Vladimir's - Coco - Acapulco Gold - Flux - CMH 150W

High Roach

It's Saturday, let's celebrate by watching some barely legal bud porn and take our bongs out :bongrip::bongrip::bongrip::bongrip::bongrip::bongrip:

She's only 18... 18 days into 12/12 that is!


Great Job!

While reading your journal from beginning to end, I would make constructive observations ; but within the following post, you would already correct and improve the situation!
Idea : Considering light is the limiting factor; from a dynamic growth point of view, keeping the avg. lx. the plants are getting now and keep your big gun (hps) for the last period, at this point you could increase those ppms as the plant would then require.

I also read about using an increased amount of red nm a short time before bed (simulating the sun going down). There's research trying to prove that it's helping the plants go to sleep quicker you could potentially start the next day earlier than usual. I've yet to try this myself but I want to!

I'm betting on 156g dry :yummy:

All right everybody I got the lighting plan worked out.
Thank you Snid and Majin.
I have decided to mix the 150W cmh with the 150W hps. Going to install it in time for start of week 3. I decided against the 400W hps because then I would be changing the spectrum drastically from what she used to have. Adding a couple blowers to make a lot of swirl in there to keep heat at the maximum limit but under control.

Installed halo drip ring today...

Right now PPMs are 700 and PH 6 Day temps 30.5C RH %40

I am feeding them less nitrogen for now and have enhanced the Phosphorous levels and Potassium as well.

Stay tuned Comrades and have a swell Sunday!

DAY 19IN 12/12
I'm not sure if the transplant stalled her a little or not. Buds are getting bigger though, and trichs are appearing everywhere.
So no deficiencies from the new flower mix.

Thanks Bob, it is pleasurable to photograph such a spectacular weed.

No Pics today. Busy Busy. Just fed her 3 times today. Going to hook up that timer and pump next week as I go away from the office more often.

PH 5.9 PPM 850

DAY 21 IN 12/12

Going to buy more HID bulbs today, not sure what I'm going to pick up downtown, it's a money spending adventure!

PH 6 PPM 850 Temp Air 31ºC


Beautiful plant man, she is filling out nicely.
Beautiful plant man, she is filling out nicely.

Blow that cash like a Soviet ambassador on a spending spree in New York. Jeans and toilet paper baby!

Bob ;)

Bwah hah hah!

Gorgeous photos of a beautiful plant, Vlad. Classic strain and you're doing her justice!

Thank you Comrades :high-five:

Since this is my only plant, might as well do her justice by taking extra photos. Enjoy!

PPM 850 PH 5.8 Feedings 3 Per day during lights on.

The N has been reduced.. some older leaves are yellowing slightly but it appears to be normal.


High Snid thanks for sending me and my plants the positive energy!

I didn't go look at lights and get anything yesterday, I'm going now. I hope I get something interesting.

Update on the feed : PPM 1000 PH 5.8

I know she still wants to feed heavily since it's only week 3 so no reason to lower PPM yet.

Stay Tuned Comrades


High Comrades :thumb:

Just showing off the new flower zone. I'm running 100 extra watts and the grow room is 4ºC cooler. Works for me ;)

Today's picture updates coming later.


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