WEEGrow Veg Room By Bill284

Do indications point to the light being the cause? If so, they have some work to do with what happened to @Websissy too.
Good morning @VetSmoke85 hope you are doing well my friend.
What happened to @Websissy geeze is she ok.:love:
I don't want to say anything this point.:Namaste:
Still waiting on lab testing results.
What I can tell you is.
The only thing running was a 200w light on lowest setting on the dial.
And a Dysan fan set on low. Sitting on the floor by the door.
You could probably plug in the fan and it will still work.
Slightly melted casing on plug cord.
I ran 2 600 watt lights on same circuit for almost 5 years straight.
No problems whatsoever.
A 300 watt light for a month.
No problems.
The outlet they were plugged into just above ground level looks fine.
Ceiling is burnt.
And panda film that was on the walls is burnt.
Panda film is flammable and toxic when it burns so be careful please.
Only circuit breaker that popped was that room.
There were two other fans in the room but they were not plugged in.
Those are undisputed facts.
Until I get lab results I don't want to say anything about our sponsors.
I'll let you know what info I get from the lab when I get it.
Just please check your smoke detectors.
And get a full size fire extinguisher.
The little are for putting out burnt toast.
Seriously they discharge in seconds.
Then your left standing there watching your life go up in flames.
Be safe everyone.
Good morning @VetSmoke85 hope you are doing well my friend.
What happened to @Websissy geeze is she ok.:love:
I don't want to say anything this point.:Namaste:
Still waiting on lab testing results.
What I can tell you is.
The only thing running was a 200w light on lowest setting on the dial.
And a Dysan fan set on low. Sitting on the floor by the door.
You could probably plug in the fan and it will still work.
Slightly melted casing on plug cord.
I ran 2 600 watt lights on same circuit for almost 5 years straight.
No problems whatsoever.
A 300 watt light for a month.
No problems.
The outlet they were plugged into just above ground level looks fine.
Ceiling is burnt.
And panda film that was on the walls is burnt.
Panda film is flammable and toxic when it burns so be careful please.
Only circuit breaker that popped was that room.
There were two other fans in the room but they were not plugged in.
Those are undisputed facts.
Until I get lab results I don't want to say anything about our sponsors.
I'll let you know what info I get from the lab when I get it.
Just please check your smoke detectors.
And get a full size fire extinguisher.
The little are for putting out burnt toast.
Seriously they discharge in seconds.
Then your left standing there watching your life go up in flames.
Be safe everyone.
I'm great thanks buddy. Over here crossing everything that all this gets sorted for you. Yeah she's fine but she had an issue a few months back where something touched the board and it arced and burnt. Think a resistor went bang.
All good my friend.
I just realized this is a long weekend.
Shouldn't you be feet up in a boat somewhere.
Heading out tomorrow morning my friend. Under normal circumstances I would put out a invite but there will be other times when you get life settled.
Unless you want to jump in now when I pass by and just say fuck it lmao:surf:
Play safe my friend
So glad things are starting to get a little better each day, soon enough this will all be a faded nightmare of the past.

Looks like you're getting some funds from WeeGrow, as well as GoFundMe, and the sellers are being compassionate.

Really looking forward to seeing the report. I wonder if they'll be able to tell if it was the light that sparked fire or if the yoyo hanger broke and caused it to crash and burn.

Regardless, we all have your back and we'll all get through this together brother :high-five:

Sending you, Stacey and the fur babies lots of love and positive healing energy through the universe :Namaste:
So glad things are starting to get a little better each day, soon enough this will all be a faded nightmare of the past.

Looks like you're getting some funds from WeeGrow, as well as GoFundMe, and the sellers are being compassionate.

Really looking forward to seeing the report. I wonder if they'll be able to tell if it was the light that sparked fire or if the yoyo hanger broke and caused it to crash and burn.

Regardless, we all have your back and we'll all get through this together brother :high-five:

Sending you, Stacey and the fur babies lots of love and positive healing energy through the universe :Namaste:
Insurance company adjuster called late Friday afternoon .
He sounded positive.
Would not give me any details until he confirmed a couple things.
But he did say we are allowed back in the house.
So ill go over this weekend and snap a couple pics.
Thats the best news we have had in ages.
Hopefully we get great news from them Tuesday morning.
Monday is a holiday.
If they come through on Tuesday morning ill get the gofundme taken down as I don't want people donating if insurance is going to get back on board.
But without everyone helping we would have been on the street so I can't thank you and everyone who stepped up in our toughest hours enough.
Sincerely thank you all.
We would have been lost without your love and help.
Good news to come Im positive.
Oh and no word from WeeGrow since their initial contact.
Thank you all so so much.
Bill & Stacey
Hi, you two.

You can tell by the way you are writing, that you have a bit of a spring in your step. I can't see any reason why it won't be good news on Tuesday.
Non of this was done deliberately, it's accidental. That's what insurance companies insure you for.
Is it frowned upon by the insurance companies for you to grow cannabis? If you were growing chilli plants would it be analysed differently?
We are both thinking of you two constantly. Sending happy vibes:green_heart:
Hi, you two.

