The Hexapus's Garden

I also think, in my experience, living in an area where the daylength swings so drastically during the year, from 3 hours a day to 21 hours a day, that cloning is darn near impossible in the winter months, when the sun's energy is so little. This affects life indoors, as well as outdoors. Some kind of ambient energy, I think.

Indoors you can control temps, so energy has to play a factor.

all them weird happenings in the world,, ambient energy included, are voodoo,, learned that in deepest darndest mexico,, yep,, voodoo,, two 'o's, important
all them weird happenings in the world,, ambient energy included, are voodoo,, learned that in deepest darndest mexico,, yep,, voodoo,, two 'o's, important

OK, let's call it "The Force". :hippy:
Alright. Where am I here? WTF... Life has really been kicking me in the ass unusually hard lately, and I've retreated into a sort of workaholic netherworld, with my head down and full of thoughts. Have been smoking a lot of Malawi - coping and processing. Lots more work ahead of me here trying to keep the evil boot of destiny away from my ass. Enough said.

Anyway... the neglected journal. Wow am I ever behind.
Thanks friends for the compliments and for stopping by and visiting here :) and I'll try to answer the posts.

I appreciate the comments about the voodoo around cloning. Whatever it is that's slowing down the rooting process- it's something invisible. Invisible things will always be magical to me.
Air- is it real?
It could well be the temps, thanks Tead, and I would be wise to invest in a heat mat. For me- a heating mat with a thermostat sets me back probably $120 minimum (last I checked- and I have checked several times in the past) which seems overpriced -and therefore I never get around to buying that stuff. I'd probably check out Roach's fog cloner thing first- seems cheap and interesting.
I think I mentioned - my pet magical theory of why the clones aren't rooting is - some sort of malign root rot or invisible fungus invading my veg room. Hmmmm... Maybe simply having more stable temps would kill the bad magic rot.
Kriaze. Thanks for that tempting looking little bud- nice job mate- that's some strong looking stuff and very pretty. Is it the Dark Devil I presume?
I went into a real smoky place around 4/19 and haven't come too far out of it since. Have been working hard the whole time- except I managed to squeeze in a fair amount of guitar playing as well. Having smoke that allows me to be super functional like this is very interesting.
I don't have huge piles of seeds. But my usual routine has been to veg plants for at least a couple months- then flower them for three months- then it's another two before I have cured smoke. During this time I grow a bunch of labelled clones of each pheno. If the smoke turns out to be shit then I've wasted a lot of time. So I try to pick the best looking options to grow. I'm not too interested in growing anything mediocre - and there are always those freebies and self produced seeds that don't look like anything special. The solo cup thing makes it easy to toss any old seeds in there to grow. Especially if I can reveg any lucky finds.

Which brings me to the latest kick in the ass. Last week when I left the grow I was in such a funk that I forgot to water the plants in veg. Not something I've ever done before in years of growing. Oh well...
A couple nights ago I woke up in the night and had this thought niggling at me that I didn't remember watering them- an ugly vision of dried up plants and a dead Cheesy. Which is more or less what I found this evening. Most of the veg plants will live but I think Cheesy is no more. She's dried to a crisp except the very center of her buds. Unless there's some life clinging on in there...
Probably this is the end... She's going to be forever a sweet memory. Sigh...

I'm going to get some colloidal silver going soon. Making some at home is right up my alley and I don't know why I haven't done this sooner.

I'm glad your growing is coming together Kriaze. Looking forward to that journal...
stunning pic's weasel !!!!! nice grow !!!! is that the real color blue/purple of the strain Malawi ?? they are beauties :):goodjob::bravo::high-five:

