This Kali China always had a few odd twists to its leaves. I thought it would outgrow it, but it seems to be progressing into a full-on mutant.

You never know what a mutant may bring :rofl:
A couple shots of the test zombie
I like the zebra look


I did that thing again where I unsubbed from all my subscribed threads. So here I am resubbing to this one.

My flowering room, which is actually now my veg room. Last night I switched the lights to 24/0 just for the hell of it and to make it easier to work. In a few more days I think I will have gotten enough of these raggedy ass plants big enough to make it worthwhile to start flowering some.

Mostly lately I’ve been working outside the grow trying to hack back some of the wilderness from the doorstep, along with annual upkeep of various other stealthy measures, and general manic labour to ease the stress.

Enjoy the blinding whiteness while it lasts friends. I already had to kick a bunch of rubble out of the way just for the photos. All this clean white shit- all just a fantasy.

That’s Ricardo Montauban in the corner on the right. Hard to see because he blends in so good but he says hi and welcome everybody.

Unfortunately we will not be staying on Fantasy Island for much longer. Prepare to return to reality soon where more screwups and scenes of devastation and filth no doubt await.

My neighbourhood has gone mad and I am actively making plans to move out of here. It will take time because I am pretty well entrenched after a couple decades in this spot, so I will not be shutting the grow down right away I think.

Weather been hot and sunny here out west. Probably heading your way. (?)
Following your plants for the past few years, I always envisioned your grow area as a 40’x80’ metal building with a loft area for veg. That might be exaggerating a bit, but you do a lot with what you have. I‘ve been in my home for 5 years and still haven’t hung a single picture or clock. I knew my neighborhood went mad years before I ever bought the home. The room looks good in white. It looks just as good in gray. Well done on the cleanup! Standing by for 12/12!
The madness is everywhere my friend, the last couple years has just shown it a bit better. Sorry to hear your neighborhood has gone to the pasture smells.
Some warm weather sounds like a welcome change from the cold dampness, my bones don't like this chill in the air.
Hope prices on reality haven't soared around you yet, it's insane over here.

Take care brother
Wow replies. Exciting! Thanks guys. I remember the days when we all used to get lots of replies in our journals. I would take it for granted -in fact I would often run away from my own journal for a few days and come back later because I couldn’t deal with the number of replies. Now not so much. Hard to believe there are only about three people on PotChimp’s great journal. Things change.

Spitz I know I mentioned this before but it’s so brilliant that I have to mention it again. I don’t know if you remember Uncle Cannabis, but at one point he mentioned the idea of sheets of plywood as a grow measurement unit. I shortened it to SOP.

The two plant platforms in my flowering room are 39” x 48” and the one in veg is a bit under 48” square.

Altogether my growing space works out to less than 1.3 SOP. Pretty small farm hey?

The madness
I had been hoping to escape the madness for quite a while longer but a very aggressive large group of survivalist types from the US has moved in next to me recently.

Escaping their own madness I guess. They actually think they are doing a good thing by destroying a huge tract of old growth forest and logging scraping and burning it into a moonscape with heavy machinery, so they can make a big farm and survive their apocalypse here or whatever the hell they’re on about.

They are the apocalypse for me instead. Come all the way from Tennessee to destroy a thousand year old forest to try to make a farm, in one of the coldest wettest rainiest climates around?

I guess this place is an easy target for them- they actually think they’re doing a good thing. They just have no understanding or caring for the land or the spirit of this place. it’s all backwards. People can be so weird.

We seem to be powerless to do anything about it locally and have pretty much run out of options.

Anyway, bitching aside, I am working on the concept of moving but it’s a fairly epic thing to get my head around.

Now that they are ramping up the destruction, I may end up shutting down the grow anyway so it’s kind of weird that I’m fixing it up -but it gives me something to do. And it will be in good form if/when I do need to use it.
Wow replies. Exciting! Thanks guys. I remember the days when we all used to get lots of replies in our journals. I would take it for granted -in fact I would often run away from my own journal for a few days and come back later because I couldn’t deal with the number of replies. Now not so much. Hard to believe there are only about three people on PotChimp’s great journal. Things change.