You can tell by the way you are writing, that you have a bit of a spring in your step. I can't see any reason why it won't be good news on Tuesday.
Non of this was done deliberately, it's accidental. That's what insurance companies insure you for.
Is it frowned upon by the insurance companies for you to grow cannabis? If you were growing chilli plants would it be analysed differently?
We are both thinking of you two constantly. Sending happy vibes:green_heart:
I don't understand it myself.
You can make wine and beer in your basement and flood the house and they don't investigate and make you feel like an outcast.
Fall asleep with a cigarette and burn your house down.
And they jump right in.
Plug in one little led and all of a sudden they bring in nasa telescopes to check for heat signatures.
Any excuse to save a nickel.
But its a burden to those in true need.
Thank you so much Squiggle.
Say hi to the lovely wife for me.
Bill & Stacey :love:
i strongly suspect they are caught exactly where i thought they were in my initial comments.

which is to say you are probably in a non-fault position requiring an obligation from the insurer.
Oh god...good! Insurance companies are all dicks. Bill you and yours have been in my mind a lot since the fire. I can't imagine the emotional shit you've been dealing with but omg you're safe and yeah...fire is scary. Do you think you could have done anything reasonable to prevent the fire? Asking because now I'm heavily reevaluating my grow areas to the point I'm thinking a fire suppression system might not be out of line.
Oh god...good! Insurance companies are all dicks. Bill you and yours have been in my mind a lot since the fire. I can't imagine the emotional shit you've been dealing with but omg you're safe and yeah...fire is scary. Do you think you could have done anything reasonable to prevent the fire? Asking because now I'm heavily reevaluating my grow areas to the point I'm thinking a fire suppression system might not be out of line.
Thank you so much Copper.
I could not have prevented the fire from starting.
I can’t say what started it to be politically correct if you understand what I’m saying.
But it wasn’t wiring or over loading or anything I did wrong.
I was an electrician before my accident and I know what not to do.
I was allowed back in the house yesterday.
You can see in the pics I’ll post now that it started directly above where I hung the light.
That’s where the worst charing occurred.
What I could have done.
And I recommend anyone to do is put drywall directly above your light.
In fact if I had of dry walled the room first all that would have happened was the light would have melted the plastic hangers and fell on the plants.
By then the two smoke detectors would have alerted me and I could have just put the dam thing out.
The plug on the wall is not even damaged.
The entire ceiling was engulfed though and caught the panda film which burnt to the ground.
They took the light but all that was left is the ceramic plate with the diodes.
So I don’t think that they can get any results from that.
In short any fire retardant ceiling and wall coverings are your best bet.
And smoke detectors and a full size fire extinguisher are your best line of defense.
I’m optimistic the insurance will come good Tuesday morning.
The adjuster finally called on Friday to tell us he was optimistic and just had a couple things to confirm.
So we may still be able to move up north to our dream home.
But between lawyers fees and paying the buyer and seller fees it’s probably going to cost an extra $20.000.
It doesn’t matter at this point though it’s better than the alternative.
So we are trying to stay positive.
And thanks to you and everyone else here we are doing ok.
Thank you all so much.
Bill & Stacey






Hey Bill
Wtf?… didn’t know anything about this..:( .. Thought you where chokka block busy. And maybe a bit too maxed out to put up with my bolox..or worse than that.. I’d upset the most chilled guy on the planet somehow..fme mate..
Hope your both well Bill ..
and if there’s a help out Bill fund to donate to somewhere, count us in over here.. :(
So sorry matey… keep yourselves safe..
Best wishes from Buds clan❤️
Hey Bill
Wtf?… didn’t know anything about this..:( .. Thought you where chokka block busy. And maybe a bit too maxed out to put up with my bolox..or worse than that.. I’d upset the most chilled guy on the planet somehow..fme mate..
Hope your both well Bill ..
and if there’s a help out Bill fund to donate to somewhere, count us in over here.. :(
So sorry matey… keep yourselves safe..
Best wishes from Buds clan❤️
The worst part is what I did to Stacey.
The only thing she ever asked of me was to never have a fire .
I broke her heart. And Chewy almost died two days after the fire.
Guilt was unbearable for a while there.
But we are both in a better spot now.
Please check my post in frequently asked questions.
Fire prevention.
Please my friend head my advice
Hold on ill get the like for you @Bud Love
Read that please.
And tell everyone you talk to.
Thanks mucker. I miss talking to you and seeing your stuff.
But life has taken a left turn on me.
Thank you for your FAQ post, Bill. I have added it to my signature.

The possibility of fire is why I quit growing indoors - it just isn’t worth the anxiety.

I am so sad and sorry to read about your experience and loss. But so glad that you and your family are alive and safe.
Hi Bill

I’m glad things are falling into place for you.

And thanks for the tips to avoid fire. Tbh I bought a fire alarm for my flower room the very next day.

Fingers crossed you receive everything you are entitled from your insurance company.
Does anyone understand
I’m assuming this is a reimbursement from them to go tword damages.

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