Thanks cbgb. You've probably figured out which plants were which. The solo cup plants were all grown 12/12 from seed. They're all in coco or perlite - a drain to waste style of growing where they get watered several times a day. The whole solo cup thing was a new experiment for me in lots of ways.
Re. The Malawi. No it's not really that blue. It was mostly the camera I used at that time and I wasn't very happy with the blue tint. It's a little bit blue in real life- not that much though.
I have three in flowering right now. Still working out the kinks trying to learn this strain. I sure love the smoke though.
The Hexapus is folded up and laying on a shelf, for now. Cheesy is no more.... Things have turned strange as I wade through one of life's extra special shitstorms. I considered shutting this journal down- but no doubt I would just pop up somewhere else blathering silly crap to satisfy my 420 addiction. Also I have a few photos to post and whatnot. So I'll just keep the journal going and post when I can for the next few weeks while considering what to do next and whether to restart the Hexapus.
It could well be the temps, thanks Tead, and I would be wise to invest in a heat mat. For me- a heating mat with a thermostat sets me back probably $120 minimum (last I checked- and I have checked several times in the past) which seems overpriced -and therefore I never get around to buying that stuff. I'd probably check out Roach's fog cloner thing first- seems cheap and interesting.
I think I mentioned - my pet magical theory of why the clones aren't rooting is - some sort of malign root rot or invisible fungus invading my veg room. Hmmmm... Maybe simply having more stable temps would kill the bad magic rot.

I used to think EXACTLY the same thing... some sort of fungus or rot not observed by my eye. No... it was temps for me all along.
I've not done it, but I've often wondered if your standard medical kinda heating pad would stand in for a growing heating mat.
Hey Weaselcracker it was indeed the Dark Devil auto bud that I posted, I was in a real need to share as my closest smoking friends that I could relax with were 60 miles away and it was 420 (ish) after all. I feel you on the spiritual slump as I've been pretty much the same myself this past month or so, kind of feeling directionless and there being something not quite right with the world that I cannot put my finger on. For me though it may have well been a sickness coming upon me as I have been ill both physically and mentally this past week but today is an improvement. Terrible to hear that you were considering shutting down the journal and I'm relieved that you not only decided to continue, but that you decided to post too as I had just come here straight after visiting one of the places I really dislike visiting here, but needs were must. It was good to come and have a read of some reasonable thoughts whether positive or negative rather than the malignant way of thinking I see over there, posts with negative intent towards people purposefully really get to me grrrr. Anyway thanks for being here! Apologies for me offloading too, I'll move on with my post now, kind of got sidetracked there lol.

So, poor cheesy and Hexapus, both put out to pasture before their time. I'm pretty sure that won't last forever though as you will hear the whispers on the wind calling you back for another attempt. I'm sure you will have that moment of inspiration and crack it as if it had never been a problem when you do too.

As for my journal the only thing holding me back apart from my latest funk has been getting everything together so that I'm happy with it. I currently have my last DDA drying in the flower tent and I have a fair selection going in my new veg tent, in fairness today is the first day I've been raring to go, maybe the moon phase affects men as well as women but I'll be fooked if I'm going telling anyone it was my time of the month the past couple of weeks :rofl: Anyway just as soon as this DDA is done I shall be up and running although I may wait another week or two before flipping yet another Incredible Bulk into flower. I love the ease of growth and hardiness of the plant plus it's a fine smoke, I'm just missing the challenge of not knowing a strain and its needs so that I can fk up in spectacular fashion. Soon though, very soon :)

All the best mate and if there are any mistakes it's because I'm using my phone to post atm. Sending some positive energy over the pond to you all :thumb:
Thanks Tead. I don't know what a regular medical style heating pad is. I have a feeling though that if I went to the drugstore I would find one. Perhaps in a box with a picture of a silver haired lady on front reclining in blissful splendor atop the cherished pad? As hopefully my clones will be someday. I'll look. Next time I'm in 'the town'.

Thank you Kriaze. I'm pretty sure I'll get the Hexapus going again soon- it was actually my plan to just keep it going. Also I have some new seeds I want to try, which a friend generously gave me. I'm going to wait a few weeks though at least while I focus on growing my mental umbrella, and other tactics needed to weather the aforementioned shitstorm.
Cheesy was a plant that took everything I threw at her ( well, till now that is.... :( ) and thrived and grew as if I had done everything perfectly, which is extremely unlikely. I need more plants like that! I was hoping to keep her around, special plants like that don't come along very often. Oh well- all the more motivation to sprout some new strains.
Perhaps in a box with a picture of a silver haired lady on front reclining in blissful splendor atop the cherished pad?

