Welcome To My New Journal - OMMSOG

Yeah I had bad luck with my second SOG set I defoilated at the wrong day I dont know for sure what day or I might have taken to many that were close to a budsite but they are all stunted I have a WW and papaya that are 18 days younger and twice the size so im thinking of just scraping them they have 2 weeks left and replacing them with 16 I have ready now but I not sure though but im at day 21 on my next set for sure anf im going to trim half and leave half and see what happens does day make the huge a difference in what happens after? Ne how looking nice OMM :thumb: :bravo:

That's a shame Buddy :smokin:

I see that Mr. Krip has answered you, I would follow his advise. Sure glad you have some replacements for them. You could also, do like I do and use your Journal as a time line. Anything I do I put the date in my Journal so I have a record of what and when I do things. Sure helps me. :high-five:
Hi Mr Mud-Pie! I've been looking at your girls and I think you need to do what I did to my White Russian.
Flush them big time and then give them a light dose of cal mag. They look like they are suffering from nute burn. At least that is my opinion. Good luck Brother. :Namaste:

Thats what I need to do. My white russians are not getting with the program!! :high-five:
Hey there guys can u help out sherley and check her out idk what is wrong with her but she still isn't 100% healthy like nute burn or something

Hi Mr Mud-Pie! I've been looking at your girls and I think you need to do what I did to my White Russian.
Flush them big time and then give them a light dose of cal mag. They look like they are suffering from nute burn. At least that is my opinion. Good luck Brother. :Namaste:

Mr M-P, I'd do exactly what OMM is suggesting EXCEPT, I don't think you need to add any Cal-Mag (or, if you're using R/O, no more than usual). I had recommended OMM add some Cal-Mag after his flush because his plants appeared to have a Mag deficiency. It looks like your plants are just burnt and don't have a Mag deficiency. Also, being you're growing in soil and your plants are still pretty young, you don't need to add any nutes. The plants will get all the nutes they need from the soil for quite some time. You can transplant anytime to outdoors, but I'd wait until the 3rd set of new leaves (not counting the cotyledon) which should ensure you have a "sturdy" plant by then. :goodluck:

BTW...what is your temp & RH? You may want to make sure those are in check also! :Namaste:
How big are your buds usually at day 21 (size of dime-nickel-quarter) Ohyea thanks KRIP you always help a "brotha" out :thanks: :Namaste:

The 3rd row from the right, starting with #16, are the plants at around 3-weeks and this pic was taken the very day plant #16 turned 21-days. I can't tell if I defoliated 16 before the pic was taken (it does look like it!), but the three plants behind her were all defoliated within a few days of the pic:

Here are some pictures of my outdoor girls. My good friend sqwheels wanted to see them :Namaste:

A group shot


The Little Hawaiian Girl


The Vintage


The little Hawaiian seems to like the outdoors......the Vintage certainly does. :thumb:
The Story Continues……………………………………………….OMM looks for Love

Well, the sweet little Lawyer to be girl finished her Military time and took off for college.
She left a big hole in my life and my son Tao’s too. She was like a part of the family.

I didn’t realize that I wasn’t doing anything much, until one Friday night. As Tao was going out the door he stopped at the door and asked me if I wanted him to stay home with me. In his words, he said “Dad all you do is sit around at night. You want me to stay and keep you company?’. Huh? He was right, I just stayed at home. I told him no and he took off.

I grabbed the newspaper and started looking for singles meetings. Monterey is a pretty nice place and there were some single places. The first place I tried was at the courtyard at a nice restaurant. They met on Saturday afternoon. I worn one of my Italian suits, I’m glad I did. I didn’t stay long. It was a bunch of yuppies all trying to out do each other.
Screw. that!

Next was a nondenominational Church that met on Saturday night. The first night I went, I was in the kitchen getting myself a drink of lemon aid and there was this 6 foot 3 woman telling me how horny she was. She intimidated. the hell out of me.
When I was 12 years old I was five eleven, I just knew that I was going to have basketball Jones life. I never grew another inch! Anyway, she walked over and poked me in the chest and said “ You blew it Buddy, this was your chance!” Gulp!

