Watch This Flux - 1st 420 Outdoor Fluxing - Presents Fluxy Lady - Fully Restrained

Re: Watch This Flux - 1st 420 Outdoor Fluxing - Presents Fluxy Lady - Fully Restraine

here comes slowgro, I see footprints,good man! reading every page and showing his appreciation,

for the posts he "likes" with his thumb (footprints I can see coming).

here ya go slo!:bigtoke:

​Nice Hit :green_heart: ......ummmmm - there was something....what was it.... oh yeah

"slowgro, may boycott for a day, over a reduction in our "IT" dept staff"

It was nice getting paid to sleep, but I'm totally unsuited to a regular job, and unqualified for that one. I've accumulated a smattering of ignorance in a wide range of subjects, but it's not hard to find someone who knows more in most of them. :;): (clueless on your nute/flush Fluxy questions, BTW).

Couldn't stay away a day - I'd spend the next catching back up. Besides, I'm less likely to reply to a post that's 6 pages back - the moment has passed :straightface:

Well - off to edit photos - back in a few pages:bong::passitleft::circle-of-love:
Re: Watch This Flux - 1st 420 Outdoor Fluxing - Presents Fluxy Lady - Fully Restraine

I know, I seen that to late to edit. I thought I would see if anyone else would catch it...LOL I'll leave the other 10% in the air :)

I missed the 10% right away - just couldn't come up with a worthy reply.......
Re: Watch This Flux - 1st 420 Outdoor Fluxing - Presents Fluxy Lady - Fully Restraine

BEST CRACK OF THE DAY, BY sabo:thumb:!! you are precious here :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

leaf blower smack was brilliant!:cheer:

SABO, what about the big fatty I rolled for you? it was in the middle of Les's crumbs, u didn't "blow" it away w yr 18 HP leaf blower did u?

I got to the Big Fattie before Good Ole Lester saw it, but being that he is great friend & buddy, I gave him a big hit :passitleft: and then when he wasn't looking :) I took the leaf blower blew him right out of the garden, because all of the sweeping that I had to do with all that :popcorn: he drops.

Seriously, I think Lester is :smokin: some of that great bud (maybe that humongous Trich) that he grows over in his garden & then comes over here, gets the munchies and drops half of his :popcorn: and doesn't even realize it. That is some real potent smoke that he manages to conjure up in his lovely garden, so I always forgive him. :adore:

Re: Watch This Flux - 1st 420 Outdoor Fluxing - Presents Fluxy Lady - Fully Restraine

:thumb:Great work SABO,:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: my yard is spotless, where did my grass go? that machine has power

I think my new guard dogs could smell his black cat on him, they were barking ferociously, and I got a glimpse of,

what appeared to be those "Lethal Sandals" running from the dogs as they tested the strength the 5/8 chain,

almost uprooting my shade tree, in their effort to get a taste of that cat scent on his shoes!
Re: Watch This Flux - 1st 420 Outdoor Fluxing - Presents Fluxy Lady - Fully Restraine

:thumb:Great work SABO,:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: my yard is spotless, where did my grass go? that machine has power

I think my new guard dogs could smell his black cat on him, they were barking ferociously, and I got a glimpse of,

what appeared to be those "Lethal Sandals" running from the dogs as they tested the strength the 5/8 chain,

almost uprooting my shade tree, in their effort to get a taste of that cat scent on his shoes!

Nope, when I aimed the blower at Lester when he wasn't looking, he lost his balance, started to roll and took out the grass. Sorry about tearing up your grass & all, but Lester while rolling, was trying to keep his sandals on and grabbed the tree. I saw all of the damage, so I figured I'd just blow him off of the tree before it snapped. :)
Re: Watch This Flux - 1st 420 Outdoor Fluxing - Presents Fluxy Lady - Fully Restraine

:byebye:Lester, 8:27 PM, I saw my very first BAD MOTH tonight,

he was playing in my tree, 8 feet away from the moth chair.

I hate to report, that he escaped my 10 foot bait-net. Immediately,

I had to deploy the tripod lace barrier atop of Purple Muxy.