You're a very intuitive human. I couldn't have hit that nail anymore squarely on the head than you did.
Cloth covered plastic heating pad. Usually with a High Med and Low setting. Kinda like an electric blanket... but way smaller.
Folks come and go for a myriad of good reasons.... and by folks I mean EVERYONE. I lament their absence and celebrate upon their return. I have experienced such things on both side of the equation. I've dropped out for years.... in my case it was a situation beyond my control... but whatever the reasons are, we all have our moments.
It really is a dance we all do. Some return, some don't, but the sea really remains the same and provides me with it's song that I sing along with.

hmmm... where'd that bowl get too....

That's the pad I use Weasel. Don't know if it will work for you. Just trying to help.

FYI I've been in a funk all month brotha. I feel something is on the horizon, myself. I'm not saying it's related. Just saying you're not alone.
Thanks Nb44. I have checked out that heating mat on Amazon canada and it's about $30. The heat controller is another $60. Usually after tax and shipping (I'm in a 'remote location') doubles the price. However- in this case Amazon won't ship either of the items to my location, period. Too remote for them or something. A common problem here.
I know it's not a big hurdle. There will be other places to find this stuff and I may spring for it one of these days. Just have a few other things at the top of the priority list atm. I need a new vent fan or two. I'll try to limp through the next week or two with the cloning situation.
Thanks for the moral support!
Well, you can give the money to a shipping company like UPS, or you can use a home-made solution to keep your clones warm.

The trick is enclosing them in a clear container or bag to retain moisture, then place a 23W CFL close to the "dome". This will raise the temp inside without burning them. I get best results with a 24/0 light schedule. All they seem to need is a desk lamp and one bulb (for 6 clones). If you cut more clones, just go bigger with the bag.

it aint pretty, but it works.
Kriaze. Thanks for that tempting looking little bud- nice job mate- that's some strong looking stuff and very pretty. Is it the Dark Devil I presume?
I went into a real smoky place around 4/19 and haven't come too far out of it since. Have been working hard the whole time- except I managed to squeeze in a fair amount of guitar playing as well. Having smoke that allows me to be super functional like this is very interesting.
I don't have huge piles of seeds. But my usual routine has been to veg plants for at least a couple months- then flower them for three months- then it's another two before I have cured smoke. During this time I grow a bunch of labelled clones of each pheno. If the smoke turns out to be shit then I've wasted a lot of time. So I try to pick the best looking options to grow. I'm not too interested in growing anything mediocre - and there are always those freebies and self produced seeds that don't look like anything special. The solo cup thing makes it easy to toss any old seeds in there to grow. Especially if I can reveg any lucky finds.

Which brings me to the latest kick in the ass. Last week when I left the grow I was in such a funk that I forgot to water the plants in veg. Not something I've ever done before in years of growing. Oh well...
A couple nights ago I woke up in the night and had this thought niggling at me that I didn't remember watering them- an ugly vision of dried up plants and a dead Cheesy. Which is more or less what I found this evening. Most of the veg plants will live but I think Cheesy is no more. She's dried to a crisp except the very center of her buds. Unless there's some life clinging on in there...
Probably this is the end... She's going to be forever a sweet memory. Sigh...

I'm going to get some colloidal silver going soon. Making some at home is right up my alley and I don't know why I haven't done this sooner.

I'm glad your growing is coming together Kriaze. Looking forward to that journal...
Ya know this kinda what happened to me weasel. I had gotten into a funk (still kinda am i guess) and i totally forgot to water my girls and one did make it and so i gotta deeper into the funk and then i had a couple seeds fail me and thus deeper i went. Im getting a little better every day but it sure takes it out of ya when the world is beating ya down. I do hope things are looking up for you brother we gotta play the cards we are dealt.
Thanks man. :thumb: just a little necessary venting, lol!

Cheesy, a day after being watered. She's a crispy critter. Anything I touch on her crumbles to dust.

Except way down at the very bottom there....

A tiny little mostly-alive leaf.
One tiny leaf left, at the very bottom. That's pretty funny.
It's a bloody cliffhanger.
We will see if if she clings on.
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