The IRIE Garden

Looking good. Too bad about the mixes, but it does you make you a stronger grower in the end. Got's to break stuff to see how it works :) My new little seedlings and clones were a pale green when I cam home after a week away. Its what happens when you use recycled soil and don't feed any nutes. Its basically a nute-less inert medium at this point.
Thanks you guys... McB, this whole soil fiasco has been a mess... I am going back to old skool... I will keep the bases simple and then scratch in anything I want to add..I have been running around like a chicken with it's head cut off trying to keep everyone happy...
I think I have managed to kill my first two MJ plants.. I transplanted the OG, LA, and the AI into 5 gallon containers for flowering. I don't think the LA and OG are going to make it. I have no clue what happened. It's been three days and they have not shown any new signs of life.They look like death. When I did transplant I was reminded that the soil stays pretty damn wet down low when using LEDS, so I am afraid that some of the wet clumps that came off may have taken roots with it... Who knows.... I grabbed a bunch of clones off the LA, AI, and 1 off the kushberry.. So now that means that the AI,White widow,and the Kushberry are going into flowering in the next few days... I am now nervous about transplanting the into bigger containers... :smokin::loopy::yikes:
Sorry you had a bit of bad luck. Hopefully the girls will pull through. It's pretty easy to hurt them but hard to kill them.

Next time you might try soaking the roots/soil in a large pot of water. Much of the soil will separate.

Or add in more perlite and the like. But if you get the soil light enough you'll end up having to water much more often.

Or find something to use for your pots that is so thin that you can just cut the bottom out, set it in the new pot, and slice up the side so that you can remove it from the plant leaving the roots and "soil" pretty much undisturbed and in their new home waiting on you to add the rest of the "soil" around it.
That sux BeIrie, I feel your pain. I know just what you were going through , as I did the exact same thing this run; including the chicken with his head cut off routine. lol I am reminded of Chermas saying, "K.I.S.S."; but dang its fun to make your own mixes!! I flushed the hell outta them and checked the ppm of the run-off till I was satisfied, took alot of the day for all of them, they have responded but I am unsure when to start adding ferts again. :loopy:

That Connie sure is a looker, and the Blue Thunder looks like she wont disappoint. :grinjoint:
Thanks you two for the consoling words...
I will just move them into the next rotation if they make it.. I keep thinking I am seeing little signs of recovery, but seems my mind is playing tricks on me.. I have plenty of clones to keep them going so if they don't make it then so be it. They haven't started to discolor or dry up yet. They may just need some extra tlc..
OK, a few pics of the ailing two and the rest in the veg room.


White widow and KushBerry- into flowering this week


Hey BE; is that rust on the lower left pic? I have the same symptoms in some of my plants. looks just like rust to me.
If you've really destroyed the majority of a plant's root system, it can no longer support the same canopy it did before.

Solution: Take many cuttings from the plant, leaving a much smaller canopy that (hopefully) the diminished root system will be able to support.

Bonus: You get many cuttings. Even if the original plants don't make it, odds are that you've saved the genetics.
I don't think I destroyed much of the root system... I just had a few good size chunks let loose cause the soil was wet towards the bottom. So it would have been minimal but may have been enough to throw them into shock.. Then on top of that I go in and start taking limbs from them... haha, they are having a rough week too. :smokin: I have plenty to carry on and a few to pass on to some of my fellow caregivers and patients. I may loose some of the battles, but I will win the war... :ganjamon:

Tin, what pic?? I have not seen any rust, I have a few discolored leaves and a few of the plants have nute burn signs... The LED makes everything all funny looking... It highlights the veins and any blemishes the leaves may have.. I have never had to deal with rust ( knocking on wood) yet....
I would be very surprized if i did not see a turn around on your grow. Great man once said "A man is what he thinkth" (think positive get positive, think neg and get neg results ) hang in there man it will turn around.
Sorry to hear about that Be IRIE. When you're experimenting and trying new things, there are bound to be setbacks. All you can do is adjust the parameters and the next time around, I'm sure you'll have great success.

The rest of your garden looks great!! :smokin:


Thanks guys, your positive and encouraging words are appreciated... Sooooooo, the OG is now starting to show signs of life. I have turned off the CFL and am just giving them LED lighting. Trying to make it as stress free as possible. The LA is still struggling, but showing signs of snapping out of it to.
I threw the AI,WW,and the KB into flower yesterday, Since they are smaller then I had hoped before they went into flowering, I left the KB and the WW in their 3 gal pots.. If I have to I will transplant later on, I think they will be OK though. The WW will be close..
Thanks again everyone, all of you good folks make this a great place... :adore::peace:
The OG is looking much better, the LA is still struggling.The flowering room is in full swing.. Things seem to be looking up...
The flowering room

The La (front) and the faster healing (back) OG.

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