What was in your yard today?:passitleft:
Re: Watch This Flux - 1st 420 Outdoor Fluxing - Presents Fluxy Lady - Fully Restraine

just you saying that is giving me an urge to click it :rofl:
Re: Watch This Flux - 1st 420 Outdoor Fluxing - Presents Fluxy Lady - Fully Restraine

Lady V, this is fluxin' "like wow, man!", you just HIT your 3rd century thumb aka "show of appreciation" here, in ONE day!

never seen so much :green_heart: .............

420 won't let me REP again, so please settle for these, :passitleft::passitleft::passitleft::passitleft::passitleft::passitleft:

thanks again LV, you should buy a lotto ticket, lol. that will never happen again, ever!
Re: Watch This Flux - 1st 420 Outdoor Fluxing - Presents Fluxy Lady - Fully Restraine

just you saying that is giving me an urge to click it :rofl:

lol, care to comment on this Nitrogen def. discussion, from pages starting around, 1 PM PDT? no pressure Chron,

I THINK we have it figured out, but there is just a little uncertainty:thanks:

here's the pic again, leaves curly & twisting to the point you will see their undersides, when plant is viewed from the top
Re: Watch This Flux - 1st 420 Outdoor Fluxing - Presents Fluxy Lady - Fully Restraine

Morning Trichster

It's 6:30 in the am. I just looked out and the weather is not

so good, but my garden girly has survived the night.

Would you like a pic of her today ?
Re: Watch This Flux - 1st 420 Outdoor Fluxing - Presents Fluxy Lady - Fully Restraine

Good day sir

Just got done with Harvest, It took 3 guys 4 days to get this weed from Monster cut, trimmed, Washed, Manicured, dried and Jared.

Ok so all the weed is dry and in the jars, i Must say the humidity was SO low the dry time was 4 days, ok so what you all have been waiting for thw weight of the dried & trimmed weed in the jars is 682 g or 25 oz for you guys in the States.

Well a good night to you all... a full update will follow over in My yard!!


Best and Blessed

:adore: :circle-of-love:
Re: Watch This Flux - 1st 420 Outdoor Fluxing - Presents Fluxy Lady - Fully Restraine

I Googled!! I am going to agree with the nitrogen def. Not because I really know for sure, but because I saw pictures that are similar. Pretty darn scientific, huh?
Re: Watch This Flux - 1st 420 Outdoor Fluxing - Presents Fluxy Lady - Fully Restraine

Morning Trichster

It's 6:30 in the am. I just looked out and the weather is not

so good, but my garden girly has survived the night.

Would you like a pic of her today ?

thanks BB:thumb:, you must have good retention, when you read. Upon my re-reading 420 guidelines,
I will for the first time ever, say no thank you, please do not change the current discussion in this thread.
I know that I encouraged, what I call TRESPASS posting.

After reading the guidelines, it makes good sense.

Re: Watch This Flux - 1st 420 Outdoor Fluxing - Presents Fluxy Lady - Fully Restraine

Good day sir

Just got done with Harvest, It took 3 guys 4 days to get this weed from Monster cut, trimmed, Washed, Manicured, dried and Jared.

Ok so all the weed is dry and in the jars, i Must say the humidity was SO low the dry time was 4 days, ok so what you all have been waiting for thw weight of the dried & trimmed weed in the jars is 682 g or 25 oz for you guys in the States.

Well a good night to you all... a full update will follow over in My yard!!

Best and Blessed

:adore: :circle-of-love:

:bravo: very well done Rooster!! great trimming work the 3 of you accomplished,

thank you for the great (& last, lol) trespass share:goodjob:

Best of luck in your Plant of the Month CROWN! You had a comfortable lead last I checked, :thumb:

a true SPECTACLE of a MONSTER! :high-five:
Re: Watch This Flux - 1st 420 Outdoor Fluxing - Presents Fluxy Lady - Fully Restraine

I Googled!! I am going to agree with the nitrogen def. Not because I really know for sure, but because I saw pictures that are similar. Pretty darn scientific, huh?


That! is an example of a member that I cherish, here!! :adore: MagicMediwana aka

M&Ms :adore:, always have been one of my FAVORITES!!!:thanks:

As written by Robert Hunter: "Women are Smarter"
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