Spitz I know I mentioned this before but it’s so brilliant that I have to mention it again. I don’t know if you remember Uncle Cannabis, but at one point he mentioned the idea of sheets of plywood as a grow measurement unit. I shortened it to SOP.

The two plant platforms in my flowering room are 39” x 48” and the one in veg is a bit under 48” square.

Altogether my growing space works out to less than 1.3 SOP. Pretty small farm hey?

I had been hoping to escape the madness for quite a while longer but a very aggressive large group of survivalist types from the US has moved in next to me very recently.

Escaping their own madness I guess. They actually think they are doing a good thing by destroying a huge tract of old growth forest and logging scraping and burning it into a moonscape so they can make a big farm and survive their apocalypse here or whatever the hell they’re on about.

They are the apocalypse for me instead. Come all the way from Tennessee to destroy a thousand year old forest to try to make a farm, in one of the coldest wettest rainiest climates around?

I guess this place is an easy target for them- they actually think they’re doing a good thing. They just have no understanding or caring for the land or the spirit of this place. it’s all backwards. People can be so weird.

We seem to be powerless to do anything about it locally and have pretty much run out of options.

Anyway, bitching aside, I am working on the concept of moving but it’s a fairly epic thing to get my head around.
To be honest- I usually keep my replies on your journal quiet, only as I rarely have much to contribute to some of your conversations (cause it was over my head in an amazing learning type way). That and I never want to be a PITA.

Yeah....I don't blame you, and you have my heartfelt sympathy to have your corner carved up. Too many watch reality shows and think "oh look honey, we could easily do that". I grew up on a farm- I remember enough to know it's not something that gets picked up easily.

I live too close to a big city- everyone is migrating to the countryside. I complain, yet I'm one, though I consider it a partial return to my roots. But seeing houses being overbid by 100k is just disgusting.

Hopefully come winter they'll reconsider, but by then that old growth will be gone.

Things have changed, covid has changed the way the world is doing business- & the dust hasn't settled yet.

I wish you luck & tranquility my friend :Namaste:
Thanks kindly Rexer. I will continue to forge ahead. If this is the way things are going then I will definitely be heading further into the bush away from people.

If this is really happening, once their death machine really gets going over there, there’s a pretty good chance I’m gonna have to shut things down here and leave to escape the sound of it.

The gf and I do have a line on some property way out in the bush but it’s a very long distance. Boat access only and a very distant boat access at that. The logistics are daunting but someone has to do this kinda shit -may as well be me.

I highly doubt I can find anyone to fully caretake my place, so if that happens I will probably be shutting down the grow, other than putting a few plants outside and hoping for the best. We shall see how it goes.
I may end up shutting down the grow anyway so it’s kind of weird that I’m fixing it up -

I have every intention of shutting my grow down as quick as is feasible for me, but like you, until that day comes, I will continue giving it my best effort.
Hi Weasel, I'm one of those that rarely contributes cause I don't have a lot to say but enjoy what's your thread has to offer with you. Good luck trying to escape, I've settled on a being little out of it but overpopulation continually encroaches and the squeeze is on everywhere. "Make the best of what's going down in a world that;s running down" :Namaste:
That shit pisses me off. I'd be contemplating a little of the ole sabotage if I were in your place. It blows my mind that people from Tennessee are going to live where you are because they think survival will be easier. Tennessee can't deal with more than a couple inches of snow with a full weeks warning. How the hell....ugh. Fucking people. Ope...there's that vein in my forehead...time to stop.

Well, Happy 420, Mr. Weasel! Try to enjoy some part of it.

I try to contemplate what actions will actually make things better and make the world a better place. Contemplation is very fucking difficult right now though I must say, with the noise of the slaughter.

Happy 420= party time:passitleft:

Cheers Dynamo, and everyone.
Happy 4:21


Switched a minimal number of plants to flowering and then ran away from home for a couple days to escape the noise. I am amazed to see how much the plants grew under the LEDs in two days.

Also happy to have that nice natural spectrum in there - I can finally see them properly after all these years.

