most of the thc inside the buds. I don't see much frosting on any of my bubbleicious plants either. They all seem to be indica dominant

I was doing some trolling last night researching info about this strain and found this little tidbit;

Of course I get the oddball Sativa. Severely stretchy, many buds everywhere throughout the entire plant. Smells very skunky, but the sweetness is starting to creep through. Not at all frosty which has me concerned. I just ordered Terpinator to hopefully get the glands growing. The grower that gave me the Bubblelicious beans years back also gifted me a 1/4 oz of bud and to this day, that was the tasiest smoke I've ever had, though I think his was also one of the Indica phenos.
The White Widow re-vegg is no longer confused
Month long flush? That seems to be a long time to me. Is that normal for soil grows? I'm in pro mix hp and was thinking of around a week. It's my first time using this medium.

My bubblelicious is at 9 weeks now and I'm beginning to flush

I flush autos for 3 days and on the third day it's with the lights out. Smaller containers and less time. Photos I'll do a week or 10 days
Hi there good folks :) Sorry about not updating for a while. It's been a little chaotic around here lately. Will write a big update very soon. Thanks for caring!
5x White Widow & 3x Bubbleicious
Days from seed - 102
Days flowering - 60


Finally time for a new update. To be honest, there is not much to write. This grow has been pretty painless. I pulled one plant because it hermied. Found a bunch of seeds in it and loved smoking it even if it was at least a month from harvest. That was White Widow #1, so now we only have 7 plants left of the original grow. However did put two auto's to replace the plant I pulled.

The trichomes are quite milky now, but still not amber. I believe there is at least another week before harvest. Kinda sucks - I want it now! Since I started flush, the autumn colors have started coming. I believe that in another week it's gonna be just beautiful in there. The plants are budding up good and I believe I will have a satisfying yield. The plant I pulled was 60 grams, but one month early, so probably lost a lot of grams there. What I want to show you today is how the plants are looking. You will probably notice they all have a tiny sign of nutrition burn. I upped the dosage to 100% of the recommended dosages the past weeks before flush to battle some deficiencies. I see now I started flush just at the right time. If I had not started flush when I did this burn could have become something bad.

Anyway - Today I especially want us to take a look at the White Widow phenotypes. They're all so different. Is this strain not very well stabilized? I am wondering about picking 2 or maybe even 3 candidates to become the mother of the Devil's Widow strain. I already have shown you the brown pheno. Now I want to show you 2 more phenos - Yes, I only had 5 White Widow plants, and at least 3 different phenos.

Pheno #1

Budding up good. White Widow #4

Pheno #2

White Widow #2 - Purple pheno

Then we have a look at White Widow #5 which is the same pheno as White Widow #4 only slightly fatter buds

White Widow #5

Then we move over to the Bubbleicious side. All 3 plants look almost identical. They smell wonderful. I picked a couple of buds which I decarbed and then smoked. It was phenomenal. Really intense stoned feeling. This one took my pains pretty good. This is a keeper for my medicinal needs indeed. They're not big yielders, but beautiful? Absolutely. This one will be reserved for bedtime.


Here's how the whole grow looks like. I friggin love these autumn colors and those amazing smells and flavours. ah - So fucking passionate about these plants. This is true love folks!


And that was my BIG update!

Sorry for not updating as often as I should. I have had some personal issues lately. Will try to be here more often

Over and out
Thanks mate. Same :)

I was hoping today would be harvest day. I've been so spoiled with my big-bud and pure power plant grows. I've grown those strains many times and they always finish like clockwork on day 60. It never happened I had to wait longer. White widow is supposed to be done now according to the breeders info, but nah.
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