I liked the place, so I continued to go there, before long I started facilitating singles groups and that was fun. That’s where I met “The Pink Lady”. She was a redhead and Jewish. She loved to be called a JAP. A Jewish American Princess. Which she was..

We started dating. We both loved Art and we went to many exhibitions and shows together. I liked this woman. After about a month and a half she asked if I want to go with her to meet her sister who lived in Berkley. I said yes, it had been years since I had been to Bezerkly.

When we got to her sisters place, she gave us our own bedroom. We had not had sex yet, but we did that night and it was ….. sweet. Nothing spectacular…just sweet.

From that point on I spent most of my nights at her house. This woman was feminine through and through. Her whole house was feminine. Her bed was the kind that you practically had to have a ladder to get in to it. Posh comforters and big pillows, the whole bit.

One night after we had made love. I was doing my stud thing with my hands behind my head and she was snuggled up to me. She started telling me about when she had lived in France and that an older French man had taught her everything she knew about sex.
I lay there and thought to myself “Holy shit! She has forgotten everything he had taught her!”, I was nice and didn’t say a word,
As time went by, I realized that I did really want to be with her much longer. She was wonderful as a person, but I wanted a bit more of the kind of women I liked. One with more spirit. I would miss her 9 year old daughter, she had spirit.

We sat down one day and I told her the way I felt and she said she thought as much as I did. We really didn’t fit. For a long time I would visit her and see how she was doing. We really were fiends.

To be Continued………………………………………Col. Ord’s Division

Hi OMM and thanks for the nice welcome!

I will look further into super cropping; sounds I might need that someday for my Spicy White Devil. I'm familiar with FIMming now, you can check my first FIM-job in my journal. I will upload a picture later this day, about how nice the FIM turned out. I crippled a few leaves though :) Thanks for being welcome with newbie questions!
Hi OMM and thanks for the nice welcome!

I will look further into super cropping; sounds I might need that someday for my Spicy White Devil. I'm familiar with FIMming now, you can check my first FIM-job in my journal. I will upload a picture later this day, about how nice the FIM turned out. I crippled a few leaves though :) Thanks for being welcome with newbie questions!

Hey Buddy. :high-five:

I was just over at your place.....nice grow you have going. Cheers Mate! :goodjob:
Wait....Girl(S) as in plural?? I must have missed it, but when did you put the Hi out with the Vintage?? Stop tempting those A-holes OMM!:skeptical:
Ah hell, I guess it's impossible to keep you from doing what you love to do best.....
I still say you and THsea revisit a security concept, so you can just move out there perminently...Shit man, you've put that much money into the indoor grow!:Namaste:
Wait....Girl(S) as in plural?? I must have missed it, but when did you put the Hi out with the Vintage?? Stop tempting those A-holes OMM!:skeptical:
Ah hell, I guess it's impossible to keep you from doing what you love to do best.....
I still say you and THsea revisit a security concept, so you can just move out there perminently...Shit man, you've put that much money into the indoor grow!:Namaste:

Hi Quix! :high-five: I put her out at THsea's request a day or two ago. The Hawaiian was going no where. She already looks better. They are in 1.6 gallon AirPots so they wont be very big.

Well, there is so many other things that the house needs. Spending that much money again is not in the cards right now. Actually I think the thieves would see it as challenge. I sure would love to go outside again, that's where I've done the best, like you said.
THsea wants to put cow traps all over the place......that would get me a big time lawsuit. :Rasta:
Well she looks great out there with the Vintage...I understand about the money, for sure...Here's sending good vibes for a successful run outdoors(Shhhhhh.....):circle-of-love:
Oh, and T minus 6 days....I'm freakin out a little waiting for word of the newest additions to the deal!! I don't see myself ordering anything if that's all there's gonna be!!
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