I think now the Kali China isn’t really a mutant. The leaves just start out looking funny, but seem to turn out well enough later on.

The two LOS plants in the ‘probably not ready yet but I’ll try it anyway’ mix. Hmmm.
The mix definitely wasn’t ready yet but I think is progressing closer to something useable. Weather got warmer so I trust that the main pile in the greenhouse is doing its thing

The two LOS victims have been showing an amazing rainbow of deficiencies. @The Celt told me this is normal behaviour for plants in soil undergoing a microbe explosion, and to just ride it out.

The Blue Dream got watered more and showed more issues. This is her a week ago

The other one is a Durple Pream - GDP x Blue Dream as bred by former member Big Irish Doode. She was watered less and showed less issues.
I think they’re getting through it slowly. The latest fashion of the day for them is iron deficiency.

I have the DP in flowering but kept the LOS Blue Dream in veg. She was a nice plant and it would be good to see her get nice again.
I did that thing again where I unsubbed from all my subscribed threads. So here I am resubbing to this one.

Enjoy the blinding whiteness while it lasts friends. I already had to kick a bunch of rubble out of the way just for the photos. All this clean white shit- all just a fantasy.
Mind if I sub in? And I had to laugh at the “blinding whiteness fantasy”. For a minute there I though you’d gone all Mr. Clean on us. It looks amazing though!

Wow replies. Exciting! Thanks guys. I remember the days when we all used to get lots of replies in our journals. I would take it for granted -in fact I would often run away from my own journal for a few days and come back later because I couldn’t deal with the number of replies. Now not so much. Hard to believe there are only about three people on PotChimp’s great journal. Things change.
I’ve noticed the same thing. It’s very different here today than it was three years ago. I’ve taken to answering unanswered threads just for fun and to welcome new members. I wouldn’t have had the time or inclination to do that in the past.

Anyway, it’s good to be here in your journal once again. I’ll endeavor to keep the chatter on topic.
Mind if I sub in? And I had to laugh at the “blinding whiteness fantasy”. For a minute there I though you’d gone all Mr. Clean

Thanks Rider. Very nice to hear from you again. Please post anything you like anytime. It’s all part of the soup. :D Not sure whether this journal is coming or going right now but that is probably what I always say.

Things change. I remember ten years ago before I joined, reading posts in this forum by dial-up internet, trying to figure out how to grow indoors. Then later having paranoia attacks that ‘they’ were after me and wiping my computer history, huddling in a corner panicking. That was before I quit smoking dealer weed and started growing sativas ha ha.

I had to laugh at the whiteness illusion too. It’s pretty funny. I mean it was funny. Not white anymore. :laughtwo:

The excitement of the day here was -I think my Pineapple Chunk pollination efforts are finally working. Looks like I’m getting seeds. Yay! I’ve been trying to get somewhere with this same plant for over five years now. I’m going to cross it with everything I can and then let it RIP.

Very very little pollen has actually been produced after all my spraying and spraying. But there’s a tiny bit.

Thanks to a comment by @NuttyProfessor that I happened to notice, I have been drying the fallen pods above the woodstove. That helps to get them to release any few pollen grains they might have to offer.

A couple promising looking Ace freebie seedlings.

I like the looks of this Zamaldelica. Anyone grown this one before, maybe Graytail? (My phone just auto corrected your name to Gray Towel... :hmmmm: )
Pineapple Chunk... :love:
That MamaThai x Pineapple Chunk and the MamaThai x ThaiStik of yours were absolute monsters when I grew them. I got 6lbs 11.5ozs from three plants. Three VERY big plants. I still have hash pucks compressed in waxed paper from that grow. I’m sure by now that’s all they are... pucks, even though they’ve been stored hermetically.
Mr GrayTowel did indeed grow some Zams. :laughtwo:

Mine, though, were DrZiggy's crosses - all Ace sativas - 5 in a tent - full pollen chuck. But I grew enough of 'em to know what the buzz is, and I like it. Most of them had a strong strawberry aroma and a zippy African kind of high.

It looks like you have a nice one - healthy thang. :love:
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