VG After Dark Featuring Weedseedsexpress & Mars Hydro TS1000

On a positive note.
Plant auxins will be redistributed and the other buds should bulk up better.

I think that's how that works.
I'm over it. Ever forward!!

(Forever on)
:love: :passitleft:
Yeah, dry those testers up and shmoke away!
I'll try a little. I can always add it to the oil pile if it's too racy.
Aroused and racy!?! What's that like?:hmmmm:

OMG you opened Schrodinger's tent! It will be lovely in oil.

You think correctly!
I'll do fine with my weights.
She looked a bit odd anyway.
Dang! Sorry VG :(
It's fine. I'm all but over it. I swore for a half hour yesterday. Guess that was enough therapy.
I'm back! Seems I've missed quite a bit. I love your lazy cloning method. I have much more success with cloning when I put minimal effort in. Probably says something about me lol.
What happend to that branch that shriveled up? It was looking so good one minute, then boom!

Organic Crack. Sounds lovely.
Yep, we're going to need to know.
I'll let you know how the speed sex goes.;)

I'm just assuming...
Yes you should!
I will. I did!!
I'm back! Seems I've missed quite a bit. I love your lazy cloning method. I have much more success with cloning when I put minimal effort in. Probably says something about me lol.
What happend to that branch that shriveled up? It was looking so good one minute, then boom!

Organic Crack. Sounds lovely.
I supercropped the branch and the buds were too heavy. I went to tie it up and it broke. I attempted to save it but it was too far gone.
I still have 95% of the plant intact. Just a bummer that it's the main.

Welcome back:hug::love:
Nice looking testers... :popcorn:

Read my mind otter!
I realized that I'm gonna have to turkey bag the Sexxpot. I'm pretty much out of jars again.
All of the stores around me are still out of stock.

I'll try the testers tomorrow.
Greetings all!

I've lost all sense of time. The plant that seemed to be just over a week old is actually 2 weeks today. She came up on Turkey day.
I got a notification from myself that she needs her first topdressing today.
I love it when I'm nice to me!!

She is healthy but a bit slow. My room is quite a bit cooler in the winter and that slows the babies down.
I'm looking into getting a heat mat or two sometime soon to remedy this situation.

Charlotte hasn't cracked yet. I dropped her yesterday afternoon.

Thanks for stoppin by!
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